

"Alright, let's get you guys to bed. Alex, you're going with me in my bedroom and Raven you're going with Jackson." Suga get's up walking to the stairs and Alex follows.

"No way in hell I'm gonna sleep in his room!" I declare making all of them look at me. "I don't want you in my room either. I'm just doing it because Suga asked me to. You can come if you want or you can sleep stay here, I don't care." Jackson says in a rage.

"Jackson" Suga looks at him as Jackson's about to go upstairs. Jackson looks at him for a second and takes a deep breath and turns around and faces me. "Me and Alex are gonna go. Hope you guys figure it out." They made their way up to their room. "I'm sleeping down here" I made sure I sounded confident even though I was skeptical about sleeping down here alone.

"Why are you so stubborn? Can't you just come with me?! It's not that hard." He said in an aggressive tone. "I don't care. I'm not going!" I repeat myself. "Fine. Stay here. If someone attacks you and kills you don't say I didn't warn you." He scolded before walking up the stair.

I think about what he said and start to feel scared. " bastard thinks he can scare me," I scoff "I'll show him. I can stay here by myself!" I mutter under my breath. Soon, he's gone and I'm the only one downstairs in the living room. I lay down on the couch. I can't say I wasn't scared because I was mortified.

I wrap my hands around me and close my eyes trying to find my happy place. Suddenly I heard something drop in the kitchen and I got up off the couch and started looking around feel anxious. "Nope not today. I ain't getting killed in too young for that crap!" I run up the stairs and see Jackson standing outside a room smirking at me.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I mumbled. I finally decided to speak up. "I want to stay in your bedroom but I'm only doing it because the couch was uncomfortable not because I'm scared or anything." I explained before heading straight into his room so he couldn't argue.

"Wow...." I stopped dead in my tracks. "You like it?" He acknowledged my surprised expression. "Why is that even a question? It's beautiful!" I throw myself on the bed, laying on my tummy.

The room was absolutely gorgeous there was a round wall made of windows with long curtains where you could see the city view, The room was mostly blue besides some of the things in the bed, and the hardwood floors, there was a carpet underneath the bed, and two bedside tables on either side of the bed. there was a chair in the corner of the room with a table next to it and a lamp.

"I'm tired..." I mumble with my eyes closed. "I can see that." For some reason, his response made me smiled. "What time is it?" I turn around on my back and look and him. "It's 4" he says walking to the chair and sitting down looking at me. "You didn't even let me get my phone. How am I supposed to wake up in the morning?" I asked a little mad that he just brought me here without letting me get my stuff.

"I didn't even bring my gun!" I pout. "It was my favorite gun to." He starts laughing. "What's so funny huh?" "You're complaining like a little kid." He teases me. "Am not!" "Whatever. Are you gonna sleep or not?" "I will but I need you to wake me up at 5." He raises an eyebrow. "Why?" "Just do what I say. I have to go for a workout and go to work." I lay back down and cover myself with the blanket. "And don't stare at me all night. It's creepy." I say without looking at him. Slowly I fall into deep sleep.

Hour later.....

"Raven wake up." I groan. "I'm up." I get up off the bed and look at Jackson who was standing right next to me. I probably looked like trash but I didn't care. "Move." "Also I have a meeting after this so I need my suit which is at home." I look up at him with my voice still raspy. "Your clothes are in my wardrobe." He says in a matter-of-fact type tone while walking a back to his seat. I quickly brush my teeth and go to his wardrobe.

I found my clothes in his wardrobe. "Vampires" I think to myself. I quickly get dressed in my workout outfit, which was a pink long sleeve Nike crop top, with black Nike leggings that were high-waisted, with a pink pair of Nike tennis shoes.

after I was done i walk out the room. "I'm gonna go. See ya" "I have to go with you." I immediately turn around and look at him. "Why?!" "For your safety." "No. I can go by myself. And I'll grab Alex's gun to take with me since SOMEONE didn't let me take my gun. Bye." I run out the door before he can say anything and search every room till I find Alex's room. I see Suga still in the room. "Hey Raven. What are you doing here this early in the morning?" He asks in a whisper. "Nothing I have a meeting today and I have to go early so I decided to finish up my morning routine before I go." I smile and walk to Alex and grab her gun which was next to the night stand and pet Alpha before leaving.