
[Date, 05 July 231 Federation Year]

"Ha..... " Rendi sigh as he remember that tomorrow is the awakening day.

Awakening day is where he/she turn 15 and it always proceed on 28th of the month, and that's the day their future are being settle.

Why ? because this when he/she get to know what their persona is, persona is as it say it come from word personal so in most of case persona would be unique power that just belong to them but there is some cases that persona is so strong that it become legacy, and there is even luckier guy where he/she got their own persona and legacy we call it dual persona, and in my place there is no record of triple persona.

As my self you ask ?.

I have a super powerfull dad his name is Ryan mc Arthur the 4 of dual persona in my sattelite town and already gone to Atlantic Ocean as for reason who give a f**k reson to 1 years old kid, I dont even gonna understand.

But as time goes i do ask why is my dad leave, same as always to become a HERO.

'Are you so retard that you leave your family behind so become a f**king HERO' in Rendi thought if this answer is given but didn't dare to voice it out.

but something strange about me you see my dad have a legacy but from what i know you can use legacy from birth it's not like persona where you need to be at 15 so you can use your persona but, as from birth until now i can never use legacy, my dad legacy is berserk it like when you close to death, or fighting for your own belive, or you lose a huge amount of blood this skill will activate automatically and not until you 15 you can get fully control it when ever you like, but i did all of scenario to try activate this skill like i accidentally drown when i was 4 it's not activate, or when i fight a 2 kid that bashing that i don't have dad, or at beast rush when i was 6 it never happen, so yeah i don't wanna come to awakening day because i afraid my last known bond to my dad is never there to begin with.

"Rendi, wake up help mom harvest this herb" as My mom shout from back yard ' how, how did she knew i woke up, i very sure she doesn't have any detect skill or persona, ah what ever lah as i thought when i force my self wake up from the best bed ever.

"Coming" as i shout to confirm her menial task.

[Resfi Ray]

[Energy 532]

[Nanobot Lvl. 1.1]

[Nanobot Gear] : Ward Of Life (Support Type)

STR. : 10

CON. : 10

WIS : 20

SPT : 15

[Persona] : Tend (★★☆☆☆)


- Tend (Persona Default Skill)

- Nature Afinity (Persona)

- Water Call (Amature 5)

- Light Call (Amature 9)

- Body Enhance (Amature 1)

- Nature Call (Basic 1)

- Nature Song (Amature 9)

- Heal (Basic 3)

- Sprint (Amature 4)

- Nature Protect (Basic 5)

So with her own persona and skill she decide become a Herb Caller 'that what she insist to call what her job is' with her Tend (★★☆☆☆) persona she can make herb that need to mature around 10 days become 1 day, but even so her herb is atleast 1 level better than what in market so it always sold out on it first hour, even we have thecnology like foodion it's far better to consume real food that have been nourish by earth energy, so when a energy cook make a food with it it can increase your stat, or energy or in case when using miracle herb they can even get a persona but this kind miracle herb or fruit is super duper ultra mega very minuscule rare and in sattelite town there is just 2 case the right now mayor when he using it he got enchant (★★★★☆) it's literally enchan thing but it cannot use to enchan nanobot, so when he got elect he immediately enchan town armory, town turret, town wall, and anything that related public service like ahooting range, collosium, water treatmen machine, generator, etc, the sexond person is grandpa Wei he is blacksmit or forced to, after he ate the fruit he got Blessing From Creator Star (★★★★★) so basicly when he create thing wheater it's weapon, armor, daily need's item like mug, plat, scissor, etc he can awaken the power on each material he forge so when finished product is done the result always rare, or above, rarely uncommon, but it's like the burden when each time he passively activate this persona he like comunicate with something, and after 5 years doing it "forced to" he got like blank expression all day, hardly communicate, and sometime he act like a crazy person.

"which one ?" Rendi say.

"That the Yellow Margat it's already mature time, and please bring it to Uncle Rahmat, you can take 2 Energy Build Pill he already promise me about that, and don't forget to collect the money herb" My mom say while not even look at me.

"Okay...!!? , wait what" Rendi ask dumbfounded.

"Birthday gift" My mom said while smiling toward me.

"Thank's mom" as i go hug her, i know this Yellow Margart is need mom full 2 years to harvest even with her skill and persona, so she reduce earning while working hard just for me.

"Alright, why you even hug me you are my kid" she said but her action say diffrent as she welcome my hug and even carres my head.

"Hehe, but that old man sure stingy he got about 5 killo Yellow Margart but just give 2 pill" as Rendi say to Resfi

"Gogo, harvest it quick and be ready for tommorow" as Resfi remind Rendi on what about to come.

"Mom i afraid that i don't have what it takes to inherit dad legacy when i di awakening tomorow" as i confess to her.

"i know you worry about legacy?, but let me tell you there is no legacy, your father berserk is what he got from miracle fruit, this is what we hide form public all this year, it was misconception because your grand father have a similar persona it was Blod Essense is just 3 star persona (★★★☆☆) while Berserk is 5 star persona (★★★★★), so it just people mistaken".


