
Seeing him in such a pitiful situation, Lifen gently stepped forward to console him but he swatted away her hand as if it was most disgusting touch in this whole world.

She wasn't able to collect anything from his words. She wanted to ask him but the way he is looking at her, filled with animosity and disgust, she wasn't able to form the sentences.

She stood still at her position, contemplating his previous words and then looking at the lady lying on the bed.

After taking a second glance of her, she somehow seemed to be familiar. She internally questioned herself, "Why does she seem to be familiar? Have I met her before?".

Something flashed in her memory, the day of the reunion party organized by Chang. Yes, she has met her before, that night of reunion party.

But still there was something amiss. What was she doing with Deming? And most importantly, why is he accusing her for his pain?