
Kane never thought he would be out done so easily in this world but he was tired both physically and mentally from his new found relationship status with Carrie Mildew. It is said that a women in her thirties is in her prime and a women past her forties is a cougar and Carrie certainly lived up to every word of that saying.

The holograms and artificial intelligence that Kane surrounded himself with every day may make up for his lack of human interaction but it was a whole different kettle of fish when it came to a romantic relationship. Kane had to think about someone else now in pretty much everything he was doing, as his actions now affected her that they were partners even if they were keeping it secret and doubly more so as she is a politician because if it was ever found out while it may not be a scandal as she is a single women now it could be used by her opponents or Kane's.

Of course this is Kane so he wouldn't change the road he was walking on and still pushed forward with his plans, after all it is only one women no need to be derailed over something so trivial. There are plenty more out there and will be plenty more to come with time. This thought alone might show Kane that he wasn't truly in love with her and thus didn't really need to think about her so much if he considered it from another angle but he didn't as he was so caught up in the moment.

Kane found that Carrie was so much more needy and aggressive then his previous partners and things he would like are trivial and unimportant mean a great deal to her. It might be because everything was kept secret, as that they couldn't meet very often she was more proactive and wanting to jump the bones of Kane every second. With his genetic engineering there was no way he was unable to keep up with her demands and indeed it should have been her that was run ragged and left begging for his mercy. However because of the mental shift and the extra burden of trying to change his thoughts coupled with less time on his research, which distracted him from his other world and its fate, plus the amount of businesses under his control and the development of things in the solar system Kane was stretched thin mentally and that was transferring over to physically.

Carrie in Kane's eyes was a nymphomaniac always wanting sex but the truth is she was very much in love with him after pretty much allowing her a rebirth and wanted to spend as much time with him as possible and give herself to him to show that intense love she felt for him. As she had a nice, young, firm body again she wanted to do all the things that she couldn't do or hadn't done for years and with the desire to leave an impression on him that while he may have other women he isn't allowed to forget her.

Unfortunately as there were serious cultural differences Kane was still adapting to everything and saw it as an annoyance rather then an expression of love. In Kane's original world things were very free and if you wanted to sleep with someone you simply asked them and they either agreed or did not while it was different when you had an exclusive relationship like Kane now has. That is to say exclusive as in they felt for each other and acknowledged that they were partners not as in a single monogamous relationship as that just wasn't done. A population count a few centuries before had shown that women had out numbered men ten to one so being rather alarmed by that number and the fact that nobody had picked up on it, monogamy was henceforth illegal and rapid cloning and chromosome altering had been enacted in order to rebuild up the male population to an acceptable or equal level.

Kane had briefly considered asking Howard Stark or Abraham Erskine on how to deal with her and everything she was throwing at him. Howard as he was a playboy and businessman like himself so he must have tricks to manage everything and Abraham as he was a family man and scientist and it takes a lot to juggle both responsibilities well. Then he imagined their gloating faces with smiles like a Cheshire cat demanding all the juicy details and the continuous teasing he would get for the next long while and decided that maybe things weren't that bad yet after all.

Over time Kane had managed to get her to communicate more by letter so she wouldn't miss him so much and things became less stressful for him. He also invented the ability to have color photographs and she took a great many of him before she was was appeased and gave him lots of her as well so they could always keep each other close by. This was one of those small gestures again and Kane had to admit he was touched as it was sweet of her.

Having Carrie and her father backing him politically meant he could be a bit more relaxed even if he never used their support as it was always there in the background if needed.

Eventually time marched moved forward as the months blending into years and Kane had two events happen to him that one he was thrilled about and the other he didn't know what to think or feel about.

The first bit of good news that he was thrilled about was that his research had finally had a quantitative breakthrough advancing leaps and bounds. He had always healed faster then a normal human and he was much more as resilient then a normal human because the molecular density of cellular fibers and now he had a way to increase that yet again so that. He had come up with a radical overhaul which would make his flesh and bones about two and a half time more dense then a regular human granting him even greater strength and durability and even faster healing. After extensive and rigorous testing he implemented it on himself and the pain was excruciating. It was the same pain that he felt when he was oh so briefly enveloped by the energy from Jekkan Arosst when he thought he would be ripped apart molecule by molecule expect while that was over briefly this just kept going on and on. Kane had thought about administering a nerve agent to block the pain out or to render himself unconscious for the process but the results showed only failure when tested so he could only endure through sheer willpower and hope that he didn't pass out as that would void everything and possibly be fatal to him. Eventually the pain faded showing that the experiment was a success but before Kane could eve test out his newfound prowess or be happy that the pain had final gone he spat out a mouthful of blood and passed out only to wake again after a full forty eight hours had gone by.

The other major event that had happened in his life was that Carrie was heavily pregnant and was due to give birth in a few weeks, which he had somehow missed as they hadn't met for a while because he was consumed by his research and so only kept in touch via letters. Evidently she wanted to surprised him because she never mentioned it in them and it worked.

Kane wanted to spread his genes, it was coded into him by his father and he was very, very fertile able to breed with most if not all humanoid races but the problem was who he was having children with. Carrie was not in any way, shape or form genetically enhanced and they hadn't had that conversation yet. To put it bluntly, in his world she would be a genetic retard fit only for incineration ,as any breeding would lower the collective gene pool of the human race. Kane had wanted to improve the genetics of all the women he ended up with so their children could also be better thus continuing on the cycle.

Even if he wasn't genetically enhance, his generation upon generation of ancestors genomes had been exposed to the sun's radiation for thousands more years and had evolved and mutated a lot more then this current world's population so it would be much more advanced then anyone else. To have a child sprung on him that was so inferior then what he had hoped was a bit disappointing. Sure he could tinker with it's genetics and bring about a huge improvement but it would have had better results if both parents were genetically advanced. Kane took it as a personal failing as both a man and scientist that would haunt him forever, as that child would live forever free from the ravages of time like he and all his people did, that his child will never be a good as it could have been and it's potential had been stunted.

Well, on the other hand it gave him even more to research to make up for the deficit.

The real question though is would the child inherit any of the alien DNA that he had in his system. It should as the DNA was a part of him thus it should have been passed on. It might be best to check so that he could make any necessary precautions and he had decided to arrange the child's birth to be in his own hospital so the clean up of any DNA would be easier and records can be falsified. To be honest now that he looked back on it he was surprised that Carrie hadn't got pregnant sooner with how fertile he was. Maybe despite having a new womb made from her own DNA she originally had very low fertility to begin with.