The Villainess Makes a Friend

I went to the library with Jenny today and met up with my group members. We all looked like we didn't want to be here. I distributed the roles to each person and told them what they needed to do. I decided to help out Angelina cause...Yeah.

When we finished, I took all the work home and left the library.


When I came home, mother asked

"Natalie, what kind of classes would you like to attend? You're already in grade 2. How's piano? Or ballet? Maybe violin?"

M-Music and dance... Everyone has things they're bad at and I just happen to have several.

"Mother...Is there any other option?" I replied.

"" She said.

Art...I mean I can do it but it makes me feel guilty about my last life. I devoted my life to art in high school and university. My family supported me but I left them just like that...

I said, "I guess that's fine..."

I ended up signing up for art class once a week.

"Natalie, since you're free tomorrow, you can go to art class." said mother.

You just signed me up though?

"O-Okay, mother" I responded.

I'm always acting like an obedient child. I want to rebel someday...


I went to my art class today and introduced myself to my classmates. We were all around the same age. There was a girl I recognized from my class. I think her name was Olivia. I didn't think she take this art class. When we met eyes, she immediately looked away.

Just what did I do in this life that scares people away? I'm not a delinquent okay? I might have thought about rebelling but that's as far as where it gets!

Olivia was one of the girls that hang out in the back with a few other girls. She is very quiet and rarely seeks for attention. The type I used to be in my previous life. I personally like how refined she looks. Glasses with white frames, short black hair with bangs, and a uniform properly worn. She basically looks like a model student, someone a teacher would favour.

There was an empty seat next to her so I decided to sit next to her. I'll do my best to make friends with her!

The teacher taught us techniques with painting. It was so boring since I've learned this before. But the girl next to me, Olivia, was very focused. She reminded me of when I was younger in my past life.

When the teacher finished the lesson, we were told to paint any scenery. I was thinking about a city at midnight. Olivia seemed like she was going to paint a sunset from the colours she chose.

I ended up painting mine really quick and decided to watch Olivia. I think she noticed me staring at her for the past 10 minutes. I won't get in trouble for this right?

"U-Um...Do you need help with something?" Asked Olivia.

"No, I was just admiring your skills" I smiled.

She was actually an amazing artist for her age. The way she blended the colours is great.

"O-Oh thank you? You're Natalie from my class right?" Olivia replied.

I said "Yes that's me and don't mind me and continue..."

I watched her for the rest of the class and the painting turned out to be very nice. When Olivia looked at my painting she said:

"What do you mean my art is good!?"

Complete change of personality?! Is this what they mean by "two-faced people"? Actually on second thought, I don't think this is her being two faced?

"Yours is clearly so much better!" She pouted.

Sorry, this was 20 years of experience and I didn't even try. I tried to paint like a normal grade 2 guess it didn't work out...

"But I like yours better" I replied.

"Hmph! Then teach me how you did this part!" Said Olivia.

I feel like when she grows up, she's going to be a tsundere, someone who acts cold first then gradually warms up. I'll try my best to be your friend Olivia.

"Yeah that's fine, if you're willing to sit next to me next time." I answered.

"F-Fine.." Olivia replied.

"Also I have a question" said Olivia.

"Are you and Henry very close?" Asked Olivia.

No we're not close at all. It's not my fault I promise! I don't know what kind of black magic my goddess Bella is using on Henry for him to talk to me but we're not close, okay?

"Our mothers are very close with each other but we are not close" I responded.

"Oh...Is Angelina your cousin?" She continued.

Olivia ended up asking me a bunch of questions, maybe we can become friends today!

I said, "Olivia, since you asked me so many questions, can I ask you one too?"

"Yeah sure go ahead" she replied

"Do you want to be f-friends w-with m-me?" I asked.

I didn't know I was this shy until I tried asking someone to be friends with me...

"W-Why else would I ask you so many questions?" said Olivia.

So does that mean yes?

"Thank you Olivia!" I smiled, "and do you happen to know why no one wants to talk to me?"

"Well Natalie, it's because you seem like the type that would get mad super easily..." said Olivia.

"I-Is it because of my eyes?" I asked.

"That will be a discussion for another day. So, nice to meet you Natalie. I'm Olivia Miller" She introduced.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Natalie Coldwell, hope we can be good friends." I greeted.

In this world, there's so much introduction to do. I'm going to get tired from doing these...

After art class I went home happily. So far this day was one of the best days in my life! As long as Henry and his sidekick isn't involved, my life is peaceful and great~!