Saddened Me


(In the car)

Soon after I was put in the car we arrived at the guys house, when we got there suga opened my door and Jackson got Raven out of the car, we walk in the front door and went straight to the living room.

"Are you guys going to explain to me why I and Raven are here" I asked them as they sat down across from me. "Shouldn't we wait until Raven is up" Jackson suggested "No it is better to handle one of us at once then both" i said. It was true, handling both of us at once is not a good idea at all.

"Ok then" Jackson said "well go on!" I raised my voice " I am getting bored" I said leaning back in my seat looking at them. "We are vampire" suga and Jackson blurted out "HAHAHA.... don't make me laugh" I said laughing my ass off, vampires are not real I thought to myself.

I looked at them and they had very serious faces on them, fuck I thought they are not lying are they I thought. Damn, that is cool as hell. "Wait-what" Jackson said looking confused "did I say that out loud?" I asked "yup" suga said "oh ok then" I said shrugging. "I thought you would have freak out" Jackson said, suga just smirked looking at me.

"I wouldn't but she will" I said pointing at Raven, "anyways, we are off topic. So WHY are WE here!?!" I said making a serious face and look at them dead in the eye. " You guys are in danger!" Jackson said "WHAT!!!!" now I was anger no one puts my sister in danger!! And that is exactly what they did. "Let us explain" suga said I looked at him straight in the eyes like as saying go on and NOW!!

(Present time)

Raven was up now and we explained everything to her, I knew she wouldn't take it well.

I didn't really know who I felt about all of this having a fake relationship and all, shit I didn't even do real one's I was more of one night stand person. I didn't and still do not trust people so when it came to love I was terrible at it. I don't even think I can love someone in that way, for so long I have been heartless to people and I still am, besides my sister and all.

But for some reason there was this pull that drew me towards Suga. I didn't like that at all, I new Raven saw me staring at Suga and that is why she smack me, even though I knew she wanted to jump for joy, she loves romantic things always has.

But I didn't know what to think to be honest. I'm afraid to open up and let someone in, not like I ever have to anyone. I always kept things inside especially when it came to my past. There no one was to be let in not even Raven on a few things.

Anyways after we were done talking the guys had said that we will be staying here and in there room's, me of course in suga room and Raven in Jackson's. Of course Raven argued back about it. Me on the other hand new that I wasn't going to win in the argument so I just didn't say anything.

After Raven was done arguing she realized that she wasn't going to win it and sat back down and held alpha in her arms.

"Ok if we are going to be staying here we will need clothes and our cars and bikes" I said looking at the guys "ok fine. Anything else" Suga asked "umm yes we will need to go grocery shopping because I cook and Raven is a vegetarian" I was going to make it very clear that I will cook even though they don't eat. But I do sooo..

"You won't need to cook we have someone that comes and cooks. Also if you make a list we will send someone" Jackson said. " Yeah know I like cooking and I am picky. I don't like other people cooking my food" I said standing.

"Ok ok whatever" suga said "now can you take me to go sleep? I am tired and I will already most likely sleep all day tomorrow" I said looking at Suga, since I was staying in his room.

Suga got up and walked up the stairs with me behind him. I had got alpha before we left because he is my little wolf pup.

We made it to his room, I liked his room. nothing I would have imagined but I liked it, It was mostly black, three of the walls were a dark grayish color one wall was just a giant window, That had a black shade/curtain over it, the bed cover and sheets and pillows were all dark gray and black, there was a picture that hung above the headboard of the bed, It looks like a painting of New York the sky view. The floors were also black They looked like carpet It was also a rug over half the floor that was gray and black and was fuzzy, there was a chair in the corner of The room that was also gray. there is two other doors in the room I'm guessing one the closet and ones the bathroom.

I got on the bed and under the covers with alpha nest to me. Suga had left I think?? Not really sure but I was to tired to care, I was almost asleep when I heard suga say something like "good night kitten" but I just fell in to a deep sleep...


"Good night kitten" I said as she feel asleep she looked so peacefully and innocent and not her regular devil self, all though I did like that about her she was different from other girls that I had met before. She had fire in her eyes, I could see that and little devils to, I saw them when she pointed her gun at me. She is so beautiful with her blue hair and big brown eyes, I wish I could tell her but i new she wouldn't accept it and that sadden me.