It's Dark ?

[Date, 05 July 231 Federation Year]

"I failed huh, i cannot deliver what i promise.... I'm sorry, but the me right now i have 100% confident that i will come back as so know me I'm straight forward person the me right now cannot tell that I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart, what i can tell you is you and my little man is what always guide me home no matter how hard my task how impossible it is, it always both of you that guide me home, Resfi as you know i am a man who cannot dream, cannot have imagine, i cannot picture my self to say sorry to you to me kid, i cannot picture how's you and my kid life after I'm gone but i still have to made this just Incase the darkness is so blinding that i cannot see both of you anymore, kid no man as you know what nature my 'berserk' is so it is not a legacy as everyone belive and as compensation of taking care of your mother inside this box there is 2 thing's 1 is a quarter of berserk fruit that it essence have been extracted the reason that just a quarter left is because i just eat half of it and passed out and got the 'berserk' persona and another quarter is given to a friend who extract the fruit essence and a 2nd item is called personal chip as you might have been teach if someone grade is higher by 2 they can scan your basic status while it was planned so military can see who they recruit and how high is their potential but the bad guy can also exploit this funcition just by sending 1 higher than your status and this chip can neutralise this system funcition, and kid I'm really sorry i cannot be there to protect you and your mom and please can you do me a favour take care of her, and sorry that i cannot be a better husband and a father" as soon my projection 'dad' say that the box open it self and revealing 2 item, that i don't care at the moment, because i still in my mom embrace and trying to comfort her.

but surprisingly her cry is not gloomy and longing kinda thing but more to understand and grateful kinda cry.

i really don't know because he BASICLY abandon us so and basicly i still hate him that he doesn't even fulfill my last and only wish.

"son take that" my mom said while pointing at a vial of what supouse to be the essence of the berserk fruit, well a quarter of it to be exact.

"finally you can have some bond with your father, and i know that you risk your self to obtain the inheritance, so I'm really glad you finally obtain it" my mom said with excited and relived tone.

"mom" i cannot bring my self to tell the truth that everything i do is not to have done kind of bond with that man it's every thing for you, but at the end i didn't say it because see look really happy at the moment.

•glug~glug• as soon as i finished the vial system rang out in my head

*absorbing high potency medicine, way exceed the maximum tolerant of the body*

*highly advising host to take a rest so there no medical properties that was lost*

*system will take care of the distribution of the medical properties*

but i ignore it and go for the chip and hold it

*detecting upgarde chip*

*chip detected chip type: personalization*

*do host want to have an upgarde, time need to upgrade: 10 second*













*upgrade complete*

*detecting personalization profile*

*now host can directed where the medical properties apply to*

*please choose area where medical will apply to*

*15 second before medical properties will start disperse*

*i chose brain part*

as soon as i said that i have staying have a mild headache that getting stronger per second.

"mom i will go to rest looks like the medicine to potent to me so i will take a rest and get help from the system" i said and go to my bed room.

as soon i crash at bed system rang out once more

*according to rule no. 5 in personalization profile, host can choose every direction that beneficial for the host himself, but when a certain condition where a host cannot choose what more beneficial and at pressing time a system get a special authorisation to choose on behalf of the host*

*anesthesia the host for a better condition to absorb a medical properties, chosen orgasm to focus enchan: brain*


"Wake up"

"Oi, wake up"

"RENDI MC ARTHUR, wake up now" my mom shot while string to wake my up looks like she been here for a while now.

"i don't need dinner mom, i will eat tomorrow before the awakening ceremony" i said and get ready to sleep again.

"IT IS TOMMOROW, WAKE UP" she said that while hitting me.


*Date, 06 July 231 Federation Year*

"mom we don't have time can i have compact energy bar" i ask as i run to bathroom to take a shower, and there is notification that i ignore at the moment as i at rush right now.

i take a cold shower as my body still tired as i hope it will wake me up and help me recovery a bit.

