Time to payback the first installment of Ms.Long's words.

The fact that Guang and Su Yan were dating each other for one and half years now, doesn't surprise Lifen a bit.

After hearing the whole love story of her best friend, Lifen just nodded her head ad if she had long known everything.

Daiyu wasn't able to take that attitude of her so said impatiently, "Hey....girl don't think that after hearing all these stuff, I do deserve a surprise or rather you can say shock expression on your face. But what's with your 'chill baby, I knew everything' expression?"

Lifen rolled her eyes, "Ofcourse I knew everything. Why should I get shocked? I knew the very first day that they may get together. And for the fact, Guang is not like you, always thought unreasonable tantrums ".

Daiyu grudgingly narrowed her eyes. Her expressions were complaining childishly 'People always wronged me'. She lifted her finger pointing at Lifen, about to accuse her but before she could a waiter came to their table to serve their order.