"What did you say again ?" Rendi ask.

"It's misunderstanding he got this fruit 2 years after i marry him" mom said.

"So..... all this year's you never told me ?" Rendi ask.

"Yeah.. go already will you" she said nonchantly.

'What The F**k, did you know i almost lost my life just because hoping to have that power' Rendi thought as he began harvesting.

*Direction : Uncle Rahmat* Rendi said inhis mind

*Ding* and there is 2 meter long and 1 meter width arow pointing to outside, which at the uppermost right in my point of sight (it's 1 of nanobot funcition, direction, call, message, watch tv, write something, etc) as he begin walk toward the arrow 10 minute later he arrive at uncle Rahmat house as alchemist he have this huge pot where he mix herb with something and i don't care about it cause i like machine more than anything unlike my father who are a fighter any my mom who are herb caller, i wanna be a mechanic but to be mechanic need a lot of energy cause the suit that mechanic use consume a lot of energy, so this Energy Build Pill is essential for my future direction.

"Uncle.. " as i open the door what i saw is not just Uncle Rahmat but also Robin Han, Robin Han is my no. 1 bully, it's because of him that i so desperate to activate my legacy, he offten say "Huh here HERO kid, where is your HERO father i need help, help.... i need help", he realy like to bully me, i never really remember how i offend this one.

"Hahaha, finaly my herb come" the one who said this is not Uncle Rahmat but this As*h*le.

"Uncle hurry refine it make pill 20 right i have Grade 3 beast core already" Robin said to Uncle Rahmat after taking my herb.

"Nono little lad the deal is 18, 2 for Rendi that's our deal not 20" Uncle Rahmat said as he still remeber the deal how made with Resfi.

Robin look at Rendi and said "Bro i will give you 2 Grade.1 beast core so give up your share okay" as Robin give death stare to Rendi.

"Fu*k off do you think you are the only one who need this pill, huh are you my grandpa as long as you say it, it your's" Rendi retorted.

"Good. Good. now a HERO kid start revolting huh ? very good indeed." Robin said with displeasing tone.

"Uncle i will take at 4 p.m is it alraight" Robin didn't even wait for Uncle Rahmat answer, as he keep the death stare to Rendi, and walk out the door.

"So.. will you watch and wait or gonna get it latter ?" Ask Uncle Rahmat.

"Uncle... Nevermine i wanna become a mechanic not alchemist anyway, and how long do i have to wait"

"Not log i can do 5 pill in 30 min, so you can wait upstairs and read book if you like"Said Uncle Rahmat as he start preparing for making pill as he point at stair.

"Okay i wait" but as Rendi come to upstairs, he got welcome by 3 shelf full of book, about alchemist, so for wasting time Rendi pick up 1 book about refining, in this book not just mentioning about refining herb also refining beast part, metal, and other natrual research, although Rendi want to become mechanic he still need to know how to make the best of material he have, even with help with system when system can make you memorize it within a second, but as user you need yo understand the core of the book your self because system will help when come to real practice as when blacksmithing, system will remind it user what need to pay attention to, and after 100 or even a thousand practice system will got the necessary data and start help with how to improve, where to hammer part to make it as best as posible, how to draw the array line, and else.

Informatian now days even when you can get in Main Source it realy costy, every book no matter good or bad, use full for you or not, it cost 1 knowledge point, and to get knowledge point you have to eather do a quest for system (which very rare), get reward someone with knowledge point that create quest or submit a new kind of knowledge which reward 20 Knowledge Point (and since your persona is exclusive to them self, it mean after they turned to 15 they got free Knowledge Point), so much people don't just "buy book from system they even write it down so they can share it with their family of close relative, of course you can "buy" it physically with beast core at weekly merchant but most people just use their beast core for Grade up or even use it for buying something really usefull like weapon, gear, potion, pills, etc.

"*Ding* Integrate new information, updating system data, Compleate integrate with *High Knowledge of Blacksmith*, creating new quest for host"

Quest : Create 3 Ingot from beast part. (Normal)

Obtional : Create 3 superior grade Ingot from Beast part. (Rare) (Need to complete in 10 days)

Progress : 0/3

Reward : 10 Knowledge Point

Obtional Reward : 10 Knowledge Point and 1 B-Class Restricted Book of Array Master.

As much as i want to complete this quest but the problem is raw material, it realy costly 1 beast core only can buy 10 beast part and my month salary which i got 4 day's ago already gone for me to practice the smithing Thecnique, and i don't know if my boss at blacksmith can give me an ahead salary.

"why do you have to come at the wrong time" as Rendi said with sigh, without him knowing 30 minute already pass.

"Yo, kid you got the mission huh?, i cannot even do the Optional it's to hard, that book you hold is what my family heritage, great right MY FAMILY can write a book that can give you a quest, hahaha" as Uncle Rahmat Laugh Proudly.

[Total Human Population : 10.498.091.981]