We already reached the next town, and I can be sure that we have to move out of here within two to three days. Our enemies are just trailing behind us, looking for a chance to attack.
Suga and I walked through the town, looking for vacant inns. It seemed that this town was a busy one, and thus, it was hard to find a vacant room.
It appeared that they'll be having some sort of festival later on, judging by all the running around and excitement. Suga's hand gripped mine tighter to make sure that I don't get lost in the midst of the crowd, which is very likely to occur.
"What's all these about?" I asked him, looking around.
"A traditional celebration," he replied.
"Are we going to attend?" I spoke out, hoping that he would agree.
"Why not? It's going to be fun."
"Too crowded and dangerous."
That made my heart sink. I have to remember that Yoongi was still healing from his previous injury, and I shouldn't bother him with my wants.
"I understand," I said, forcing out a smile.
Yoongi said nothing after that and moved forward. Just then, I clashed on to someone and felt something was shoved into my hand. As I was about to see that someone's face, my hand loosened from Yoongi's, resulting for me to get lost in the crowd.
I didn't know what to do now and stood at my place clueless. I stayed there, wishing Yoongi would come back and find me, but then the mysterious object came to my mind.
I decided to stand at one side and see if I can spot Yoongi, which is not that much possible. The mysterious object, which seemed to be a piece of paper, was shoved into the small pocket of my hanbok.
I began asking around people about where Yoongi is, as there was nothing more I could do. I am completely lost with no money with me, and there was no one to help me.
I didn't have any idea about what to do, and unknowingly, tears began forming at my eyes, wondering how worried Yoongi must be and what will happen to me now with enemies roaming around.
Tired from all these walking, I sat at a nearby table and had my head down, thinking of what to do. But there was nothing that came to my mind.
Right at that moment, I felt a shove on my shoulder. I lifted my head up to look up at the person who was calling me. My eyes fell upon a young, handsome man in early 20s with burgundy hair.
"Are you okay, Miss?" he asked with traces of concern in his voice.
"Why won't I be?"
"Just asking. Trust me, I am good at observing people."
"Well, I guess, you could say, I lost my fellow partner, and so, I don't know what to do."
"I have free time. I can keep you company and help you find him."
No matter how desperately I needed to find Yoongi, I know it would be just foolish to believe him. After all, he could be associated with them.
"I wouldn't want to be called stupid for believing you. So, no."
"You have no option. You're alone here without anyone, and you are not even from around here."
"You give off pretty decent vibes, but still it is a no. He'll find me."
"You're quite difficult to convince."
"Few days ago, I would've believed you."
He laughed, saying, "Okay! I won't argue with any more. I am not someone bad but helpful. If you have any doubts later on, you can leave me."
His offer and he looked quite satisfactory, and there was nothing he could do in front of all these people. So, I can't think of any potential problems, and I will just be a bit careful.
Hesitantly, I replied, "If you insist."
"Finally. Come on, stand up. We got a lot of walking to do."
"Yes, I understand."
I stood up and began walking behind him. I don't know why, but I felt as if though I have known him from very before, like someone familiar to me. However, I can't put my finger around it.
"How does he look like?"
"Let's see, silver hair and height of this much," I said, showing him about how much I think he is.
"His silver hair will make him easier to spot. Just hope that he won't leave you and flee away."
"That's impossible. It will never happen."
"It happens a lot around here. No one expects it."
"Even if he wanted to, he can't," I stated, looking down.
"Aish! Don't be depressed," he voiced out, rubbing my hair.
Getting lost was good thing, and it would be better if Suga would've never found me; I would've survived, and everyone would've had a better future with no trouble awaiting for them.