Get Me Enrolled In The Business School.

"Are you really asking me Murphy? I am amazed , why are you pretending to be an obedient assistant today? I don't think this is your character", there was a smirk on Deming's face while uttering these words.

"I think you got wrong idea about me, Boss. I sometimes become rude to you because you misuse your powers often and make people scared to death. But that doesn't mean I don't respect you, after all you stand at a high post that I can't defy. It's just your parents asked me to look after you as their last wish", Murphy said in an obedient tone.

Murphy was the closest one to Deming. He is in his early 40's and like a father-less-friend figure to him. He can handle all his mood swings and all his devilious acts. He is following and have taken care of him since his parents left him.

Though Wang Corporation is prospering in Deming's era but its roots has got its strength from Murphy's past decisions.

"Don't look at me with those deceiving eyes, it can't deceive me.I know you more than anyone else. Just ask me whatever you want to ask. I can't handle your gaze", he said while moving his eyes from Murphy to outside his cabin window.

"You were out to crack the real estate deal in Berlin since last three months. How did it go? You wanted that land because your late mother desired to build her dream home there but could not do so", Murphy was hesitant about asking it because he knew the deal in Berlin did not go well.

But he knew Deming well too, since he has decided to get something, he will get it for sure. Hence he only wanted to know his next move.

"Yeah, what's going on in your head is right. I will get it for sure. No one can stop me, but it will take some more time. I have to make a trap for getting it", he eyed him with his devil wicked gaze and a smirk on his face.

"What's the order, Boss", Murphy asked politely. He knew something was brewing in his head.

"Ah! I think first I should complete my studies. I know I can handle my business well but my life is lacking fun nowadays. Murphy, get me enrolled in the best business school in this city". Saying that he left the cabin, leaving Murphy baffled.

"Lacking fun...what's brewing in his head now. Again a new mischief of the devil. My life will surely get over because of him" Murphy was still not able to believe his ears. He knew it's not that he was resuming his studies, it was more than that because in compare to his skills and knowledge no master degree can stand.

He already owns more than half asset of this country and was influential investor in several other countries.

But as it was an order from Boss, it has to be done without giving any second thought. He then took out his cellphone and asked Lisa to get the list of top B-schools in the city. Without giving any second thought she muttered the name "The Zhang School of Business".

But suddenly felt that she has skipped the part of collecting information before being sure to voice out. So she started hesitating, "Ummm I will look into it Chief!"

"I heard that, be a little more confident on your suggestions. Get me all the related details of that school and the admission procedure too in 15 minutes ", finishing the words he hanged up the call.


The month ended and soon it was the mid of the next month. The girls were leaving for examination for The Zhang School of Business.