First Meeting

At Zhang School of Business -

There was a huge crowd of students, who had appeared there to take the entrance examinations.

It is the best business school in the city as well as the country and the children from both the normal family and elite family dreams to get admitted here.

The school strictly follows the result of exams and the other method of selection of candidate. Getting into this school was not everyone's cup of tea. To get admitted in this school, the students should be focused enough to his or her studies.

For the examination, some were looking nervous, while some were very confident in themselves. It has become a hub of different types of students, but there was one thing common in them, their desire of getting admitted in this school.

Lifen was there too with her best friends. "I have tried my best for preparing but still I am not confident. But pretty much sure that I can rely on Lifen's way of teaching, it has always helped us in clearing the examinations", Guang said with a pinch of nervousness on her face.

"Whether we will be able to crack it or not, I don't know , but I know a candidate for sure who will be able to crack this exam easily", Daiyu said while indicating Guang in the direction of Lifen .

"I know the exam is tough but you should have some confidence in yourself. You have prepared hard for it, why are you losing your confidence now? You both will surely be able to crack it", Lifen doesn't wanted them to get nervous.

"You both wait here, I will go fetch you something to drink", Lifen walked in the direction of canteen.

Suddenly a sparkling orange Lamborghini Venono stopped in front of her with a lightning speed, almost at a 5cm distance. She was just a second away from getting crushed under the wheel. It grabbed everyone's attention and they came near Lifen.

Lifen was still in shock when someone asked her breaking her trance.

"Hey! Excuse me, where's the admission process for the new session is going on?", a coarse but fruity voice enough to attract anyone rang in every ear.

Lifen was shocked since she would have almost got hit by the car, if the car would not have stopped at right time. Daiyu and Guang rushed from the midst of the crowd to hold her. "Are you okay, Dear? ",Guang uttered with an immediate concern. The warm voice of Guang broke her shock, she was soon in her senses.

There was a loud murmuring going on among the the student who were present there. "Isn't this the famous car, Lamborghini Venono. It is a limited edition car".

"To own this car, it simply indicates the person inside has huge fortune"

"Wait a minute , look at its number plate. As far as I know, it is registered under The Wang Corporation "

"You know this car can change its colour through its key panel. In this whole country, this car is only owned by him."

"Him? who are you referring to?"

"Don't you know him? He is the famous CEO of Wang Corporation, he is damn hot and well known as the prince charming of every girl's heart."

"Then, Is he inside the car?". Then suddenly the front door of the car opened and someone stood in front, closing the door of the car. He was wearing a off-white T-shirt on light blue jeans and a black Mackage jacket, his look was enough to capture any girl's heart.

"O my ghosh!! he is so damn hot". The murmuring was penetrating like fire.

"Girl, you haven't replied me yet!", he asked while advancing towards the girl's trio.

"Reply...Your head...Crazy, can't you see, she is shocked. How can you speed up here? Don't you have brains?", Daiyu said in a hyper tone.

"Wait...Wait..So many questions...I will reply one by one... you have asked, whether I can see or not, yeah I have seen her that's why I sped my car to reach the second one, you asked how can I speed up here...the answer lies in my first answer...I sped my car to catch her and the third and the most funny question whether I have brains or not, that's what I am confused. As far as I know, to speed up we don't need brain...Do we need it?" Deming said while everyone was still confuse on his appearance.

"You...You..."Daiyu was speechless. Then again his gaze stopped at Lifen and he asked again, "Beautiful lady...won't you answer me?".