The Villainess's Prayers

"Another year of this" I sighed as I stared at my sixth grade classroom door.

Please God, please, I beg you! No Henry or Blake please!!!

"Olivia and Anna please be here..." I said as I prayed.

I opened the classroom door and looked inside.

Okay. So far I do not see any good looking people in here...

W-Wait, that weird shine coming from that side...?!

It's May! The girl from the Christmas party!

Our eyes met and I could feel her glare from where I stood. The shine that surrounded her disappeared.

"Natalie, over here!" A voice called out to me.

Did those prayers I did yesterday actually work? I'm not blind right? ...IT'S DEFINITELY ANNA AND OLIVIA! For the first time in so many years, I ended up in a class with both of them, together! This school finally decided to do something good.

I rushed over to Olivia and Anna to greet them.

"It's rare to have you in our class" Olivia laughed.

"Not just rare, it's so rare to the point that it could've been considered as impossible" I joked around.

"I'm glad to see that we're in the same class in our last year" Olivia smiled.

"Sadly, neither Henry, Blake, or Allen are here" Anna sighed.

"T-They aren't?" My eyes widened.

"Mhm, I wanted Blake to be in the same class as me but unfortunately..." Anna pouted.

This calls for a celebration. I can't believe last night's prayers were THIS effective. All that bad luck finally turned into good luck. No Henry or Blake for a school year. WOOHOO! Not.

I'll see them in the student council... Tch.

My homeroom teacher this year is a very young and pretty lady. She kind of looks like May.


Time went so fast to the point that I'm now standing in front of the student council room. I could feel my invisible tears falling down my face.

"What are you doing? Go in." The boy next to me said.

A young, handsome boy, with black hair stood next to me. Yes, his name is Henry, Henry Lawson. The person that will decide my destiny.

I opened the door and went inside the room. I sat down where I usually sat and looked at the people in front of me.

"So, what is this meeting for?" I asked.

"Since Henry's such a big shot, the school told us to organize some extra events this year to celebrate his last year here" Allen said.

"And they didn't seem to realize that it would create extra work for us innocent beings who were forced into this job" Blake smiled.

Eek! Scary! There's a very dark aura around Blake.

But I have to agree with him. Both of us were somewhat forced into this job and we didn't want to do it. Now we have to do extra work thanks to this student council president sitting near me.

"Do you guys have any ideas for events?" Henry asked.

We all sat in silence trying to think of something. Hmm... Maybe...

I rose my hand and opened my mouth.

"How about we plan an event for Halloween this year? Something like a costume party at school" I suggested.

"Hmm, it doesn't sound bad but we have a budget" Henry said.

"Not a big problem considering how the school is quite flexible when it comes to money" Allen replied.

"Well then, I guess that's decided for our next event." Henry said.

"Eh? That's it? You really just approved my idea like that?" I replied.

"What? You want me to reject your suggestion? Do you have another idea that's better?" Henry questioned.

"Um, never mind. Pretend I never said that" I responded.

I guess I just didn't expect him to say yes this easily. That idea was quite random too as it was not thought through properly.

We handed our proposal to the teachers and they approved it without even looking through the contents. Is this school really a prestigious school?


When I got home, Richard looked really happy. I'm glad to see that his mood improved since the last incident.

"Richard, did something fun happen in your first day of grade one?" I asked.

"Well, I ended up in the same class as my friends and Julie so I'm very happy" Richard smiled.

"Oh the girl from the event. You guys get along quite well" I said.

"I guess you can say that" Richard replied.

Seems like the both of us are with our friends this year. I should start doing more prayers in the future.

I walked to the living room to see if mother was home. She was sitting on the couch reading a magazine. That magazine looks like a fashion magazine.

Speaking of mother...

After her trip to Italy, she started to get fussy about how I should take care of my skin. I remember mother yelling at me this morning telling me to wear sunscreen. She also forced me to wear loads of lotion. My mother back in my previous life often talked on the phone about skin care.

I bet mother's friends told her something along the lines of "Remember to wear lots of sunscreen and lotion to make sure your skin stays smooth! Also wear anti-wrinkle cream! Women our age can suddenly start to get wrinkles on our face!"

Maybe my mother should stop getting mad at me so that she doesn't get so many wrinkles when she ages...