The Villainess's Uncle & Aunt

I sat down on Angelina's pastel bed. Angelina stared at me.

"Um...You want to know what happened right?" She asked.

"That's right. It's fine if you don't want to tell me" I answered.

"I-I'll tell you. Just you" Angelina said as tears started to gather in her eyes.

"About 2 weeks ago...My mom slapped my dad in the face. At first I didn't know what was happening. My older sister saw it as well and she looked worried. She told me to go to sleep and it would be fine the next day. But, my sister was wrong. It got worse the day after. There was not a single sound in the house. I wasn't allowed to go to school as my dad prevented me from doing so. The servants in my house were all sent home for 'vacation.' On the table in the living room, I saw papers with the words 'divorce' on it. Now my parents are almost done with all the paper work required. Soon they'll...They'll!" Angelina said as she bursted into tears.

I patted Angelina's back.

What was the cause of the divorce anyways?

"A-Also...Angelina has to leave soon..." Angelina said.

"L-Leave? What do you mean?" I asked.

"I'm going to leave with mom...To Paris" She answered.

"What?!" I yelled.

"Yeah...But my sister is going to stay with dad" said Angelina.

"Wait, so it's just you and your mother going to Paris?" I replied.

"Yes, but I don't want to leave my older sister" mumbled Angelina.

The pain in my head increased. Why is this world so complicated...?

Soon I was forced to go home by my butler. I wanted to talk more with Angelina but I had to go.

On my way out, I passed by Angelina's older sister.

"Hello, you visited Angelina right?" She smiled.

"Yes that's right... Are you doing okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine. It's really hard for Angelina though. She has to go through so much when she's young" said Angelina's older sister.

"Yeah, seeing her made me very worried" I replied.

"To be honest, you seem very mature compared to the kids of your age" she said.

"Ah..." I stopped.

Am I? No one really has told me this before... People don't believe in reincarnation here right?

"Is that so? It's probably because of my etiquette classes" I smiled.

"Also, Angelina doesn't know the reason why uncle and aunt are planning a divorce right?" I asked trying to change the topic.

"Yes that's right... I only know a tiny bit of the reason. I'll probably find out in the future though. And I'll tell her someday..." said Angelina's older sister as she looked downwards.

"Well then, I'll be going. Have a great day" I waved.

I left before Angelina's sister started crying. She seems like the type to cry when no one is watching. Maybe because she doesn't want to show Angelina her tears?


The next day, Angelina was still not at school. She might never come to this school again eh...?

Soon, the grade 6s will be graduating. Many of us are helping out with the graduation. Thinking about it, technically I'm helping out with that psycho lady's graduation... Ugh, I don't really feel like doing this anymore.

Also, psycho lady had to pass on her president seat to someone else. The candidates were decided by the students so pretty much whoever was chosen was "forced" into being the president. The 3 candidates we had were two fifth graders and Henry. Of course, in the end, Henry was chosen as the president. Due to his immense popularity and even the president herself voting for him, the result was unanimous. I kind of feel bad for those other fifth graders that I do not know names of.

Many students wondered why Blake wasn't nominated as one of the candidates. I only found out recently too. Apparently, he asked the teachers to take his name down. If I remember correctly, what he did isn't allowed during the selection of the president. How he did it? Who knows. His actions just give me more and more signals to stay away from him.

There was another problem with the student council. All the members are graduating this year meaning that there would be no one left in the council. The current president, psycho lady, told Henry that he could choose the members. Of course he first picked Blake first. Blake still couldn't get away from being in the student council, haha! Allen was also chosen. My book friend was stolen away by Henry. Hopefully he doesn't have a lot of work to do or else we won't be able to talk much. I think Henry made Blake vice president and Allen the treasurer. Only the secretary position was left. Many girls wanted to take that final spot. Taking that final position would mean that you get to talk to the most handsome boys in our school pretty much every school day. I wonder who Henry would choose. After all, he has no friends...