The Villainess was Forced Into It All!

It was a normal day until Henry decided to talk to me about the student council. He only talks to me when necessary and that really isn't often. We were on the right side of the hallway and I could hear people around me whispering something along the lines of: "That girl is the only girl Henry talks to...Maybe she and Henry are..."

No. Just no. Don't even try. I'm not the only girl he talks to. There is no way I'm going to get together with this guy! He already has his female protagonist so please stop...!

Henry was holding a pencil and a paper. He looked at me.

"Hey, do you know anyone that's good at organizing things like events?" He asked.

Looks like he really doesn't know who to look for to fill in that position. To be honest, I don't have much friends either so I'm not much help...

"Um, I don't think you should ask me as I don't know a lot of people in this school" I answered.

"Why don't you ask Blake?" I suggested.

"Well...He's a bit... I mean if I ask him for people to fill in the last position, he's going to ask those girls around him... And then they'll all scream out 'ME! ME PLEASE!' I kind of don't want that" sighed Henry.

Dude, so you do know the negative effects of your best friend?

"Wait, thinking about it, why don't you become the secretary? Being on the student council will make your mother happy. You do well in your job as the student representative and your marks are great. It'll also make you look good when you go to middle school" said Henry.

"Umm... Thanks but no thanks?" I faked a smile.

"I see then. Contact me if you find anyone suitable for the position " Henry said.

Henry left and the whispers of the girls also disappeared.

Thinking about being on the student council with all those handsome boys gives me shivers. I might become the target of bullying if I join them.

"Hey Natalie"

I turned around and saw a pair of violet eyes staring at me.


"You just clicked your tongue at me right?" said Blake.

I shook my head violently.

"Oh well, do you know where Henry went? He's still looking for a secretary right?" asked Blake

"Yes I believe so. I think he went that way" I said as I pointed to the left.

"Okay, thank you. How about you join the student council? I'm sure Allen would be happy to have you in it" suggested Blake.

"Both of you said the same thing...." I mumbled.

"Both of you...? Do you mean Henry and I? I guess great minds do think alike~" smiled Blake.

Are you sure you both have "great" minds?

"I'm not interested in joining, sorry" I replied.

"Hmm, maybe I should ask your mom if you can join the student council..." said Blake.

"W-Wait there just a second! What does my mother have to do with joining the student council?!" I responded.

"True, sorry about that. To be honest, I want you on the student council too" smiled Blake.

"Why?" I asked.

Why would Blake want me there??

"Let's just say...You're fun to talk to? Anyways, bye Natalie. Thanks for telling me where Henry was" answered Blake. He then started walking to the left.

"H-Huh? Wait why? Answer me....." I said as my voice fades away.

What does that even mean? I really don't get what he's trying to do... If I had to describe those boys in the student council, Henry would be a wolf. When one first meets him, he wouldn't harm you but when he's mad, it's scary...And I speak this from experience.

Blake would be a difficult book. At first, one would think that he is easygoing and gentle but the more I talk with him, the more weird he seems. He definitely has some sort of dark side to him. There's no way that he would be some "prince on a white horse."

In my opinion, Allen would be a fireplace. I know it sounds weird but it's comforting to talk with him. He also gives a warm aura to those who meet him for the first time.

Now I wonder why Allen wasn't a main character. The other two main characters don't seem as great as him...


When I got home today, mother was on the phone with someone.

"Natalie, come here" mother said as she beckoned to me.

I walked over to where she was sitting.

"Yes, what's wrong mother?" I asked.

"Join the student council, it would really benefit you" said mother.

"E-Eh? Did Blake tell you?!" I replied.

"Blake? Oh, you mean that boy from the Astor family. I didn't know you get along with him so well now! Good job Natalie. Too bad it wasn't him though, it was your homeroom teacher" said mother.

"M-My homeroom teacher?" I shouted.

"Natalie, keep your voice down. Yes, it was your homeroom teacher who suggested that you should take the last spot. He told me that Henry was having a hard time finding someone suitable for the job. He also told me that you do a great job as a student representative and you work well with Henry so he suggested that you join the student council. Anyways, I told him that you would be able to do it. You're on the student council now!" smiled mother.


I need to start rebelling, raise your hands if you agree with me. Oh? It's unanimous? I don't think I have the guts to do it though...