
When Kane regained consciousness after a full forty eight hours he was still a little bit disorientated and after checking his notifications he saw that his hospital, Titan Medicae and Miracles had been trying to contact him for over fifteen hours. Apparently although Carrie was due to give birth in two weeks she had gone into labor early and from the latest notification she was still in labor. Without another moment to lose Kane teleported straight to his private office in the hospital to see how things were first hand. He had already decided the future plan for the child. It would undergo all the same training as the children in his orphanages and receive the best education he could provide. Not the crap that the people of this world took as fact and science but what he knew from the other world. Also after checking it's genetics he would tailor a specific formula to enhance it as much as possible. He wasn't sure whether to modify the child now so it would grow up with its abilities or do it later when it would have a measure of control, as that would be easier to hide from the general public.

After careful consideration he decided to do it as soon as possible as it would make the child much smarter and thus easier to train with its enhanced learning capacity. Kane hadn't checked whether the child was male or female but he subconsciously thought of it as a boy, as that it what he really wanted. The only reports he had ordered be sent to him were to inform him of the babies health and that of its mother.

Rushing down to private ward that Carrie was in ran over to her and stood there. He was unsure of what to do with himself as it isn't as though he can get in and push the baby out and he couldn't hold her as she was laying down. He spotted a chair in the corner and pulled in over to the bed and reached out to hold Carrie's hand.

Kane soon regretted his actions though as soon as the contractions came she squeezed his hand with so much force he thought she would break it off or squash it into meat paste. He reasoned though that this pain was nothing compared to what she was going through and if it helped her he was willing to suffer a bit of discomfort.

Hours upon hours Kane sat there with nothing to do but be squeezed like a stress relief toy and his mind began to wander. He was of course concerned with the mother and child but there was nothing that he could do but wait so he began thinking of the future and made plans.

Eventually after what felt like the longest time in history the baby started to come. Upon seeing the dimples on the babies face Kane burst out in joy.

"It's a boy!"

At this point the midwife looked as him with scorn.

"How did you screw that up? Look down and tell me if you think it is a boy again."

Looking down Kane saw that it was not a boy as it was missing a certain something. Flushing red with embarrassment Kane began to murmur to himself inarticulately.

"Congratulations on the delivery of your first child. Would you like to hold him Mr Titan?"

"Shouldn't the mother be the first one to hold him? Why are you giving him to me to hold?"

"That would be because she still has to give birth to the other one so it isn't really feasible."

"Other one? They are twins? We have twins?" Kane asked rather stupidly.

Well at least maybe this one will be a boy he thought to himself though didn't say it out loud.

"Yes identical twins, both girls."

At this point Kane nearly fainted. He was already not in the least prepared to be a father as he was still very young despite his physical appearance, his mature personality and intelligence but had resolved to do the best he could but had not one but two children unceremoniously sprung on him. If one or both of them were boys he could somehow still cope as there are things he can relate to and give advice for especially through puberty but as they were both girls he was left flummoxed with no idea how to proceed.

After less then a minute the other girl was born but that was when the problems started. The placenta had ruptured before birth letting out toxins into the mothers bloodstream and causing sever bleeding and she was dying because of it. After battling for a while Carrie was saved but she nearly died and suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD which was to be diagnosed in the near future. Childbirth had always been a dangerous affair and modern advances had lowered the death rate, but sometimes there is nothing to be done and people died every year in childbirth even in Kane's time. This was why a lot or most of the children were grown in artificial wombs in Kane's world and it also helped that they that could be monitored at all times and would get all the exact amount of nutrients and stimulus that a baby in the womb should receive to give them the best start in life.

Kane sat there with the two girls waiting for Carrie to wake up and after a full twelve hours he was finally allowed to go in and see her. She had woke up several hours before but asked to have some time to herself before seeing Kane and the children as she had things to think about.

As they greeted each other and made small talk it came time to decide the names of the children. Kane though Carrie should get first choice as she nearly died but she insisted they name one each.

Kane had been thinking of names while Carrie was unconscious say he immediately came out with his. Kane got to name the oldest.

"I think the name Telsia would be a nice fit for her. It goes with her shocking blue eyes."

If it was a boy Kane would have named him Tesla after the great scientist but as it was a girl he chose something similar.

"A nice name though a bit unusual. I have decided to name this one Sydney after my grandmother."

"That is also a nice name and shows your familial piety and love. I will get the birth certificates drawn up. What surname shall we use, yours or mine?"

"About that Kane, I think it is time we talked."

"We are talking right now and we have the whole ward to ourselves so we won't be overheard so what's up?"

"I will be blunt and to the point as there is no easy way to say this. I think it is time we separated and I will be taking the children with me."

"What the hell? Where did this come from? You want to take the children away from me? Is this all you wanted in the first place?"

"Calm down Kane and let me explain please. I have had plenty of time to think about things and I think this is for the best. After my near brush with death this decision has only been reinforced. You have a lot of enemies, powerful ones each and every one of them and you will continue to make more, the more successful and powerful you become and I am not without my own, from both my time in politics and that of those my former husband and father made. With that in mind I have decided to step down as a senator and move to a small town to take a lesser governmental role like a mayor or something. That way I can get my mind straight and recover whilst simultaneously raising the children away from the limelight and cutthroat business and politics that would follow should we remain. It is for that reason that I will have only my name on the birth certificate as if yours were on it it would easily be found out. That case easily be rectified when the time comes that we are in a safe position to do so and I will naturally tell them who their father is when they are old enough to understand. Just because we are apart it doesn't mean that I love you any less, in fact it is the opposite and I love you more as you have given me these two bundles of joy to love and nurture."

The two comments both about taking the children away and the reasons why had hit Kane like successive hammer blows with the force of nuclear bombs and sent him reeling, unable to think straight. At first there was blazing white hot anger, followed by despair then other things before finally settling on resigned acceptance. He knew Carrie well enough by now to know this wasn't a spur of the moment decision and she was stubborn enough that he wouldn't be able change her mind no matter how hard he tried. To be honest this was likely the best scenario as he wasn't ready to be a father and he also didn't want to divide his time between career and family. Kane gave up the idea of debating with her or trying to get concessions out of her, as while he had the knowledge of his world and several scripted and diplomatic speech masterpieces he lacked the talent to confidently argue with a women that had been steeped in politics longer then he had been alive. Besides it isn't as though he couldn't teleport to see them even if he had to watch from afar.