
With no time to waste, Leiu dashed between the trees and bushes while breathing heavily, he knew that his stamina was depleted quickly in that hard fight, unlike with the big rabbit, which he kited and attacked without being hit, against the wolf, he barely won, he received a bloody wound too, it's fortunate he got a Health Potion, or else the blood would attract more beasts.

While running and keeping an eye on his behind, Leiu never stopped, but even after 5 minutes, he could still hear the howls of 3 wolves, chasing after him, what was worse is that the distance is shortening by the second, they were very persistent and didn't give up even after chasing him for a couple of minutes.

Moreover, Leiu's clothes were filled with blood from the injury, and that precisely attracted the wolves and made them chase him even more, the smell made them even hungrier, he also killed their comrade, so there is no way they would stop chasing him.

Two more minutes passed, Leiu finally stopped running, the distance between them shortened by a huge margin, they were 100 or so meters away, their running could be heard from his location, and so the only way to save himself is to fight them, but he wasn't going to fight them head-on, that was impossible and dumb, he had to use his environment and act cleverly.


The 3 dark wolves chased after the enemy for some time now, the blood smell coming out of him allowed them to be able to chase him easily, but suddenly, he seemed to stop running, the wolves may be clever creatures, but by no means did they have an intelligence equal to humans, him stopping didn't make them feel suspicious or anything of the sort.

One wolf who was the closest, finally arrived near the smell, it first stopped a couple of meters away from it, then sneakily advanced and jumped from a nearby bush toward the smell, since it was a thick forest and with many bushes and high trees, it couldn't see the enemy with its eyes, but it had confidence in its sense of smell.

However, what faced it was only ragged and bloodied cloth, it was on the ground and reeked of blood, the wolf dumbly stared at it, but suddenly, it felt an intense pain in its back, it stumbled for a bit, but the pain became more and more intense, it felt a presence on its back so it tried to shake it off, but to no avail, the more it moved, the more the pain intensified.


Leiu used his cloth as a mean to lure the wolf, then he climbed a high tree and waited for the wolf, even without the cloth, they could track him, but his cloth was full of blood so their attention would probably be focused on the cloth because of the strong smell.

The good thing is that his guess was correct, a wolf tried to sneak on him and jumped on the cloth, so Leiu took the moment of confusion to jump from the tree at the Wolf, with the force of gravity and all his strength, the sword went deep into the wolf's back, which is a good thing, more than half its health bar disappeared.

Leiu grinned and took out the Steel Sword from the deep wound, but that wasn't the end, he stabbed again on the same place, making blood gush out endlessly, it poured on his hands, feet, and face making him look horrible, with his grin, he looked like a demon, however, he didn't care, his whole focus was on the wolf.

It tried shaking him off from its back but it was useless as it soon layed on the ground, motionless and soundless, all it took him is 3 more stabs, his health decreased by 3 probably because of the wolf's slamming and moving around when he was on its back, but it was worth it as he got rid of another one yet again.

Level up! All stats (+1)

As he saw this, he was a bit delighted, he didn't focus on the early messages, but now he knew that he was at least Level 10, so he felt proud and delighted, but the fight was not over yet, there was still 2 remaining wolves, but courage and confidence filled him when he killed this wolf, if he could kill this one, then what's stopping him from killing the other 2? None!

With that thought in mind, he looted the wolf and disappeared from that place yet again, fortunately, the wolves were not close to each other, or else he would have died when he attacked the first one.


You obtained Wolf Fangs

+47 coppers

Beginner Gloves : +1 vitality

After a lot of struggle and schemes, Leiu managed to get rid of the two remaining wolves the same way he did with the first one, it was hard but worth it.

His appearance was pathetic and scary right now, blood-covered him from head to toe, his Steel Sword was also bloodied and only had 2 durabilities left, it clashed with the wolf's hard skin many times so that's to be expected, it's just fortunate that it didn't break in mid-fight or else, he would surely have perished.

Leiu was extremely tired, a lot of his stamina was used climbing, attacking sneakily, jumping, dashing, but for some reason, he felt happy, proud and more delighted than ever, for him, this accomplishment was something none could do, yet he did it alone.

He rested 30 minutes, and in those 30 minutes, he checked the message log to see his previous messages that he ignored and see his items, money and of course stats.

