I think you are jealous.

The car entered the luxury iron gate of the mansion . The bodyguards were already placed at every possible position. The uniform code of these bodyguards were similar to the bodyguards Lifen has seen before at the banquet. They were dressed in formal black suits with a logo of Wang Corporations on their jacket.

They have arrived at a large and impressive mansion, it was not the Wang Palace. Although the aura emitted by the mansion was not less than The Wang Palace but it was not that heavy to look, it was giving a light of sobriety. Maybe because of its modern style architecture.

When they reached the mansion, the afternoon has already passed and soon the sun will be setting in the west. Lifen was dazzled with the sight of mansion, but it was for a short moment. She soon adapted back to her composure and rebuked, "Hey, where are we? You have driven all way out of the city and it's already got so late. How am I able to get back home at time?"

Deming didn't respond to her complains, he simply pulled up the car and unfastened his seatbelt. He quickly stepped out of the car and walked to the other side. She lost all her words and stared the at him coming to her side to open the car.

He opened the door and ordered, "Come out". His eyes were dark and the devil aura has engulfed the atmosphere around him.

"No, I am not coming out. First tell me, why are you being this rude to me?", she pouted and folded her hands. His eyes darkened more, he bent down and roughly unbuckled her seatbelt and yanked her out the car. His attitude was rough but his movement were extremely gentle.

"You...I am not going anywhere with you. Leave my hand", she resisted his grip but she was dragged inside the mansion. He got her inside and turned back, walked few steps to close the door.

"Explain", he towards her and slowly walked towards her. She looked confused but when she came in contact to the his eyes, she lost all her rationality. A cold shiver passed down her spine. She stepped backwards with every step he was taking towards her.

"Ex..explain what? Can you be a little clear?", she stammered with confusion. Moving backward, her back slammed against the wall. She diverted her gaze to look around, searching for a escape point but didn't got any. She looked at Deming who was only a couple of steps apart.

"No use, you can't escape anywhere. Stop searching, just explain the things you have done in the banquet and I won't be harsh to you", he said while covering the distance between them.

When she saw that Deming was already close standing in front of her, she turned to her right and wanted to slip off but at that instant his left hand's strong palm slammed the wall blocking her way to slip off. She then turned to the left but his right palm came to block her again.

Now she was positioned in between his arms, "Look at me, why are to you avoiding my eyes?".

She put her head down avoiding his eyes, "Who is avoiding your eyes, its just that I don't want to look at you".

"Oh, so you don't like looking at me. Then whom do you like?", he gritted his teeth and his eyes was engulfed with dark clouds, "that crazy guy with whom you were enjoying your best time".

Hearing this, she looked at him and said in a stern voice, "What do you mean?"

"So now you are not getting my words. It was so simple. You were with him, so that's your type. The type of man which you prefer, right", he said in his heavy voice.

"Are you crazy? What's wrong with you?",she upbraided him for what he had accused her for.

"Pfft...crazy, I am not the crazy one here, you are the craziest of this world. How can you get closer to someone just in your first meeting?", he laughed coldly.

So this was the thing bothering him. Lifen's eyes were covered with disdain. Her eyes irked him, "What? what's with that look of yours?", he gripped her shoulder hard, "Do you really think that I am that unworthy or do you consider him as the most worthy person? Don't give that look".

She didn't know why his words were affecting her so much. It was like the daggers which were aimed to perforate her heart. She pushed him hard and and slip to the other side, "Yeah, you are so correct. I think the rumours of you being the king of prediction is so true. You can really predict everything so correctly ".

Deming's eyes darkened, he clenched his fists hard and gritted his teeth hard.

"You are so correct. Gu Jingche was indeed a nice guy. With him, I was quite comfortable. Do you know why? ",She paused and looked at him, her eyes was fierce that can burn anyone into ashes, "No, how would you know? Let me tell you or leave it, it won't be interesting for someone like you".

Deming lost his patience, he stepped forward and was about to grab Lifen but she swatted, "No, don't you dare touch me that roughly again. I am your personal assistant, working according your order not your slave that would give in every time you are angry and jealous".

"Huh, jealous...Do you think, that guy was that worthy to make me, Wang Deming jealous. I have everything, girl's worship me, always wants to be with me. Why would I be jealous of that petty guy", he turned his gaze to other side avoiding to look at her.

He was confused. Was he really jealous? His heart ached when she said those word to favour some other guy.

"Yeah exactly, you got so many girls around you. You are so great. Then have you left that beautiful lady there. She should have come along with you, here. Let's hurry back fast, she would be waiting for you", she lunged forward to make the way out of the mansion.

But the moment she passed him, her arms were tugged behind. He yanked her to him, held her roughly with her shoulder and jerked her to look at him, "I think you are jealous ,Little Cat. Tell me honestly, you are jealous, right. Jealous of that beautiful lady with whom I was dancing in the banquet". A slight smile passed on his lips.