
Leiu was in a dilemma, he didn't know what to do at first, he wanted to go back to the village, but he ended up going deeper, and here he is stumbling upon a dangerous wolf.

Forest Wolf Lv13

Well, it's to be expected to meet a wolf in the beginning, most games like do this, however, Leiu was not confident to be able to beat him. First, because his gear was not that good, he didn't have armor, helmet or gloves, his experience is not enough for him to deal with that wolf, or that's what he thought at least.

But if someone saw him fight, then they would at least think he is someone who practices some kind of martial arts, or sword arts, he was really a genius fighter.

Furthermore, any weapon or gear had something called durability, for his boots, or any defensive item, it takes a lot of time for it to reach its lowest durability, but for a weapon, if it's continuously used to block strong attacks, its durability will rapidly fall.

He's been using this sword for more than 2 hours, the bronze sword, being very bad, didn't have any durability, however, this Steel Sword had one.

Steel Sword Durability 8/12

It decreased by 4 after all those fights, for others it may be slow, but for Leiu, the decrease was insanely fast, so that was another reason making him resist the urge to fight the wolf.

Of course, he can just fight this one, but more than anyone, Leiu knew that he would not stop killing wolves after he killed the first one, he would only stop after he was satisfied, it always happened when he played other games, he was a perfectionist, too bad he wasn't like that in reality, but everyone had his pros and cons, right?


After spending a bit of time thinking and restoring his stamina to its full, he decided to not go back, yes, he's going to fight that wolf.

Although he spent a couple of minutes pondering, he never let the nearby wolf escape his eyes, he didn't want to be sneak attacked, heck! He wanted to sneak attack the wolf, it was hard, especially since a wolf had amazing hearing and smelling senses, but he could always try right?

Slowly and cautiously, Leiu approached the dark wolf, he had already unsheathed his Steel Sword and readied it, each step was taken with extreme caution to not make any sound.

The dark wolf was devouring a white rabbit, it seemed very hungry and engrossed in enjoying its meal. It had sharp and long fangs, its claws were engraved on the ground, its frame was a bit bigger than a normal wolf in reality, but its demeanor looked threatening, especially for someone like Leiu.

Large bees or rabbits were not as threatening as wolf no matter how creepy they are, maybe that big rabbit was frightening and could be compared to the wolf, but contrary to a cunning beast like the wolf, it only had its horn and leap to attack, as for the the monster before Leiu, it could slash, bite, leap and many other things, which made it much more dangerous, also, it is 4 levels higher than Leiu.

Few minutes passed since he began sneaking up, and when he was close enough, he hid his body behind a large tree which was big enough to cover him and maintained stable and quiet breathing to not alarm the wolf.

Compared to before, he knew it would be a much more dangerous fight, so he was nervous, and thoughts of backing up really crossed his mind several times, but he was not that kind of person, he already resolved himself to attack, either he succeeds or fails, and what if he fails? One can always stand up again and fight, what if he dies? He would come back again and again until the enemy is dead!

he mustered his courage, took one big and last breath before he rushed out of the bushy tree, the wolf was still devouring the rabbit, unaware of Leiu, the distance separating them was not that long, about 15 meters or so?

Leiu dashed as fast as he could, wielding his sword and focusing his gaze at the dark wolf, considering the speed of a human is measured in agility, and approximately it's '10', while his was '16', so his speed is considered almost double of a normal person, which a lot.

The distance separating them wasn't that big, however, for Leiu, it seemed to take ages to reach his target.

Without any hesitation, he slashed his sword at the wolf, which had its back facing him, at the last second, the beast seemed to notice a presence coming at it, but by the time it turned its ferocious head, it was too late as Leiu's slash already landed on it back.

Blood splattered from the heavy slash, and albeit its new injury, the wolf jumped back while howling.

Of course, Leiu's happiness because of landing the strike soon vanished when he saw the wolf howl, thinking logically, if a wolf howls then what happens? His bloody comrades would come! Leiu was not sure he could deal with one, much less 3 or 5.

He already launched his attack, he can't run right now, plus, he was sure that the wolves would not just let him run easily, so the only route left is to fight and survive, and if he dies then that's all he could, if he won then... we'll see about that if it happens..

'Damnit! Isn't it too early to call its comrades?!'

After backing away to stabilize its body, the wolf leapt at Leiu, who also charged at it. Its eyes contained anger and rage, obviously not happy as it was disturbed mid-lunch.

