The Villainess's Grandparents

For summer break this year, I'll be visiting my grandparents who live very far away. We will also be celebrating Richard's birthday in my grandparents' home. Mother won't be with us as she will be attending her friend's wedding in Italy. Father, as usual, will be busy with work.

My younger brother seems excited as he has never met our grandparents before. I only remember video calling my grandparents a few times. But in those video calls, I only greeted them and that's it. I don't think I have ever met them before either.

Mother told Richard and I to behave properly when we are in their house. She also strictly told me to act like a proper lady. My grandma is apparently very harsh about manners. I didn't hear much about my grandpa though.

When we arrived at the house, we were surprised about how modern it looked. To be honest, I expected some big, old, wooden house. The result was a large and beautiful mansion with many flowers.

An old butler welcomed us into the mansion. He guided us around and stopped in front of two rooms.

"Here are the two rooms that will belong to you two, please make yourself at home" the butler smiled.

I decided to walk to the room on my right. When I opened the door, I saw something unbelievable. It was a room full of toys such as race cars and figurines. The room also has blue walls and blue flooring.

"T-This is very stereotypical..." I mumbled at the unbelievable sight.

My brother walked over to my side and looked inside the blue room.

"I assume this is my room?" Richard asked.

"Yes that's right. Master put a lot of work into decorating it" the butler answered.

By master... he must mean my grandpa? Richard walked into the blue room and unpacked his suitcase.

I turned to my left and faced the white door. Beyond this door could be a new world...

My eyes widened when I looked at the inside. Unlike Richard's room, mine was designed with lots of gold-coloured and fancy decorations.

The cost of designing this room must've been really expensive.

To be honest, I like how pretty this room looks so no complaints from me.

After unpacking my things, I went downstairs to eat lunch. I saw an elderly couple sitting together in the dining room.

The two of them looked at me. The woman, my grandma, smiled at me.

"Natalie, come over here and sit down" grandma beckoned.

Grandpa looked away and continued reading his newspaper.

I smiled and walked towards where the couple were. I sat down with them.

"You've grown up a lot since the last time we saw you" grandma smiled.

"We've met before?" I asked.

"Yes we have. But that was when you were really little" grandma laughed.

"Hahaha... I see" I said as I forced a laugh out.

I heard footsteps and turned to my left. It was Richard walking over.

"My grandson! Come sit next to grandma" she said.

Richard nodded and followed her instructions.

"Richard, this may be our first time meeting but don't be shy. Your birthday's coming soon, do you want anything? I can buy you anything you want" asked grandma.

"No, it's okay grandma. I don't need anything" Richard smiled in response.

Grandpa suddenly put down his newspaper and looked at us. Honestly speaking, grandpa looks really scary. He also emits this aura that tells others, "stay away from me".

"Richard, what do you want for your birthday? You have to pick!" Grandpa said.

It sounded like he was asking Richard what he wants while at the same time he was scolding him... Richard looked a bit afraid too.

"Now, now, grandpa, you shouldn't talk like that. Look at the children, they're scared!" Grandma said.

Grandpa nodded in silence and suddenly stood up. He left the dining room.

I-I'm so confused... What is happening?

"Sorry. Your grandpa was very excited for today. He couldn't wait to see you guys" grandma sighed.

"It's fine... I could see that he c-cares..." I slightly laughed.

Richard agreed with me and forced a smile the best he could.

"May I ask where the washroom is?" I said.

"Oh, just walk down straight and turn left and you'll be able to find it" grandma smiled.

I left the dining room and followed grandma's instructions. This house is a maze...

Before I turned left, I heard sounds of someone talking.

I walked a bit closer to one of the rooms and saw grandpa inside. I eavesdropped. I know that it's wrong of me to do so but...

"My grandson and granddaughter visited for the first time and I treated them like that! How could I?! What do I do now? Apologize to them? But I'm too shy! I'm such a stupid old man!"

That was what I heard. And it was also when I realized, my grandpa really does care for us...

I went to the washroom, and left that area as quick as I could. Natalie, pretend you didn't hear that!

I spent my summer vacation in that home watching my grandpa's actions. It was as if everything he did was the opposite of everything he wanted to do. We also celebrated Richard's birthday which was really fun. It was different being with my grandparents instead of my mother and father. Before I knew it, summer break was over and I had to return home. When Richard and I said goodbye to the elderly couple, grandpa said to us "Y-You have to visit again." I smiled and replied "Of course, grandpa!" He got better at communicating with us during this period.

Now that summer break is over, it's time for my final year in WoodLily, grade 6.