Feel free to leave the Wang Corporation.

Qin Yue was taken aback getting a warning from him, "Brother Ming. How can you say such harsh words to me and that too because of this mere employees who lack in politeness. She doesn't even know how to greet her superiors".

Deming's eyes darkened. Murphy has realized that he was about to outburst his anger. Lifen also sensed the darkening atmosphere around him.

Deming was about to say something but at that instant, Lifen bowed her head at an angle of 90 degree, "I am really sorry Mam. It's my fault. Let pass my mistake this time, it won't be repeated again".

He glared Lifen, anger filled his eyes. His eyes became darker from before. He clenched his fist hard enough that the sounds of his bones clenching can be heard.

Sensing his pugnacious reaction, Murphy hurriedly voiced out, "Boss, it's already time for the meeting".

Without giving any glance to the two girls especially Lifen who have angered him to death, he walked inside the meeting room with strong steps. All the members of Board of Directors, shareholders and important guests stood up to show their respect towards him.

Some gritted their their teeth under the mask of their sincerity. How could they accept someone so younger than them standing at such a formidable position.

When he entered the room, and his eyes met their eyes, a chilly air passed down everyone's spines. The room was feeling the temperature of Antarctica. He swiftly went to sit on his chair like the King of Hell and Murphy stood on his left.

Qin Hue entered the meeting room following Deming. Her face was showing a cheerful smile as if she has got the exact thing she wanted to.

She was very happy seeing Lifen apologizing to her and her Brother Ming glaring at that petty assistant of his.

She misperceived the scene before. She thought her Brother Ming was standing in support of her and was glaring at his chickenshit assistant because she has dared to disrespect her. She gracefully walked to take a seat which was close to Deming.

The door of the room was again opened, and Lifen walked in with a notebook and pen in her hands. She went and stood behind Deming on the right. Everyone in the room was confused seeing a new face in such an important meeting. But no one dared to utter a word to clear their dubiety, not after witnessing the dark expression of the devil.

Qin Yue was irked with Lifen's presence. She said in a annoyed tone, "Chief Secretary Murphy. We didn't expected something like this from you". She glared at Lifen with her eyes full of disgust. Deming understood what she was intending with her words. He clenched his fist and closed his eyes shut.

Qin Yue was the young daughter of Qin family. She was fully spoiled by her parents as she was the only daughter of the family. Her father was the best and closest friend of his late father. Even his mother had a good relation with her mother. This string connected their family and made Qin Yue to be so close to him. He has always gave in to all her tantrums before but this time he couldn't.

She continued, "How can you let a lowly assistant to enter in the Board meeting? Don't you know, not everyone have the previledge enter the Board meeting?"

When Lifen looked at the the disgust look in Qin Yue's eyes, she really felt she was someone lowly, who doesn't belong to this world. She doesn't wanted to cause any problem. She thought that she has let down Deming's reputation.

She maledicted herself, "How can I make such a mistake. I should have gone through the company's rules and regulations. But it's no use to cry over the spilt milk. I have to make everything correct. I can't let him down like this".

She didn't wanted to apologize again but she was again at fault and she can't let anyone point fingers on Deming. So she bowed her head to apologize again, "I am sorry. I am new here so I didn't knew about the rules. I am sorry I will leave first". She turned to leave. She didn't wanted to cause any ruckus but deep down she wanted someone to stand for her. Then she shrugged off this thought, she didn't wanted to be so selfish. Qin Yue's lips curled up in smug.

Lifen was about to open the door of the room to walk out but suddenly a bang was heard in the room. She abruptly turned her head to look back at Deming.

He had slammed his hand hard on the table . His face was as dark as the bottom of the pot. He glared at Qin Yue which made her tremble. She wanted to say something but her words were also terrified that they didn't came out of her mouth.

"Miss Qin, I don't think I have given you or anyone present here the rights which can control my decisions", Deming said in a raging voice.

He then looked at Lifen and said in the domineering tone, "She is my personal assistant, she doesn't need your approval to attend this meeting and she is not bound to greet any of you. It's her courtesy that she showed some respect to you all. She is working for me, she is bound to listen to me not you. Have I made myself clear and if not then feel free to leave this company and I can assure you that even without you Wang Corporation can stand tall".

Everyone trembled under his warning glare and words. Murphy lips curled up into a smile, he gently mumbled to himself, "This boy has really grown up now".

Lifen walked back to stand behind Deming. His temper was still on active mode. Everyone sat back at their place. Qin Yue didn't dare to lift her eyes. She was feeling immensely embarrassed.

"Please begin the meeting", Murphy said politely.

Soon someone started to present the figures and statements of growth and profitability of the corporation. Giving the conclusion on several matters. But after taking the glance of the devil's face, they can say that he was not impressed with the current rate of progress. Though the company was progressing well but it didn't reached his expectations.

After that the new agendas were discussed, to which he nodded gently. The whole two hour meeting was wrapped up. Deming stood up and was about to leave when he glared everyone once again and said coldly, "I expect that the important members of Wang Corporation are smart enough and has learned to not repeat the same mistake again".

He then looked at Lifen and ordered, "Bring those files to my cabin". He then walked out of the room followed by Murphy. After he left the room, the other also dispersed and Qin Yue walked hurriedly behind Deming.

Lifen wrapped up the files and checked the pages to make sure they are in their serial order and after confirming, she left the room and walked to Deming's cabin.

Since it was her first day in the office, she wasn't familiar with the place. She stopped to ask one of the employee about the direction. Getting informed that the President's cabin is on top floor of the building and she directed herself towards the elevator.

When she reached his cabin and opened the door, she was shocked. Her back stiffened and she didn't dare to move.