Big Sister Is In Trouble

"Big sister, are you still unhappy about the morning incident," An. asked her while they were moving toward lower floor.

They hopped on escalator, "I don't mind it since it was just a play," she waved her both hands, one was empty while one was holding the shopping bag of the outfit that An. bought.

"Moreover, I feel I was little impatient to win and it resulted a collision," she laughed over her stupidity in the morning frisbee game.

An. was happy to hear that, she was slowly getting good impression of this big sister of hers.

She was not only accepting her mistake but with open heart to admit it.

Lee wanted to set good example for An. that if one was on fault, one should admit the mistake since An. was small and in her learning years.

Her actions and acts would affect this little girl greatly if she didn't set good and fair example for her.

Lee was also calculative whenever she talked to little An.

She knew that she was sensitive about everything she do being a girl, specially she learned it from the incident when she called her brother bull-head.

As soon as they left escalator, An. spotted her brother in the coffee shop and she waved her hand.

He gestured to ask her whether she has bought her dress and gestured toward the shopping bag that her big sister was holding, he nodded.

He was pleased to notice though it was negligible but for him it was like a decent favor, this girl called Lee Ai was not that shameless to let hold the shopping bag to his younger sister and was considerate in doing so.

For anyone, it was nothing but for caring elder brother of An. it was much, he lightly nodded.

He saw them entering in the cosmetic store, he knew Lee Ai wanted to buy some cosmetics for herself though from her looks and ways, he could tell that she was not in habit to use cosmetics on her face unusually, whenever he saw her lurking around, he saw her plain fair face without any mask of powder layers or even lipsticks.

That means she only wanted to chill out her weekend.

They reached in the cosmetic store, it was big cosmetic store of this mall and pretty famous for it's imported beauty products.

"Let's see the lotions for this dry season, do you wanted to buy one for your skin?" Lee asked little An.

"No, I have some baby lotions at home mum bought for me and those are enough to last for two months," An. was not some shopping freak to buy which she don't need anytime soon.

"Ah, yes, your skin is super cute, let me know when you wanted to buy, and I'll check it whether it is suitable for your skin," Lee spoke like a caring big sister, while carefully observing the lotions placed in a row.

"Okay," An. answered.

"This shop is getting down it's standers, I think I should change the shop next for buying cosmetics," Jinhai lifted up a skin toner and placed it back, she was making faces when a salesgirl noticed her displeasure and came in hurry to help this potential customer.

She was ordered by the store owner to not neglect the potential customers either she would be fired.

"Here miss, how can I help you? It will be my honor to select for you whatever you need," she bowed with respect.

Though she was respectful but Jinhai was displeased, "Miss? what do you mean by saying miss? do you think I am someone random? I am Qui Jinhai," she gritted.

How dare this ignorant salesgirl not know who she was.

Her pictures were taken in the several business magazines front with the Ling family interview being the tycoon of the business industry and she was addressed as the young heir of this Ling Business Empire.

The salesgirl carefully looked at the girl, she was apologetic to not take notice, she deeply bowed, "I apology young miss Ling for my ignorance,"

Jinhai waved her hand.

"This cosmetic store has already lost it's worth in my eyes since the cosmetics are no more standard one," she spoke with an air of disappointment toward the store, and her eyes fell on the certain short hair girl who was there with a small girl and if she correctly remember that little girl, she was someone she had met before.

Jinhai was annoyed to see both together, she was looking at the short hair girl now, she was holding some lotion in her hand and talking with the little girl.

Suddenly jinhai has some idea to seek revenge and humiliate that girl, this way, her anger would subside better way.

She was thinking over it when she heard the salesgirl, "Young miss Ling, this toner is imported from foreign, Estée Lauder's, you may give it a try, if you like," salesgirl humbly picked a product for her.

Jinhai raised up her brows, and spoke, "If you really wanted me to buy this then you have to put it in the leather bag slinging across from the shoulder of that short hair girl," she pointed toward the Lee.

She waited for the salesgirl to recover from her stupor, and ran her hand in her hair to let it fall behind her back.

Salesgirl was at lose, she cannot argue with this presumptuous young heir, nor she could go against her order, she could lost her job if she complained her behavior.

She looked at the short hair girl and sighed, she apologized the girl in her heart and and went toward them.

She walked as if she was in hurry, and brushed her shoulders with the short hair girl and a branded toner slipped in the leather bag.

She bowed hurriedly and worriedly toward the girl.

Lee let it go since the salesgirl was already nervous instead she asked, "Are you alright?"

Salesgirl bowed again and went back to tend other customers.

Lee didn't felt anything strange just that few seconds later she saw the same blind blanch whore coming to her way.

She twitched her eyes, why she was coming toward her with odd smile on her face? she shook her head.