You killed a monster with a 2 digit while only having a level with 1 digit. Congratulations! you earned a new title! Invincible: +2 strength/ +2 intelligence when fighting a monster which has a level higher than yours.

+48 coppers

You obtained Wolf Claws


Apart from the title, nothing else was interesting, Leiu was joyous when he saw that title's effect, he usually fought monsters higher Level than him, so that was a permanent increase for him, without hesitation, he equipped it.

Invincible title equipped!

Then he equipped that glove, although it only added vitality, it was better than nothing, after doing that, he opened his status window to check the changes.

TITLE : Invincible

Level: 10 Class: NONE


Strength: 21

Intelligence: 19

Agility: 19

Wisdom: 16

Vitality: 19

Dexterity: 18

- - - -

Health: 20/20

Mana: 22/22

Stamina: 23/23

As he gazed at his stats, he couldn't help but feel elated, in just 5 hours or so, he managed to become Level 10, maybe others reached that too, and maybe a lot of them too.

At first, Leiu wanted to be amongst the top Level players, but now, he didn't want that, he wanted to learn how to fight well, that's why he spent so many hours fighting Bees and Rabbits, and it would be a big fat lie to say all that didn't help him.

Quite the opposite, in fact, it helped him greatly, so much that his senses and reflexes became extraordinary, but the thing he didn't know is that he was an absolute genius in fighting, much like an 'inborn fighter', it's like this game was made for him. Leiu thought that everyone would be able to adapt like him but that's not true.

Well, to be completely honest, the game's system did facilitate the fighting but it also gave a lot of freedom for the player to attack and dodge however he or she wants.


After one final look at his stats, Leiu got up and started roaming the forest to locate the beginner's village, and that took him 1 hour, he spent a whole hour to get out of the thick forest tree, find other players and finally find the beginner's village.

The first thing he did was obviously finish the quests, well technically, he already finished them, he just had to go to the person who gave him the quest and get the experience and the reward.

The first quest he returned was the one that needed him to gather snowberries.

"Oh my! Thank you for getting the SnowBerries"

The old lady thanked him and handed him some coppers

+15 Coppers

+2% experience

'2%? Ugh...'

His Level was 10, so of course he would get this little experience, nonetheless, he felt regret, it was a waste of time to do it, but it's too late to regret...

Next thing he did was hand in the other quests.

"Thank you young adventurer! You got rid of the Bees! You don't even know how much they annoyed us.."

+30 Coppers

+5% experience


As he handed the 3 quests, it was time for the final quest, the one for the rabbit fur, as he handed it, he was surprised by what the NPC said.

"Thank you for bringing the rabbit fur, I'll surely give you enough money for your hard work"

Leiu nodded at the middle-aged man as he took the coppers, but the next line is what astonished him.

"Ah ah! If only you had the Superior Rabbit fur, young man, be sure to contact me if you get your hands on it!"

'Hmm, is this a hidden quest or is it because I already have that?'

Leiu smirked and replied

"What if I have it? What will you give me in return?"

Upon hearing him, the middle-aged man jumped from surprise, he looked around for a second before holding Leiu's hands and saying

"You do? Y-you have it?!"

Leiu shook his hands to free himself from the man's grasp, then he said with an annoyed tone


He was annoyed as he didn't like skinship at all, not in-game or in reality, he, who is an introvert have very bad communication and much worse when dealing with clingy people, it's just that he can talk normally to NPC because they are not real but if it's a complete stranger in the real world or even a co-worker, he keeps his distance and remains silent.

"Oh my god! I can't believe it! C-come with me inside!"

As he said that, he stretched his hand to grab Leiu, but the latter avoided the man's hand, after angrily staring at the man, he quietly followed him.

The middle-aged man sold Health Potions of various sizes, there was also Mana Potions which recover mana and various things which Leiu didn't know.

"S-show it to me, I need to see it.."

Once they were inside, he eagerly looked at Leiu, who in return, retrieved the fur from his inventory and handed it to the NPC, he wasn't afraid that he will steal it as it was not reality.

The man inspected the fur as if he was looking at diamond or gold, and holding it as if holding his child, it was funny, as for Leiu, he patiently waited for him.

Leiu was expecting a good offer or reward for the fur, if it wasn't beneficial to him, he'll just keep it until he finds a good use for it.

