The Villainess Goes on a Trip

I found out that my class was going on a trip to the zoo next week.

The zoo? Really?

It's been a while since I've last been to the zoo. Thinking about it, I never went to the zoo in this life...

This world better not have weird creatures as "animals", now I'm scared.

Many students in the class were excited for the trip. Henry looked like he was fired up too...

He's still a kid after all.

When I got home and told mother about the trip, she gave me a lecture on what to do at the zoo and what to not do. Aren't most of these "not to do's" common sense?


Today was the day of the trip and I was late. I couldn't sleep last night because I really didn't want this day to come. I was the last one to arrive at school, everyone looked at me like they were mad. Yeah sorry, I wanted to skip today but I was forced to come.

When we arrived at the zoo, the teacher strictly told us to stay in a group. I looked at Angelina who was next to me and sighed. She won't get lost this time...I'll stop her before that happens!

Our teacher led us around the zoo and we got to see many different animals. I'm so glad there weren't any strange unfamiliar animals. I was always a bit scared of animals because I never know what they might do. For example, dogs. In my past life, my neighbor had a big white dog who was always sitting near the entrance with its collar. If I were to casually walk near it, it would bark at me. Once, that big white dog bit me, it traumatized me. That was when I started getting scared of animals.

"Look Natalie, that lion is so cute!" squealed Angelina.

"Y-Yeah" I responded.

That lion looks like it can eat us up right now. Her standards of "cute" is a bit off...

We had to bring lunches ourselves this time. All the food the zoo sells are greasy, high in fat, and salty. It was not food spoiled kids like us would buy. For lunch, I had sushi with other side dishes. I glanced at other people's lunches and everything looked so good. Angelina who was eating next to me had pasta. Maybe I should've packed pasta too...

After lunch, the teacher led us to an area where we could feed the rabbits. The employee gave us some grass to feed them. Back in my previous life, I found out that rabbits were rodents when I was around 13. I hated animals and I hated rodents even more. I remember when there was a little mouse running around in my basement. That time, I swore I wouldn't go to the basement until that stupid mouse was gone. My mom ended up finding it dead near the washing machine in the basement. I heard that she picked it up with a glove and just threw it out. I was disgusted when I heard that. Now here I am, feeding rabbits, a species that was somewhat related to that dead mouse. Thinking about people eating these rabbits made me cringe, and I've also heard about people eating mice...I want to vomit out what I had for lunch earlier...

I looked at my classmates.

Angelina was happily feeding the rabbits.

Olivia was laughing with her friends.

Henry and Blake were surrounded by rabbits and girls.

Everyone was having a great time.

Except for me.

My teacher looked like she was worried about me. Please don't mind me, I'm simply doing my best to even stand up in this crowd of rabbits.

One rabbit jumped at me since I was holding food. When did rabbits become so violent?!

I threw all the grass I held in my hands and a bunch of rabbits gathered around that area.

"KYAA" I screamed and ran next to the teacher. Everyone was looking at me.

Sorry for being a coward...


Before I left in my car, Olivia came to talk to me.

"Natalie, I didn't know you were scared of rabbits" she said.

"Everyone has their ups and downs" I replied.

Ugh, I have way too many though... I think I gained more in this life.

"Is that so? Well, I'll keep that in mind the next time we go somewhere." Olivia smiled.

A-A flag! She just said we would go somewhere! I can't wait~

Angelina who was sitting in my car pulled my sleeves and asked "Who was that?"

I told her that Olivia was a friend I met in art class.

"Ohh..." She replied. "Maybe I should join your art class too?"

Please no. If you joined, my happiness during art class would shatter like my heart. Yes, my heart is currently in pieces.