I Failed

[Date, 05 July 231 Federation Year]

"Here kid" as uncle Rahmat said as he throw 2 dark yellow pill.

*scan* *Ding*


[Energy Build Pill (Normal ++)(Tier 1)]

Grant user 3-5 Energy point

Description: basic pill that grant permanent increase in energy pool in someone body, based on experiment #874, maximum pill that everybody can take is 10 for every tier.

N.B there is special case of unique type of body that can take more than 10, but most of the time the user that claim have special body will failed, and the after effect is all pill that have been ingested will have lose it effect.

so this is system last warning please proceed with caution


'above normal quality' i thought as i store the pill in my pocket, this uncle is quite capable if just if it got a little bit more push maybe it can reach variation quality, but this already great enough while normal range from 1-5 the above normal is from 3-5


[Energy Build Pill (Normal)(Tier 1)]

Grant user 1-5 Energy point

Description: basic pill that grant permanent increase in energy pool in someone body, based on experiment #874, maximum pill that everybody can take is 10 for every tier.


"ah.. uncle why can't you finish the sub quest ?" as Rendi ask curiously.

"it's not that i not want to complete it, it just so hard even if you read the book 1.000 times, people say you need 99% hard work and 1% tallent but that 1% what really matter, if a tallent do hark work that means no matter how hard one try you can never surpass them. " Uncle Rahmat said as he try to act as wise as possible, as soon as i heard it i try to not to laugh because i know it's from the book which i read.

"Uncle can you make a tier 2 pill ?" Rendi ask.

"just tier 2 pill oh kid don't look down on me my ultimate creation is tier 4 pill, kid even i always in house concoction a pill i have an astounding achivment." Uncle Rahmat said with aura full of pride.

Ofcourse he has the right to be full of pride while the strongest person in this town is Grade 5, even tier 4 pill doesn't have a full effect on them, they will get at least 70% - 95% effectivety based on pill quality.

"Okay, so what's the deal" Rendi ask.

"Oh kid you stop right there, you not even got awakening and you ask for tier 2 pill, are you in right head ?" Uncle Rahmat said as he squinted his eyes.

"You just need to cross Grade. 1 first and come find me, ofcourse with ingredient which is Blue Reddevil, and i will take either 20% of complete batch or 1 Grade.3 beast core per batch." answer Uncle Rahmat.

"Ok then i going then." Rendi said as he walk out the house, but then again trouble with his current quest first he don't have money to buy beast part or have enough strength to hunt himself, cause to leave the town one need to Grade. 1 first there is detector at gate which will scan the person that want to enter or leave, and also act as a warning when a criminal (people who kill someone and system deterimine it as a hostile act, every 10 kill will get 1 notorious deed) try to get in town.

'hemm the quest need 10 Grade.1 of beast part equal to 1 Grade.1 beast core, and this energy building pill equal to 2 Grade.1 beast core, should i sell it to complete my quest or i just do the normal and not sub, hemm.' as i think hard, is either i wait another 2 years (because he's poor and have to wait his mother plant the new Yellow Margat) for pill or i complete my quest.

'ah' sudden relation struck Rendi he forgot as long as he submit his persona he will get 15 KP

as Rendi walk home someone sitting his name from nearby store.

"Yudha, did you already make an costume made armor ?!!!" as Rendi glance at what store Yudha came out from.

"nah, I'm just delivering my dad leather armor, as he said it lack defense that he need to keep advancing his grade so he just give it to me and give some money to adjust it to my liking" Yudha said.

"woah did you just brag ?, and what's wrong with your tone the F**k this as*hole, anyway bro i just got super interesting queest" as i said that i show him my current quest with a little bit air of superiority.

Yudha that think he might got me this time are dumbfounded, "f**k bro this gentle men here is admit concede, anyway when did you got this quest ?"

"just now when some 'gentlemen' decide to embarrass some lowly pheasant" as soon after i said that i burst to laugh

"no bro i got this quest in uncle Rahmat house" as i sat that i think 'yeah i think it's fine uncle Rahmat never said that i cannot tell anyone about it either'.

"ah you got it from 'the book' how can you just did it now, didn't we already do it last winter, eh...?, ah i remeber ah right you sick that day because one of your 'experiment' what exactly did you do" as Yudha asking i remember an event that suppose to happen but cancel because i think when a body got cold, blood will become a important source of heat of the body, because i highly interested in inheriting the legacy i do cold bath in winter naked at outdoor and as expected a very bad cold come.

