I am really sorry. It's my fault.

When the waitress left, Deming asked a smug face, "Were you jealous?".

Lifen bit her tongue and closed her eyes tightly. Were her actions so obvious just now? It's embarrassing, her cheeks got red instantly. She shook her head and tilted her head to the other side in order to avoid his eyes, "No, I wasn't. Why would I be jealous and that too over you".

"Pftt...then whom are you planning to get jealous over if it's not me? It's normalfor you to get jealous over me since I am your boyfriend. But don't ever dare to go over someone else" he squinted his eyes. His eyes showed a glint of darkness.

Lifen chuckled looking his possessive expression, "What's the need of being jealous, when I know you are mine and will be mine forever?"

His expression lightened and soon the food was served. They ate quietly and from time to time Deming keep on placing meat on her bowl of rice. A warm feeling engulfed her thinking how considerate and caring he was for her.

They left the restaurant and soon reached the main building of the Wang Corporation. After parking the car, when Deming tilted his head, he was mesmerized with the calmness she was holding on her petite face.

Her eyes were closed, and her breathing was slow and steady. "Beautiful!", he exclaimed.

He wanted to wake her up but after looking her face he just can't come to disturb the calmness on her face.

Her porcelain skin looked so soft that he couldn't control his hands to caress her cheeks. He gently brushed the soft strands of her brown hair away from her face and tugged it behind her ears.

The oil from the food, they just had was still on her lips, which was making it look more plump and soft. He gently brushed his thumb over her lips.

Feeling the gentle warm touches over her face, Lifen slowly opened her eyes. Her breathing became heavier when she saw his face getting so close to her, "What are you doing?"

He looked intently into her eyes which made her thoughts tremble, "What do you think? What am I doing to you?"

"It's not the right place. This is your workplace. What if your employees..."

"Sshhh...you are thinking too much. Just be like this, don't move", he put his finger over her lips to stop her words.


He brushed his warm palm all the way from her shoulder to her stomach. A tingling sensation ran through her spine, and then suddenly the seatbelt which had been tied was unfastened.

"I was just helping you to unfasten your seatbelts. Why were you getting such perverted thoughts in your little brain?" he chuckled.

Lifen felt as if two buckets of icy-cold water was poured over her. She was so embarrassed. From where did he learn ways to trick people like this? Such a flirt.

She pushed him hard , "Who needs your help? I can do it myself. Hmph". He couldn't control his laughter any longer. His loud laughter was filled inside the car.

She quickly came back to her composure and stepped out of the car. Seeing her out of the car, Deming too got out of the car and went to her, "So?"

"Sir, I think if we delay any further, we would be late. I have got the text from the Chief Secretary that you will be attending the Board meeting in 15 minutes ", she said hurriedly.

"Okay, let's go ", he said with a smile on his face.

They entered the office and Lifen was surprised to look at the decor inside the office. It was emitting motivation and sincerity towards work. She was amazed.

The other important thing that drew her attention was the attitude of employees. The moment they saw Deming entering, there was deafening silence and all the way he was walking, everyone was bowing heads in respect.

She knew that he was the great CEO, but she didn't expected him to have this mighty impression among his employees. "Attention everyone", he said in a loud domineering voice.

Everyone straightened their back and looked at him. "This is Miss Wu Lifen. She will be working with us from today. She is my personal assistant and will directly report to me", he said and then tilted his face to look at her.

"Hello Everyone. I am Wu Lifen. I am looking forward working together with you all. Please look after me", she gently bowed and greeted everyone.

Everyone was impressed with her but at the same time were shocked when they witnessed the exclusive warm gaze intended towards her.

It was their first time witnessing such warm look of their Boss, who always held a cold gaze for everyone. They concluded that no matter what, they couldn't dare to offend her.

"Boss, everyone is waiting for you in meeting room", Murphy informed.

Deming turned and walked towards the room but suddenly there was a yell from behind, "Brother Ming, won't you wait for me?".

Hearing the familiar voice from behind, Deming turned to look, "Yue...". Lifen blinked her eyes in surprise when she saw the new face full of excitement.

The girl ran on her heels and stumbled when she was few steps away from Deming. Out of his strong reflexes, he held her through her waist and prevented her from falling, "Yue, careful. Watch the way you walk. You would have fallen and hurt yourself".

"It's okay, Brother Ming. You were there and I know you won't let me get hurt", she said in a soft voice. She hooked her arms with Deming's arm, "Let's go".

Lifen blinked looking at them. Who is she? Murphy bowed to greet her, "Miss Qin Yue", to which she nodded.

Qin Yue glared at Lifen when she didn't bowed her head to greet her. Then only Deming realized that Lifen was staring her. He gently removed Qin Yue's arm which was hooked with his arm.

Getting the glare from Qin Yue, Lifen bowed her head as it was her duty to be polite to the higher ups of the company and looking at her and with accordance to her previous conversation with Deming , she concluded that she was here to attend the Board meeting.

"Brother Ming, who is she? I haven't seen her before. She lacks in the employee's etiquette. Fire her", Qin Yue again hooked her arm around his arm and demanded.

Deming tilted his head and said in a stern tone, "Yue, watch your words. She is my personal assistant. I won't accept such words for my employees ".

Qin Yue was taken aback getting a warning from him, "Brother Ming. How can you say such harsh words to me and that too because of this mere employees who lack in politeness. She doesn't even know how to greet their superiors".

Deming's eyes darkened. Murphy has realized that he was about to outburst his anger. Lifen also sensed the darkening atmosphere around him. Deming was about to say something but at that instant, Lifen bowed her head at an angle of 90 degree, "I am really sorry Mam. It's my fault. Let pass my mistake this time, it won't be repeated again".