Her heart feel suffocated.

Lifen stood up instantly after disconnecting the call. It was obvious by her expression that she had completely forgotten about her promise to Chang, "I think, I should leave now. I have to reach the First Hospital. Will talk tomorrow, don't bother yourself with such petty things and don't you dare blame yourself again".

He gently nodded to her with a warm smile and was about to say something to her but she has already rushed out.

Lifen was out on the street waiting for the cab to arrive. She has booked a cab online today but it has yet to arrive in another 10 minutes. She was lightly playing with her foot and waiting for the cab, when a honk was heard behind her.

She didn't turned to look behind and shifted a little towards the sidewalk. But it wasn't over, the car honked again, pacing a little near to her. She ignored again and was busy with something in her phone.