"Fuck" I muttered as my sister body went limp, now I am the one holding her up, " let us help you?" The guy from before said stepping into the light. "HOLD ON!!" I yelled not sure if I can trust them yet."F-fine," I said.
As soon as I said that he grabbed her and I grabbed Alpha, the other guy that has yet to talk came to my side to help me walk, "we are going to go to our car" the guy that was helping
Raven said reassuring me, but it really didn't make me feel better. Knowing I was getting into a car with strangers. But me and Raven needed the help. I can't risk my sister because I don't trust them.
It wasn't that far before we got to their car. The one guy that was helping Raven, I've yet to know his name, put Raven in the backseat the guy that was helping me helped me into the backseat as well. I laid Ravens head on my lap while I still had alpha in my arms.
The two guys got into the car, no one said anything for the first few minutes. Until someone broke the silence
"What happened to you guys?" The guy that helped Raven asked, he was sitting in the passenger seat while the other guy was driving to god-knows-where.
" We were on our way home on our bikes.... motorcycles we were riding about as fast as our bikes could go" I paused for a second thinking of what had happened. "before she had spotted this little guy," I said gesturing to alpha " in front of me I swerved and hit a tree, she tries to stop but I'm guessing something went wrong with her brakes so she just jumped and her bike went off the cliff, I'm pretty sure she hit her head she busted her hand pretty good too" I said looking down at my sister that's still unconscious.
" that's dangerous for you guys to be going that fast, anything could happen!" The guy that hadn't talk yet finally spoke. He had a deep rugged voice, he sounded a little mad, but I didn't care.
" that's the fun of it though even though it was dangerous we always did it ", I said looking at him. "it's still dangerous," he said in the stern voice if I was a small child I would be afraid of his voice.
"Whatever," I said looking out the window not really caring to argue at this moment. " where are you taking us anyways?" I finally decided to ask that question even though I knew I should have asked it sooner. " we're going back to our place so we can clean you guys up" the guy in the passenger seat said sounding a little sad. I wonder why?
All I said was okay then everything went silent again.
Time skip to the guys' house
We finally made it back to their house
It was quite a big house about the same size as me and Ravens. It was kind of in a dark and gloomy area like that old house down the road that you wouldn't want to go into yet the look of it was too astonishing.
He pulled up to the gate, there was multiple guards by it, they let us in, We drove down along driveway up to the big house. The guys got out of the car the one that helped Raven before went to her side of the car and picked her up.
The other guys went to my side of the door and opened it he gave me his hand to help me out of it, I grabbed his hand they were ice cold like if you had your hand by the air conditioner too long. I decided to shrug it off I wasn't in the condition to be complaining.
As we walked into the house we walked towards the living room I'm guessing. he helps me sit down and the other guy put Raven on the couch as well. " I'll go grab the first aid kit" the guy that helped Raven said. I just nodded.
"What's your names?" The other guy asked sitting on a chair across from me.
"I'm Alex and that's my sister Raven"
I introduced us to him. "I'm Yoongi but call me suga and that's Jackson," he said as Jackson walked in holding the first aid kit in his hands. " okay let's get you guys fixed up"
"You can fix her up I can get my own"
I said I knew I couldn't do us both at once so I knew I was going to need the help. "are you sure you look like you might need stitches" he said with a tad bit of concern on his face looking at my leg, "yes I've done it a million times, I got this just focus on her" he put the first aid kit between me and my sister so I could grab the stuff I need for my leg and he can grab the stuff he needs for Ravens hand.
I grab that alcohol cleaner and a cotton swab, my pants were ripped from where I was bleeding at, I tore my pants a little bit more so I can Stitch myself up for when I'm done.
I wiped the blood away and cleaned the wound, I grabbed the needle in the thread so I can Stitch myself up, I put it to my skin so I could Stitch, a few minutes later I was done and so was Raven's hand. "Thanks for the help," I said looking at Jackson and suga. Jackson said no problem and suga just nodded.
" how about you guys stay the night here we will get you guys home in the morning" Jackson suggested. I thought for a moment, "ok" i said "Suga will help you up the stairs and I'll carry Raven up to the guest bedroom"
wait how did he know her name? I thought he went all the way upstairs to get the first aid kit, there's no way he could have heard me say our names. Maybe I was wrong maybe he didn't go all the way upstairs??
he grabbed Raven and started walking towards the stairs. Suga got up from where he was sitting and handed out his hand for me to grab.
I grabbed his hand and grabbed Alpha who is calmly sitting next to me.
He walked me up to the stairs just behind Jackson and Raven. We walk down a long hallway to the bedroom.
When we got there suga open the door and walked in with me still holding his hand for Lethbridge. I walked towards the bed. And Jackson went to the other side to set Raven down. " if you need anything don't hesitate to ask" Jackson side and left along with suga.
I laid down on the bed covering me and Raven up with the blanket. Not too long after I fell into a deep sleep with alpha cuddling with me.