With its two front limbs, it used its claws to slash at the incoming Leiu, who was a bit surprised of the wolf's superior speed. Just from the speed of the attack coming at him, he immediately knew that there is absolutely no way for him to dodge this attack.

Leiu gritted his teeth and thrust his Steel Sword, aiming for one of its eyes, at least, he must get rid of one of its eyes to limit its fighting ability.

All those fights against Bees and Rabbits, which already surpassed 100 fight really honed his beginner skills, his precision in attacking became much better and his movement and reflexes became faster and more flexible.

That can be proved by his stats, but it wasn't only that, even if someone had high stats, that doesn't mean they would be this good, of course, they would have absolute strength, enormous speed, and insane precision, but there are things that cannot be just earned from stats.

This only applies on this kind of games, in normal games, gear, and stats, that's what matters, but when you're fighting as if it's in reality, there are many factors to take in account and use to your advantage.


The thrust was precise, and fortunately for Leiu, it directly hit the wolf's right eye, completely blinding it, blood endlessly leaked out, and the sword went a bit deeper, but Leiu didn't dare try to strike its brain, its skull seemed very hard and he already judged that neither his strength nor the sword is enough to break the wolf's skull, just successfully striking its right eye is enough for him right now.

Although he blinded the wolf's right eye, that came at a big cost, the claws of the wolf injured his shoulder, which made him bleed, his health descended by a whopping 7 points and pain followed that, it was more intense than a stab from a rabbit's horn.

The good thing is that he managed to jump back or else the claws would have gone deeper into his shoulder, blood flower from both of them, Leiu knew that an attack like his last one wouldn't work again as the wolf already became cautious.

The wolf may be a beast but it was not that dumb to let him blind its remaining eye, so he didn't rush at the wolf head-on, instead, he circled around the wolf positioned himself on the ride side of the beast then rushed at his enemy, not letting the dark creature cope with severe energy it just suffered.

His speed was decent enough, and the wolf didn't back off or run away. it already has called its comrades. It was clever and it knew that in terms of speed and strength it was more powerful than the enemy, so seeing Leiu rush at it, its turned to face him and jumped at him yet again, this time, opening its big mouth and showing its long and sharp fangs, it intended to bite Leiu in his neck, killing him like it usually kills its preys.

Leiu was not that dumb to let it reach his neck easily, although he was mid-charge, he was careful to not confront it head-on, just as they were about to collide, he hastily sidestepped to the right, entering the wolf's blind spot.

He used all the strength he could possibly muster, and slashed as fast as he could toward the dark wolf, this was a golden opportunity, so he wanted to deal as much damage as he could before the wolf backs away or reacts.

First he chopped his sword ruthlessly at the right side of the wolf's body, then he slashed again at the same place, to deal even more damage, while doing so, he heard a 'ting' sound, he completely ignored it and jumped back yet again, he knew that two attacks were his limit, the wolf's claws were already coming at him, aiming for his guts.

But because he predicted this kind of attack, he managed to barely dodge the incoming attack, he could feel the sharpness and coldness of those terrifying claws, probably an attack to his guts would deal more damage than on his shoulder.

As he jumped back, he gazed at the wolf's health bar and noticed that only a third of it was remaining, but he wasn't delighted or proud, he knew it was a matter of time for his comrades to come and at that time, it would be impossible to deal with them all, at least he must kill this one and try to run away.


The dark wolf became even more enraged as it received continuous damage, seeing that its attack failed, it ferociously jumped on the retreating Leiu, intending to finish this once and for all.

The beast's speed and jump were fast, it's probably impossible to dodge it for the current Leiu, with an extremely short time to make a decision, Leiu stood motionless and tightly gripped his sword, the wolf was almost going to land on him and tear him apart, so for a final attack, he just raised his sword and thrust toward the flying wolf.

The sight was amazing, blood and loud wails came out of the wolf, the sword penetrated its stomach and came out of its back, it deleted the remaining health that it had left, the attack of Leiu may be reckless but it was effective, fortunately.

Messages popped up for Leiu, he just looted it without looking at the contents and dashed out of the place, he took the HealthPotion and gulped it in one go, recovering 5 Health points, making his health bar almost full, however, he was still bleeding a bit, and wolves had strong smelling, so he had to go as far as he can to get rid of them.

Leiu could already hear them coming at high speed, the only way to escape is not to stay here, obviously, so after looting the wolf and gulping the Potion in just 10 seconds or less, he fled out of that bloody place.