Generous Enlightening words.

"Huh, it's something you won't understand. I am not like you, coming from a lowly family. I have a company to run and there are people whose earning is dependable on my capabilities. I am here to see someone for business, unlike you...", Jie thought she could snap every insults she had got from them. She was smiling at the end of her words imagining her victory.

Her heart even swelled up out of happiness when she saw an irked expression on Daiyu's face.

Daiyu was about to rebut the b*tch words but she felt a soft comforting touch on her shoulder which was telling her to relax and leave everything on her.

As decided from their earlier days, if one of them want to settle something, then the other two will only help her not intervene them. So she just nodded to Lifen and step back.

Jie who was witnessing the mutual understanding between the two friends felt like they were just showing off their bonding in front of her. She was so vexed.