
We sat at a nearby bench, eating our sandwiches. Truth be told, the people here are really friendly, creating a wonderful atmosphere. But I hope our stay here doesn't ruin that for them.

As usual, Yoongi wore on a expressionless mask, as he ate his meal. Every few seconds later, my eyes kept shifting on to him, observing his face. Min Yoongi was a true mystery!

Then, all of a sudden, Yoongi's pupil dilated for a moment, and he pushed me behind him, scratching my arm. Before I could tell at him, I see that four males were standing there, scaring everyone there to run away.

Yoongi pulled out his sword and charged towards them, as I got up from the dust. Even though Yoongi was outnumbered, he seemed to be the one at a advantage.

Yoongi defeated the three and had his sword clashing with the fourth one, the strongest among them. Just then, I felt a presence of someone behind me, and the moment I was about to turn back, I felt someone covering me with his body.

Soon enough, I was pulled out of the hug, letting me know that it was Suga. He attacked a male- probably the one who was about to hurt me- and killed him.

The sight of blood around me was truly horrifying, and something tells me that I have to go through more than this in the future. Just then I notice Yoongi kneeling down, clutching his chest.

Ignoring the burn from my scratch, I rush towards him. His chest had slit in it with blood pouring off of it, and I am aware that I was the reason for this.

Tears flowed down my eyes, as I helped him get up. I was glad that he didn't reject my help. I sat him down on the bench and stood up to get some help.

But before I could do that, Yoongi drew me towards him and had his arms wrapped around my shoulders, enticing me into the smell of blood mixed with his fragrance.

"Don't go. I'll be fine. They are out there," Yoongi whispered into my ears, accelerating my heartbeat.

I pulled away from the hug to regain back my senses and held his shoulders softly to support him. Tears ran down my eyes as I looked at his condition. Even though it wasn't that bad, I still hated it. I hated this concern or obligation he was showing towards me that was over his well being.

"I can't do that. You need help," I voiced out and attempted to walk away, but he removed my left hand from his shoulder and gripped it tightly, making me unable to go further.

"I have received worse wound than this."

"I don't care. I can't see you get hurt. So please, allow me to."

"Why? Why can't you see me like this? What do I mean to you?"

Yoongi's questions held me aback and made me wonder about what to answer. I can't say him that I love him and force my feelings on to him. And even if I do tell him, there is nothing that can be done. We're are just too different.

"I don't know."


Later on, the district police came, but we before that we had to go away, as Yoongi had to avoid interrogation. Yoongi said that his wound wasn't that deep, and he managed to handle it without any parademics.

Yoongi wrapped his injury with a clothing, and we decided to move away to some other town with better security, as this town wasn't at all safe. However, I doubt the next one will be safer. Whoever our enemy is, they're keeping a trace on all our movements.

I squinted my eyes at Yoongi to notice if he felt any kind of pain, as we were traveling through the caravan. But it seemed that he was too persistent in not showing his pain to anyone else. I wished he shared his pain with me though.

"I am okay," Yoongi said, catching my attention.

"You're lying."

"Think whatever you want to."

"How are you going to protect me if you are wounded yourself?"

"You don't need to worry about that."

"But I do. It's about myself. And aren't we friends?"

"I don't remember agreeing to that."

"You never agree to anything. The only thing you're good at is ignoring."

"I am not here to entertain you."

"You're are being rude."

"I am being truthful. And I am not to blame if the truth is harsh."

The reality, the truth is really harsh for me. You were right that day. I always ran away from the things I am scared of, leaving others to clean up my mess.