Little Cat, I want an explanation.

Lifen was in the ladies restroom, cleaning her dress on which the soft drink has spilled by mistake.

Li Jingche has guided her the way to the restroom so that she doesn't get lost. He was waiting for her in the hallway leaning against the wall and tapping one foot on the floor.

She finished washing her dress, "I have to get back fast. He must be waiting for me". She again gave some thought and continued mumbling, "No, I am thinking too much. Why would he be waiting for me. Isn't he already got someone beautiful. He was even dancing so intimately with her. Leave it. Why should I bother about him".

She smoothed her dress evenly and walked out the washroom.

Seeing her coming out the washroom, Li Jingche stood straight and turned to look at her, " Are you done?"

"Yeah, let's go", she walked in the direction back to the hall. She took long steps and passed Li Jingche, leaving him a little behind her.

"Wait a second", Li Jingche said standing behind her. She stopped and turned to look at him.

"What?", she asked.

"I need to ask you something. You are here with Mr.Wang, attending this banquet with him as his lady partner. Are you associated in some kind of relationship with him?", he asked timidly staring down the ground.

Lifen looked at him in disbelief. What has happened to him? He was so cheerful few moments before but now he is asking such a question. She doesn't know how to answer this.

Associated with some kind of relationship with him?

She thought to herself, "What does he mean by that? I am not in some kind of personal relationship with him but yeah I am his personal assistant".

She was about to tell him that she was his personal assistant. But then suddenly she heard strong footsteps coming in her direction, "Yeah she has a relationship with me", a strong voice came out loud.

Lifen turned to look in the direction, she was shocked to realise that Deming was already close to her, only a few steps apart and that too got covered by his two long steps.

Lifen was dumbfounded with his fast moves. He was standing beside her and soon his hand was on her waist, pulling her close to him.

"You...", Lifen shrugged. Deming glared her with his dark eyes and she lost all her word. She closed her lips tight which was parted before to speak .

He then shifted his cold gaze to the guy standing in front of him. He was still like his soul has left him. He has fallen for Lifen in the love for first sight.

His eyes has not left her face since she had entered the banquet. Her eyes has captivated his heart, the moment he got contact with her. He wanted to approach her before but he hesitated thinking that she was already engaged with Deming. But after seeing Deming taking interest, a silver line of hope flashed in his eyes and he approached her.

But now after hearing the strict claim of Deming, the silver line of hope was gone. He look at them in daze.

"What? What are you looking? Are we looking that good together?", Deming sneered.

Lifen looked at Deming and was confused, what is he trying to do? And why is he here?

Reverting his gaze back at Lifen, he carefully tugged the strands of her hair falling over her face behind her ear, "Sweetheart, Why didn't you informed me before leaving. I was searching you. I was so scared, don't you know there are crazy dogs roaming everywhere". He then shot a look to Li Jingche.

Lifen didn't got any of his words. It was something like a foreign language to her. Has he gone out of his mind again? What did he mean by 'sweetheart', 'crazy dogs' and everything else.

"Sorry I will take my leave", giving a disdain look, he looked looked at Lifen and continued, "Lifen, it was a nice time talking with you. If possible in future, we can hangout sometimes like friends. Can I get your number?"

Lifen looked at his eyes which were extremely upset, she didn't knew what happened to him all of a sudden. He was good all time before. But she decided to ignore this as she can sense the cold glare of the devil standing beside her.

"Sorry, I don't remember my number. But you can give me yours, I will add you on WeChat", she took out her phone and took his number without even glancing at Deming.

Deming gritted his teeth hard and glared at Lifen but it's already too late. They have already exchanged their numbers and Li Jingche has already left.

He held Lifen by her shoulder and lifted her chin to look at him, "Little Cat, What was that? I want an explanation". His brows were furrowed and his eyes were extremely dark.