Calm Before The Storm!

The sun rose and the morning had arrived, even though it was the morning, they both were still sleeping. They had quite a stressful time yesterday having to deal with crazy people and infected trying to bring harm to them.

The afternoon had finally arrived, and Darius was the first to wake up, he stretched and sat up. Darius looked over and saw Ahri who was still sleeping silently. He looked closely at her, he really never had much time to get a good look at her since he was always worried the majority of the time.

Ahri had long black hair, she looked around the same age as him. She had long bangs that covered all parts of her forehead, shockingly, she had a huge bust, they were protruding high into the sky. She had a very pretty face, she looked like the shy person who would sit alone in class, and would never say anything.

Darius looked away after shaking his head and got out of bed, he was pretty hungry and only ate a bag of Doritos before going to sleep last night.

"I need some real food, these people must have left bread and other things in their freezer before leaving, I hope." The food they had was mostly dinner food, for example, steak, they also mostly had junk food which wasn't anything he should eat unless he was desperate.

Darius was talking to himself when Ahri yawned and opened her eyes slowly, she sat up and saw Darius sitting on the floor next to the food. "Ar..e you hungry, I make."

Ahri was well-rested and volunteered to make breakfast. As always, she spoke in broken English but Darius could understand it easily.

"Really? Thank you, that would be nice if you could!" Darius was elated to hear her say she would make breakfast for him. Ahri and Darius had locked all the doors in the house to stop the intrusion of the infected, the infected could still open doors.

Ahri got out of bed and stretched with her arms in the air, then they both went downstairs. The house was bright due to the sunlight, so they could see everything. Once again, they checked the whole house to see if they didn't miss anything to ensure their safety. Darius and Ahri were very cautious people which would surely help them in the long run.

After checking everything again, Darius sat at the table as Ahri opened the fridge to see what was in it. Fortunately, they had eggs and bacon, she was going to make an American style breakfast. Thinking about it, Darius wondered if he was really here in this world or was it just a created body, he thought he would have to run a few tests some other time to see.

Ahri had forgotten to grab bread when she was at the store, but happily, this house still had a loathe of bread. Thus, she started to make breakfast for herself and Darius, at this time, he started to evaluate some things.

"Hmm, how much time do we have until we leave this apocalyptical world?" Darius checked the mission log to see.

[Mission: Survival!]

〈Mission Log: Survive for 34 hours]

〈World Type: Movie]

〈Movie: World War Z]

Darius sighed and started to remember the things the cube had put in his head. He was sure that these memories weren't here before, it must be a set time that these memories would kick in or something. What he found out was quite shocking, this dealt with the type of worlds he would and could enter into.

"This is complete madness, me and her will have to definitely get strong quickly!" What he found out was, not only could he enter movie worlds, but he could also enter series and game worlds. For example, the Walking Dead was a series that could be entered, as for games, there is no need to explain that.

Darius was sure that there was more but the memories that cube gave him must have not kicked in yet.

[AN: World type is where it would appear, you know, what type of world they would be entering. Just wanted to say that if some people didn't understand.] :)

Darius was thinking of staying here for one more day, then they would have to leave. He knew that the infected would soon appear here in due time. The shotgun shots he heard from yesterday was a prime example of that. These things could be anywhere, they even appeared in Jerusalem, which was pretty much in the middle of nowhere.

Speaking of which, Darius also learned that the main characters of the movies and series of the shows would also be present in the world. This meant that the main character of world war Z's movie—Gerry lane was present in this world, he was probably already on his way to Jerusalem as of now or was on the ship at this point.

"Nice, you can actually meet the real people from the movies, series, and games. Very interesting indeed!" Darius smiled just thinking about it, he knew the personalities of the characters from watching the movies or playing the game, so he didn't worry too much.

An unknown amount of time passed and Ahri was done making breakfast for the both of them. The power still worked so she was able to get food from the freezer, she made bacon, eggs, and toast. Ahri had brought down some orange juice from upstairs, which she had taken from the convenience store yesterday.

"Mhm, this is so good! Ahri, you can really cook, can you?" Darius was quite hungry, he began to eat his food the minute it was put in front of him. Ahri blushed and nodded shyly, she only said Hai which meant yes in Japanese. They both ate breakfast for 20 minutes until they were finally done eating.

Darius stood up and rubbed his stomach, he was very satisfied, and so was Ahri. They both put their plates up and went towards the living room.

"Let's see what's on tv. Maybe we can figure something out from this." Ahri grabbed the remote and cut the Tv on, it was on the news channel already. Darius thought that the people who lived here must have been watching it and got news about what was going on, so they left swiftly.

The newsman only told everyone that there was a strange virus going around and that everyone should stay hidden. In simple words, he wanted everyone to stay in their house and not to go outside. He said the government was trying to figure things out.

