Raven (point of view)
(present time).
Well, it happened.
Just in 4 years I and Alex have almost everything we ever wanted the cars the bikes the house, our businesses, it wasn't easy there were a lot of things that block our paths form what we wanted, rather it was money or people.
But we still made it big, me with my hair salons almost 10 in total and soon starting my own fashion line. Alex with here tattoo shops, she almost has 11 of them and has a bike shop where she customizes bikes.
Right now it is about 1 at night and I am finishing cleaning up one of my shops, I had to help out today because of some girl that works for me decided not to show so guess who just lost their job, her. I mean don't get me wrong, I love to come in and help I do it all the time. But just deciding not to come without a phone call it kind of ticks me off.
Buzz I hear my phone go off
A- are you coming I am waiting outside!
R- hold on! I got to finish this up
A- Bitch if you don't move your ass I will come in there and drag you out!!
R- can you wait!?
A- NO!! I am hungry
R- if you wait just a bit I will make food when we get home
A- No thanks! I don't want to die tonight
R- Fuck you!
A- but you are my sister tho
God, she turns everything sexual, I sigh and roll my eyes at the text.
R- oh wait I didn't 🙄
A- but you still got me!! NOW HURRY UP!!
Haha yeah I still got her sadly (note the sarcasm)
I finally finished cleaning up the shop, the little I did have to clean, And grabbed my phone and keys to the shop and locked the door on my way out.
I start walking to my bike where I see Alex sitting on her bike looking at her phone right next to mine. I have a Kawasaki that is black and Pink with a helmet that has horns on it. Alex has a Kawasaki Ninja 300 that is purple and black with the same helmet as me.
"You happy now I am here?" I will my eyes approaching my sister and my bike, " I'm not happy until I get my food" she said still looking down at her phone, she is such a pig! "Ohh so you can be happy?" I asked sarcastically as I got on my bike, "yeah when I want to be" she says finally looking up at me and putting her phone away. "Whatever let's go Piggy," I said starting my bike, "I am not a pig!" She defends herself "Yes you are" I fight back putting on my helmet, "maybe
sometimes" she says getting ready to take off, " finally you agree with me not like you were going to win anyways" I laugh to myself and take off so she couldn't say another word.
I speed out of the parking lot not too fast tho and down the road with Alex close behind me. Alex speeds by me, good thing there are no cars out. She does a wheelie showing off to no one but that is who she is. I chuckle and catch up to her. We are going about 200 mph while doing tricks. We'd do this normally if we were going on an empty road.
It was going good I saw something. "ALEX!" She looks at me panicked. "WHAT?!" "LOOK IN FRONT OF YOU!!!!!!" She turns her head and sees a puppy in the middle of the road. She quickly Swift's away from the poor animal hitting a tree. I try to slow down my breaks seems to not work. "Fuck" I whisper to myself. There was a cliff right in front of me. I had to think quick. The only option was to jump off the bike and I quickly jumped off it and landed on my hand groaning in pain. "Argh" I look at the pup who's still there, looking scared. "A-Alex" I turn my head to look at Alex. "I'm good," she says walking with a limping leg. I get up, taking my helmet off and walk to the puppy, holding the adorable baby in my hands and setting it on my lap. Alex comes next to me and sits next to me, taking her helmet off "What do we do now?" She says petting the pup in my hands. "I don't know. But that shit was intense." I say while laughing. "I think I cracked a bone or something," Alex says while checking her arm. My hand is bleeding and Alex's leg is bleeding. "Well, at least we saved the pup" "yeah he's cute" she giggles. "Wait to hold up" my face turns to shock. "What?" Alex looks at me confused. "Lex this is a wolf pup!" "No way!! So cool" She exclaims. "No, not cool his mom is gonna kill us you, idiot!" "No, I want it" "don't be stupid Alex, it's illegal to own a wolf pup." "I don't care it's mine" I roll my eyes. "Whatever. His name is gonna be Alpha if we're gonna keep him." "I like it." She says with a smile.
Alex tried calling someone but there was no signal. "Now come on we are going to have to walk and find help," Alex said handing me her hand to help me up. "Ok," I said getting up, holding the newest member of our family, Alpha. Alex hangs on to me so she can walk easier with her limp leg. She had it worse than me so I knew I had to help her as much as I could.
We got about a block down. "I told you we should go to the gym!" I laugh at her "bitch please I'm perfectly fit." She hits my arm. "Bitch that hurts!!" "Oops sorry," She says with a sarcastic tone. We see headlights in front of us. "LOOK!" I point to the headlights, excited to get help.
My body was hurting and I bet Alex was feeling the same thing. The car stopped in front of us. A couple of men come out eyeing us up and down. "Ah shit here we go again," I mumbled underneath my breath. I knew exactly what was coming. "I can't believe this is happening." Alex sighed. "We can help you if you want....." a guy says smirking. The other 2 circles around us. "Actually we're good," I responded. One of the guys made his way towards Alex. She grabbed his hand and twisted it before he touched her. "Don't. Fucking. Put. Your. Dirty. Hands. On. ME!" He screams in pain.
"Bro let go. It's good." She lets go of the guy and pushes him towards another guy. Just like I thought, the others didn't the hint. He started walking to me and pushes me on the floor. I smirk and kick him square in the jaw. He falls holding his face "Y'all really don't get it to do you?!"
I get up and lean closer to Alex and whisper "I don't know how long we can protect ourselves. My freaking hand hurts and it's bleeding pretty bad. And you can barely stand." She nods. We take our guns out and point it at them. "Woah there, those are not toys!" They laugh at us. Alex shoots one in the leg. "FUCK!" He falls down holding his leg. "Go before this bullet goes through your skull," I say between gritted teeth. They gulp looking at each other and get in their car and run. "Why did you shoot?!" I yell at Alex. "Because" she puts her gun back in her holder. I roll my eyes.
"Hi" we heard a voice from behind us. "Are you serious right now? Why did we get out of the house today." We turn around to face the voice. There were 2 guys.
"What?" Alex says with a cold tone. My hand rests on my gun. "Why so mean? We don't mean trouble. We just want to help. Promise." She rolls her eyes. I point my gun to this tall guy. I couldn't see their face properly. My vision was starting to get blurry. "No need to point those guns." They walk towards us. "We don't want help", Alex says in a stern voice. "Shut up Alex. We do need help. THERE GODDAMN MOSQUITOS IN THIS PLACE AND I WANNA GET OUT OF HERE!!! So please be kind enough to help us" I smile. "B-" Alex starts. Suddenly everything goes black.