"It's r-real!!!! I still can't believe it.. it'-"

Leiu interrupted him while saying

"Are you going to buy it or what? I don't have all day"

It was actually true, he didn't have all day, he had work tomorrow, it should be about 14 PM right now, and he should go sleep in 16 or 17 PM as he had work at 22 PM, it's rough, but there's nothing he could do about it.

"Y-yes yes! If you're willing to sell, then I'll buy, definitely buy!"

The man held the fur, hugging it with all his strength, he really didn't want to let go of it, Leiu was sure that it's a rare item, but for him it was useless, so why not profit from it?

"Please wait, I'll be right back"

The middle-aged man carefully put the fur on a nearby wooden table and went to a room not far away, Leiu just sighed and waited for him.

Not even a minute passed and the man came back while holding a box in his hand, he brought it and put it in front of Leiu and said after opening it.

"Please examine it and see if it's to your liking, I will also add 5 silvers!"

Heart Pendant : +3 agility / +2 wisdom

Quality : normal

'Not bad.'

Leiu unconsciously nodded, which made the man even happier, without wasting any second, he took 5 silver coins from his pouch and gave them to the customer, so like that, Leiu got rid of a useless fur while getting a good pendant, a pretty good deal.

Heart Pendant equipped!

He equipped the Pendant and headed for the blacksmith to buy an armor and maybe better gloves and boots, they cost a lot, but he already had enough money.

5 silvers from the man from earlier, almost 2 silvers from the 4 wolves and 2 silvers from the countless Bees and Rabbits. It's 9 silvers, which is a good amount for a beginner, it's enough to buy good equipment.

Once he entered the blacksmith and saw the items and the prices, Leiu was really dumbstruck, not only the prices were bullshit! The items were horrible, added low stats and low durability.

He could only grit his teeth and buy an armor despite it being ordinary, plus its price was a whopping 2 silvers! That's straight out robbing!

Beginner's leather armor : +1 Vitality / +1 Strength

After equipping the leather armor, Leiu checked his stats again.

TITLE : Invincible

Level: 10 Class: NONE


Strength: 22

Intelligence: 19

Agility: 22

Wisdom: 18

Vitality: 20

Dexterity: 18

- - - -

Health: 20/20

Mana: 22/22

Stamina: 23/23

The armor didn't add a lot, but the pendant was sure useful, its appearance was hideous, bronze with a black gem inside of it, it was extremely small, you can't see it even if you are near the person wearing it, moreover, the leather armor covered it even more, but it's not like Leiu wanted to show it off.

As he finished preparing everything and bought what's necessary, which was 10 Health potions which recovered 10 points, they cost 20 copper each but it was worth it, they would save his life many times in the future, especially in critical situations.

Of course, you can't use potions continuously, once you used one, you had to wait at least 30 seconds, it was a long time in a fight but that's how it is.

'It's finally time to pick a class! I can't wait'

The village became a bit empty as most of the people went hunting and killing monsters, basically grinding, so besides a dozen of people recruiting party members, flirting or doing simple quests being a 'delivery boy' like every other game, the village was quite calm, unlike when the game opened. After all, it has been a few hours, so people must have gone to work, school or whatever.

To pick a class, you need to go to a special NPC, the assistant who helped him create the character already informed him. It was an old man at the back of the village, every person must go there and pick a class, obviously, it was not instant, you have to do a quest, but it was said that it's easy quests.

Leiu went back to the back of the village, there was literally no one, it's either no one reached Level 10, or they already reached it and got a class, but it's sure that not a lot of people reached Level 10 or there would be more people here.

That was strange since he wasted a lot of time hunting Bees and Rabbits so his leveling wasn't that fast, this can only mean that he's behind.

There was only an old man, he looked very old, face full of wrinkles and a white beard, he was sitting near a pond and silently reading a dusty and thick book.

He didn't seem to notice Leiu who was walking toward him, or maybe he did but still ignored him.

Leiu stopped near the old man, expecting the other party to talk to him, but nop! Not even a sound came out of the old man, apart from a fast glance, nothing happened.

"Old man, aren't you the one who gives class choices?"

Hearing Leiu, the old man put the book down and stroked his beard while saying

"Indeed I am.... you... you're a fine young man, ha ha ha, let's not waste much time, here are your choices.

⚫ Dark Knight (Unique)

⚫ Blade Dancer(Unique)

⚫ Swordsman(Normal)

⚫ Blade Berserker(Rare)

⚫ Blade Assassin(Epic)

⚫ Magic Swordsman (Epic)