Ahri switched the channel and both of them could see a red alert on some channels. There was nothing entertaining on, everything was shut down, this made sense after all.

"Well, we'll be staying here for a bit, there is no need to leave here at all." Darius said. Ahri couldn't agree more, they could just wait here until the time ran out. Both of them had plenty of food for that so there wasn't a problem.

After eating, Darius decided to head to the garage, he was still a cautious person, so he wanted to check the broken window.

"Ugh, these things have hard heads and strong arms! No, it's more of them ignoring pain or they simply can't feel it." Darius knew he needed to switch cars or something, he didn't want to be attacked by one of them through the window if things happened to turn bad.

"Ah, forget it, I don't think we will have any problems while we're here." Darius had decided. He then went back into the house, he wanted to take a nap or something, there wasn't anything better to do. Ahri wasn't sleepy so she stayed up and cleaned her weapon, well, her arrows.

She began to organize the food that was thrown on the floor which was still bagged. She took all of the food downstairs and put it near the garage door, she put the frozen foods in the freezer and some in the cooling part of the Refrigerator.

Darius had fallen asleep while Ahri made sure all the weapons were loaded, she organized many things. Time passed and it was finally the evening, it was around 5:45 and Ahri was making chicken with rice. This had awakened Darius, he only slept because he felt like time would move faster this way.

"You up, good!" Ahri said.

"Oh yeah, how could I not get up with this food cooking?" Darius knew he was being somewhat lazy, but so what, he was in an apocalyptical world. He didn't want to face those infected again if he could avoid it. It is currently the fall season, so it was getting cold out; the nights were especially cold.

Both of them sat in the living and began to chat, Darius found out that she was obviously from Japan. He also found out that she was indeed 16 just like him, but she was older than him by 2 months.

Darius told her a few things about himself, she could barely understand him but it was even harder for him to understand her when she explained things about herself. The sun was now setting and they both dozed off in the living room.

However, just when they were beginning to fall into a deep sleep, they heard gunshots begin fired from outside. To be exact, it was the sound of a shotgun going off. They both woke up quickly and noticed that they had made a terrible mistake, they had left the lights on!

"Damn it, cut the lights off!" Darius was shocked and they both ran to cut the lights off. Too bad, it was too late for that, the people had already discovered that there were people living in the house from the lights

"Damn, Ahri, go pack up the guns and food, it looks like we'll have to leave here soon!" Just as he said that he heard some roaring screeches, this sound was too familiar to Darius. Yes, they were infected! He once again heard a shotgun go off.

He looked out of the window and saw a man, woman, and little kid running from an uncountable amount of infected. Darius was horrified seeing the sight, they were heading towards his house as well. Fortunately, Ahri had organized many things earlier, so getting what was need wasn't hard.

"Please, open up, Help us!" The man yelled. At that moment, Ahri came down with the weapons and rushed to the garage to pack up. Darius opened the door and let them in because he saw the scared child that he didn't want to condemn to death.

"Thank you so much, sir! Those things are coming, I am sorry for drawing them here!" The man huffed with exhaustion as he spoke. The woman also thanked him; this was obviously his wife while the kid was his child.

Ahri was done loading the weapons up and came back into the house, she ran upstairs without looking at the situation. Soon they heard multiple figures slamming into the door frantically as they tried to get in.

"Damn, I don't have much ammo left, this is bad!" The man was truly worried now.

"Don't worry, we'll get out of this, just waiting for my friend to get done." Right as he said that, Ahri came running down with a bag of weapons, she was carrying a case of water. She ran through the garage door to load up.

"Okay, she must be your friend, it won't be long until those things break through the glass window!" The man looked serious, he stared cautiously at the windows, expecting them to break through at any time.

Ahri had run upstairs one last time to get the cooler before departing, she came back down fast. She had the cooler in her hands, Darius grabbed a bag of ice from the freezer and sat it on top of the cooler she was carrying.

AN: Damn Darius, you're working this girl to death! xD

The moment Ahri ran to the garage, an infected jumped through the window as predicted! The infected was bleeding from its face, its face was filled with glass shards; there was even a glass shard in one of its eyes!

"You two, run through the door you saw the girl run in!" Darius looked at the woman and little girl.

The two of them didn't even think about what he said and just ran through the door, which led to the garage. At this time, the man had already shot the infected to death, but this wasn't the end, more were bursting through the window!

"Fuck, run!" Darius and the man booked it towards the door leading to the garage and slammed it shut! There were so many infected sieging the house.

"Okay, get in, we need to leave here A.S.A.P, this place is being overrun with infected!" Darius looked at the man knowingly.

The man had a sorry expression on but he was desperate at that moment, so when he saw lights inside the house, he ran towards it like any normal person would in order to seek salvation.

"Get in, let's get out of here!" Ahri hoped in the back with the mom and little girl while the man got into the passenger seat, it was time to get out of here!