"anyway seriously bro did you think i should complete the sub quest ?" i ask.

"well do it, it's not gonna be easy that for sure but even tough blacksmith is not your specialty but your technique cut above average so do it, the reward so great, and with your persistence you might exceed system requirement, and what i mean persistence is your crazy determination to achieve your goal 'your inheritance' maybe it's one of your trait to hard work to achieve your goal"

"anyway bro can you ask your mother is there any yellow Margart left i want it all uncle Rahmat to make a Energy build pill" Yudha ask as we walk to our home.

"yeah about that we just harvest yellow margart this morning and I'm not really sure that we have anything left so don't get your hope up high" as i stated, Yudha look me with curious look

"really did you already sell it, i really need it bro there some rumor that the higher your energy pool before the awakening there is a possibility to make your persona become evolve to higher Grade than it suppose to be" Yudha ask with some hope.

i fish out 2 dark yellow pill from my pocket "here the yellow margart that you looking for"

"Bro no big bro, can you sell just one for me ? pretty please or just like this i will supply your material for your sub quest fair okay" Yudha suggest as he already scan that this pill is above normal pill.

"Deal" and i toss 1 of the pill to Yudha.

"bro just get over of your inheritance legacy i don't thing you gonna have it bro just focus on your dream become a mechanic i just hope your persona is gonna help you advance to become elite explorer. " Yudha said as he store the pill with extra care.

"yeah and i suppose the party you gonna supply us from your dad game right ? if so can i make request ? bro pretty please ? thank you" as sooni said that i run to my home.


*message: Yudha*

"since you gonna supply the the material I'm not gonna hold back

- 2 fire material preferred near core bone

- 2 lightning material preferred brain parts

- 4 light material spine parts

- 4 ethereal material

that's all bro, and say hello to your dad"



as Yudha want to get in his house a message come in


*message Rendi*

"the f**k what a friend are you, now now now how I'm gonna tell my dad while fire and lightning is easy to get the light monster it's self not that rare but ethereal is ....i don't even know where is the last time it's seen, if there isn't available do you want something else ?"



*message: Yudha*

"if there isn't just double the light material, thank's"



"I'm home"

"soon come here for a second" my mom command.

"what is it mom ?" i ask.

my mom pull out a palm size box "here as tomorrow is your birthday so this is for you from your father, this is your father last wish" as soon she handed me the box her eyes starting to become red like she ready to burst to tears at any moment.

'mom' but my words won't come out, any comfort word won't come out, as i know even though my mom never show it infront of me, my mom birthday, my parent wedding anniversary, and my dad birth day are 2 days apart each, and each year start from 14 may until 18 may, we (my mom and i) always have a family time, no matter what happen at school i always ask permission to leave school for a whole week, it also apply to my mom no matter it's important job or not she always ask for leave, as earliest i remember that week was horrible during midnight as i always hear my mom sobbing cry that last until i feel a sleep but during morning she always back to her nature of a caring mother, no matter how sad she was she never show it infront of me, during a day we go to places i want to go, she make our buy everything i wanted, i really want to comfort her during the night but i also realize if i go she will cry somewhere else, i just want to comfort her even a little bit and spiritually.

'dad' someone or thing that become a myth in my life as i never really have any physical contact with him, but he is not my reason to do my crazy experiment, while everyone think the experiment i do to make some kind a bond with my dad, the real reason is always my mom i just want to say even though dad is already gone part of him is always here with us inside of me but those words will never come out as i now know that 'berserk' is not even legacy for someone else what truly matter is the word and sincere are enough but for me who airways been told my dad is a great hero but look at my mom look at me, every single wealth that my family own are the hard work of my mom, i even got bullied at school and they have gut to say my father is great hero but you treat his family like this so word always just a word not more and not less so i will never said those words infront of my mom without having evidence that part of dad is still with us, as my hand reaching the box, my only hope is 'dad can you please just fulfill my only wish right now don't leave anything that can make mom cry inside this box, please this is my only and last wish for you'.

the box glow a second and start projecting a image of my dad, 'i know it, words are unreliable', and i hug my mom that start crying at very moment the projection showing my dad.

"I failed huh, i cannot deliver what i promise.... I'm sorry" the projection start taking.

[Total Human Population : 10.497.031.231]