Can't tolerate this disgust look.

The moon was shining brightly out the window, when a black Maybach pulled up a little far from her house.

His eyes were shining with fierceness in the midst of darkness. His hands were clenched on the steering wheel as if he intended to mold it till it gets useless.

His black fiery eyes then shifted to the papers which where thrown previously by him without any care. He roughly grabbed the papers and flipped the pages to see what was in this that made that girl so bold.

With every flipped page, his eyes were growing darker and darker, 'Was she thought him to be that petty. She thought that he was after this land. Huh! what does she think of herself? No, she is so naive.

Now it's time to let her know his exact motives".

With that, he stepped out of his car and walked like King Yama [●], out for seeking the souls of the humans. His one glare was enough to kill someone.