*awakening hall*

'it's not that i really need a direction every time i go somewhere, it for record to the system because as relative can check where have i been last time so it a habit of mine, as my experiment some time, okay most of the experiment gone wrong and make me passed out our to tired to move, so my mom will find me and carry me home.'

after munching the compact energy bar, i hold a dark yellow pill



[Energy Build Pill (Normal ++)(Tier 1)]

Grant user 3-5 Energy point

Description: basic pill that grant permanent increase in energy pool in someone body, based on experiment #874, maximum pill that everybody can take is 10 for every tier.


'should i eat it now, what if i pissed out again, but what if the rumor is true.... aaaaaaa, YOLO just YOLO i will deal with anything later.'

and •glug•

*medicine have been ingested, medicine detected: energy build pill"

*according to public experiment no. 642, host advice to stay awake to experience the energy expand to maximize the pill effect"

*injecting host with adrenaline*

'yes YOLO is always the answer'

after 5 minute of jogging section 'well practically running' i at the gate, this is the gate that will reveal who have high potential to bring fortune to the family, it's not that this gate is done kind of magic device it just most of poorly persona choose not to pass the main gate but gone out from back door.

*Ding congratulations host your energy have expand by 4*

*because hot not yet recive the awakening ceremony a complete status is cannot been sore at the moment*

'ah right there is still notice from before'

but before i tried to open it someone shout

"okay all of you come in everyone that gonna do the ceremony"

inside the awakening hall it's not like what people describe them my mom said that the awakening hall is all white it's grand, well it's grand but it's dark it's not like when dark that no lamp but it's just dark in color there is light which illuminating it's surrounding it just a whole hall is dark, when everybody is ask what is the greatest human creation or invention they will always answer the awakening hall while 'system's is great tool to help human grow, what really matter is the thecnology that awakening hall use to help human build it's foundation to grow stronger, while you can theoretically grow stronger without system as long as you awakend, but the same cannot be said the same when you just relay in system without going to awakening ceremony, while it's a greatest thecnology that human have because a prolonged war we still don't know what the reason it can give the human the foundation that it need to grow stronger, we can make it but we don't know why and what the reason behind it's power.

a man walking to the very front of the crowd.

"welcome child of destiny before we go to ceremony i as a head pastor of branch guild of light of humanity will make a vow on behalf ask of the staff that attend the ceremony that we will never reveal what and the effect of your persona to the public without your consent." and he prick his finger and a drop of blood got fallen in the floor, and in the instant the floor absorb it a whole hall light up become a white in color no longger black.

'what, what, how, why' as i ask my self try to find the reason that this phenome happen.

"now sacred vows have been made each of you will take a card on your left 'while he point a box' that's a machine that will make your own ID, ofcourse you can hide your information on your ID but you cannot fake name, age, your grade, everything else can be set as hidden, this card will act as a recognize on illusion barrier, and outer most barrier, so don't lose it." pastor said

the awakend process is simple frist we will have to test our physic so that it can tell that we have a condition to process the awakening without damaging the body and if someone is not in the condition the staff will provide with healing spell and a recovery potion, next you just have to go to the very center of the hall, there you can sit, stand and even lie down, but most of people belive and even tell their kid to do it while standing they belive you have to be strong when you do awakening, and in extream case there would be someone who will do handstand and any other crazy thing, after that they just have to wait until the blessing taking effect we call this time as assessment in this waiting time is what usually deterimine how high your persona grade is the faster the higher and longer the lower it will be, just like the best item is sold really quick and trash item might sold with discount, after the assessment come time for blessing this where your will being tested, here even you have an 5 star grade on your persona is you failed here it will definitely lead to downgrade here the longer you hold on the better your persona is even though there is only few case in history in sattelite town it self that case where a high assessment individual failed the blessing, or the low assessment can do great at the blessing, after the blessing most of the time participant will collapse and that's why there quite number staff to attend the ceremony, and their purpose is not just watch and help they usually from a guild from and outside our town they may be forbiden to tell what is their persona but they will not be forbiden to scout them after the ceremony ended they can personally scout then and it will not violate their vow so most of the staff that attend the ceremony is usually a high ranking member in their guild or a master that look for a disciple so this also a chance for most of participant this time will determine that they will walkout as a hero or as a coward.

"And now let the ceremony begin."

[Total Human Population : 10.487.341.891]