Love never force someone.

The car was bustling down the street. A heavy silence spread over the atmosphere inside the car. Deming was striving hard to voice out the words which has been bothering him from the last night. But still something was lacking in his strength. He has done so wrong to her, how can he now ask her to drop her decision.

Lifen was looking out of the window with daze filled in her eyes. There was a kind of suffocation in her heart, and she knew the reason for that but still can't help.

He sighed when he saw her eyes filled affliction. "Lifen, why don't you stop this. You don't have to force yourself that hard"

She tilted her head to look at him, he was looking at her for a while now. She understood what he was talking about but didn't know how a answer him.

"I can't break his heart this time. It pains a hundredfold when someone breaks it. I can't let him suffer again. And he had only asked me for 3 months. I can do that much for him".