Help your Boss to fix his brain.


"Explanation for what", she said plainly gazing deep into his dark eyes but to his astonishment she was not a bit scared. His cold dark eyes were famous for bringing death of his rival, but it doesn't affect a tiny bit to Lifen.

The grip that was holding her shoulder tightened, "Ouch, that hurts. What are you doing? Let go off me".

"If it hurts, then give me the explanation fast. Did you know that guy? I doubt", he asked sternly.

Lifen didn't get, that annoyed him so much. She didn't gave a second thought to his question and said, "No, absolutely not. How would I know him". His brows relaxed slightly after hearing her say that she didn't knew him but furrowed again when her heard the other part, "I just met him here, he is a good guy. My time with him was quite comfortable ".

The phrases 'good guy' and 'time with him was quite comfortable', deepened his dark expressions.

"Now can you let go off me, you are hurting me", Lifen chided.

He let go off her shoulder but grabbed her wrist tighter and yanked her towards the back exit door of the banquet. "You...can you clear what are you up to? Where are you taking me? You...", she said fiercely but she was still in a confusion, resisting hard to free up her wrist, but as always her resistance was of no use.

She still wasn't able to remember, what she has done to offend him. When they walked out the banquet hall through the back door, his black Maybach was already waiting for them and Murphy was standing there.

When Murphy saw Deming's dark expressions, he could say that it had already crossed the peak of it's extreme stage. But he wasn't able to guess the reason. The bodyguard was always there to protect him but they knew very well, their master don't need their protection Because everytime when his rival has attempted to attack him, they have never succeeded in their attempts and in return were eradicated from the country and some even from the world.

"Everyone move aside. I will drive myself", he called out. The chauffeur immediately stepped out with his stumbling feet. No one dare to budge in between, not even Murphy.

Deming took Lifen to the passenger seat next to driver's seat of the car and made her sit inside roughly and then went to the other side to drive the car himself.

"Hey, Mr.Murphy can you not help your Boss fix his brain? Why is he acting like he don't have any brain with him?" she yelled but none of them budged in the way of Deming.

The bodyguards were surprised with the way Lifen was talking and that too about the great CEO, Wang Deming. No one has ever dared talked to him in this way, not even at his back.

Soon the car was out of everyone's sight, and they were still in their thoughts. "Retreat everyone", Murphy said maintaining his attitude.


Deming was driving his car very rashly.

"Please slow down the speed of your car, I am tachophobic. Please I beg you. We can talk", she said and her face turning paler and paler. She was gripping the seatbelt tightly.

When he saw her face turning pale, he slow down the speed of the car and tilted his face to look at her, "We will talk, Little Cat but once we reach our destination. I will discipline you well there."

"What have I done that needed to be disciplined? I am not a kid and you are not my guardian", she said while relaxing the grip of the seatbelt but still holding it firmly.

"You will know sooner, don't worry. You are not a kid but your actions are similar, always agitating the other", his mouth twitched slightly, but his was still dark.

He again turned up the speed but it was not as furious as before. "You...", Lifen was about to say something but she pulled her lips tight and closed her eyes.

"Relax, I am with you. Don't panic", he patted her head slightly as his eyes soften when he looked at her petite pale face which was petrified.

She relaxed slightly when he patted her lightly, a feeling of being secured engulfed her and she opened her eyes slowly. Now she was no that scared. She slightly turned her head to look at the man seating beside her, who made her feel secured around him.

She didn't even realized when this happened to her, maybe during the time her ankle got sprained or at the time he fixed her phone or maybe during her mother's operation, but she is sure that the man sitting beside her will never harm her. He will always protect her with everything he has. He is now no more stranger to her. He will not hurt her, not even when he is fuming in anger.