Big Sister Is Not At Fault

"Let's go somewhere else," Lee grabbed little An. to leave.

She knew if that girl came troubling her again, she has to speak harsh and she don't want to speak harsh in front of little An.

How knew that Jinhai was really coming to trouble her.

"Oh, so you are also coward to not face me other than being poor," Jinhai sarcastically laughing at her.

An. heard a familiar voice and turned to see the source.

"Who said that I am afraid to face you," Lee Ai spoke seriously.

"And who are you calling poor?" she spoke again, though she was not daughter of some business tycoon still she was considered rich not some poor.

Now she was hundred percent sure that this arrogant girl was here to cause trouble again.

Jinhai ignored her and looked at An. "So you are also here, little Chum, what you are buying by the way or you are also helping this girl to steal things," she pointed toward Lee accusingly.

Her tone was much harsh and loud that it grabbed the attention of other customers.

Immediately after, Lee Ai became the center of attention for the suspicious eyes.

"What are you spouting nonsense, you only know how to remain pretentious and presumptuous in front of other, do you even have some sense of shame?" Lee gritted her teeth, she was not budge an inch but the suspicious eyes of the people around were irritable for her to bear with it.

"Haha, it is not me who is pretentious, see, I can use this card of mine and buy this whole shopping mall," she waved her limited edition bank card in her hand scolding her.

This was only allowed two families to own in this big city, one was Ling family and second was a mysterious family of emperor descendants, one from the royals, in fact Ling family comes third if compared with the wealth while first and second was that mysterious family and it's heads.

That means this girl was from Ling family because other mysterious family was not habit to appear publicly and especially so openly.

They keep their profiles untouchable.

"It is you who is pretentious," she pointed at Lee from head to toe, "You poor only know how to pretend and deceive others by copy clothing while the hanging purse is actually empty, oh, wait, it is no more empty since you are in this busy mall," she meaningfully looked at her.

She smirked and it deepened the suspicion of others.

People could compare easily, they have seen the check book and the girl who was let them understand something they have in their minds now.

"And you speak of shame, haha, it is you who is shameless to steal things that you cannot buy with money,"

Jinhai and her friend was laughing at the girl now, Jinhai was satisfied to humiliate this girl with short hair, to dare to speak with her and even calling her blanch whore was more than what she could forgive.

"Stop it, big sister is not some poor and she don't need to steal anything, she could buy whatever she want," An. came in front of her big sister, she cannot let her face this rich girl alone.

She knew she was intentionally doing this but she don't know why she was hurting her big sister.

"Ah, this big sister thing, I see, well I am not saying out of blue," she pointed toward the leather bag, "You can see yourself and believe yourself, who is you calling your big sister," she spoke reserved since she had received a notification from the court, she don't want to mess up with this little girl and give her elder brother any chance to blame her.

But she cannot spare this short hair girl, she noticed the facial features of both and was sure that short hair girl was not some blood relative of this little girl.

Jinhai called a salesgirl and told her to search the leather bag to confirm what she just said.

The salesgirl was reluctant to do so.

It was equal to humiliate the customer.

"If you are not going to search, I have to call your boss," she spoke seriously.

A man in his forties came brisk walking to hear the commotion.

"Young miss Ling, what is the matter?" he spoke respectfully, he directly ignored anyone else.

"I saw this girl slipped something in her leather pouch without paying, I wanted to only favor this store by pointing some presumptuous people who are in disguise and stealing here," she waved her hand.

"Miss, is that true?" the owner questioned Lee Ai with stern expressions.

"I... I have more than enough money with me if I wanted to buy anything, why would I steal," she spoke with confidence.

She don't know someone has already prepared to implicate her.

"Then, would you mind if this salesgirl search and proof your innocence, don't worry, it's just a search of your leather pouch," he wanted to follow young miss Ling because he wanted to create good relations this way and earn favors.

Lee handed leather pouch, salesgirl poured out everything from the bag and people were stunned to see that there was product of this shop but why was it kept in the bag when it was still sealed, it was clear that this product was not among her beauty routine, who would use body toner in the public.

Lee saw the toner and was equally stunned, when did this appear in her bag.

Yue was worried why it took both girls this time to come out from cosmetic store, though he was unwilling to go inside but he should check and see what was going on.

They needed to head back early to prepare dinner.

He entered the cosmetic store and was surprised that people were gathered and there was quite a commotion at the payment counter, he thought that some lady must be quarrelling over prices or some rich girl must be complaining about the product negative effects.

He was tall and his eyes fell at the center, Lee was standing blank and his younger sister was weeping silently.

He took a big stride and pushed aside the crowd and hugged his little sister.