New Transportation!

Darius got out of the car, he had to quickly open the garage door and run back to the car. He counted to three in his head and made his move. As soon as he lifted it, he saw several infected people running towards him!

Darius ran back to the car and slammed the door shut, his window was broken so he couldn't afford to be a sitting duck. He started the car easily and proceeded to drive out of the garage. He ran over many infected people as he sped off.

Darius continued to run over infected as his points continued to go up with each one he killed. He was driving so fast that no infected could latch onto the car or onto the window that was broken. Several infected chased the car to no avail but they were obviously too slow.

The little girl was scared and was shaking from fear, she was only around 6 or 7 years old. This is what drove Darius to help the couple so much, despite his thoughts on believing these people to be NPC, he couldn't help but feel for the kid.

Everyone sighed in relief once they were away from the farmhouse that was overrun by infected.

"Sorry for all that. My name is Steve and this is my wife Sarah. This is my daughter Kara, it is nice to formally meet you guys, and thanks for opening the door for us." Steve was seriously grateful to Ahri and Darius for helping them, they even managed to getaway.

"No problem, that kid shouldn't have to go through such a thing. Judging by our situation, we might have to go to that Army base." Darius sighed but it was his only option at this point, he really planned to stay in that house but that all came to ruin.

"Army base? Do you know the location of it?" Sarah chimed in with a joyous smile; if they could get to an army base then they could surely survive with no problem.

"Ahri, give the GPS to this woman and let her search for the location of an army base." Ahri understood what Darius was saying after hearing it from back then. Ahri pulled the GPS out of one of the bags she had packed.

"Ah, a GPS, this is amazing, now we'll definitely get to that army base!" Sarah was overjoyed seeing the GPS. Steve felt the same, he couldn't help but feel how fortunate he got from all of this. They had a shot to survive in this chaotic world that was soon to get worse!

Sarah started the GPS up and immediately located an Army base, it was quite some distance away.

The base was located near a mountain area.

Darius was sure that there were many people who found and went to the base. This was all to take shelter against those infected running rampant everywhere.

"Goodness, it's about 8 hours away, so far!" Sarah was stunned seeing the distance in which they would have to travel to reach their destination. Ahri sat way in the back, she was feeling sleepy now and so was everyone else. The people were running for their lives and were panicked and stressed about it.

Soon, everyone but Darius fell asleep, he drove steadily through the night. He didn't drive too fast or too slow. If he drove too fast he might end up crashing into something and ruining many opportunities if the car messed up. If he drove too slow, then an infected person might run up on the car and attempt to bite or scratch him through the broken window.

After about 3 hours of driving, the sun started to rise over the horizon. Darius honestly just wanted to leave this world, he was scared with just the thought of getting infected by one of these things. With the rise of the sun, people started to wake up—judging from the time they slept, it could be considered a nap more than anything else.

Sarah and Ahri were the first to wake up. Sarah immediately looked at the time at the front of the car. Darius had the GPS on low volume as to not disturb anyone while they were sleeping, and even more so to not attract those crazy infected.

At this point, Darius was driving through the city under the guidance of the GPS system.

Suddenly Kara woke up and spoke. "Mom, I have to go pee really badly."

Darius's expression turned dark hearing Kara.

"Search for a place she can pee at, she'll have to make it quick, or else those things would show up in no time." Darius wasn't happy about this one bit, but it was all he could do. He didn't want this little girl to piss herself because she couldn't use it.

Sarah nodded but before she could search, they saw a place she could use the restroom at. It was an Rv and MotorHome lot, it had many RVs and Motor Homes lined up.

"Scratch that, it looks like we found something better to travel in." It wasn't Darius who spoke, it was Steve. Steve had a motorhome back in the day and knew how to drive them. This would provide way better transportation than the hummer they are currently in.

Darius pulled up at the lot, it was surprisingly quiet, in fact, it was a little too quiet!

"It seems to be vacant of life around here, if we can get one of these motor homes, then we would travel much better." Steve really wanted one of these motorhomes and Darius was thinking the same thing.

Darius parked the hummer near a small RV in the lot and looked back at everyone.

"Ahri and Steve, you guys will come with me into the shop so we can get the keys to one of these motorhomes." Steve and Ahri both nodded.

"Sarah, let us take Kara with us so she can use the bathroom inside the RV shop." Steve grabbed Kara who was looking around confusingly. Sarah had no problem with it and decided to stay and watch the car until they got back.

Sarah was originally just going to have her daughter piss on the ground if need be but they found this place which was okay.

"Please take care of her and don't let her get hurt," Sarah said before they left.

The four people slowly approached the building. They peeped through the window and saw nothing that looked out of line; at least no Infected standing around. They slowly opened the sturdy double doors, which made creaking sounds. Once they got inside, they were greeted with dead bodies that had been stabbed by sharp wooden objects and even sharp metal objects.

"Goodness, it stinks in here, there are so many dead people lying around!" Steve covered Kara's eyes and exclaimed in shock; this was something he didn't want her to see. However, at the end of the day, she would grow to know this scene more and more.

Darius almost vomited when he smelled the dead people. This was the same for Ahri who was covering her mouth and nose. They looked behind the counter where the main area was when people walked in. They could see multiple keys hanging up behind a glass casing that displayed many keys.

"The bathroom is over there, I'm going to take her to use it really quick, you guys wait up." At this time, Steve had spotted a bathroom not too far away. Darius nodded, as he continued to look through the keys.

"Ahri, we must survive this world and go home. Once we are in the cube room, we can boost our status and become much stronger!" Darius whispered and said. Ahri just smiled, she obviously couldn't understand what he said.

Surprisingly, Darius looked over and saw some keys hanging up, but these keys had a picture next to it.

The picture was that of a huge black motorhome.

Darius had spotted this motorhome when he pulled up into the lot, he had found what he was looking for. Sadly, the keys were behind glass and he would need to break it in order to get the keys.

"Man, this is rough, why does everything have to be a challenge?" Darius sighed but he had no choice but to break the glass. However, before he could do that, he heard some loud banging all of a sudden.

"What was that, did you hear that?" Darius took aim, he was aiming down the hall while Ahri was doing the same, she had a bow in her hand with a pistol on her side. Darius gave Ahri the keys to the hummer and she received them by putting them in her pocket.

Just then, Steve and Kara came out of the bathroom. They were even more rushed due to the noise they had heard just now.

"It seems to be coming from down the hallway and around the corner." Steve held his shotgun in his hand while holding his daughter's hand with the other.

"Okay, you guys go check it out, I'll take Kara back to the car after I grab these keys." Darius didn't care so much about the noises, he just wanted to grab these keys and be gone from here. Steve had no problem with that and handed over Kara. Both Ahri and Steve slowly walked down the hall to investigate.

Darius checked the drawer and found a white rag, it was perfect for silently breaking glass. He swung his fist and broke the glass silently without getting cut in the process as well.

"Good, now, I'll move everything from the hummer onto the motorhome." Darius was elated and grabbed Kara's hand as he walked back to the hummer.

As soon as he arrived back at hummer, Kara got back into the car.

"Where's Steve and that young Asian girl who was with you?" Sarah looked concerned as if something had happened.

"Nothing happened, they heard some banging inside the place and went to check it out." Darius didn't believe they could be overrun by any infected at this point. The infection process was still at its starting point, and it looked like most people had evacuated from here.

Sarah sighed in relief but she was soon worried again, what could that banging noise be, was it one of those crazy things?

Darius couldn't mind what she was thinking and walked off towards the motorhome with his assault rifle over his shoulder with his pistol in his hand.

"Ah, this motor home is a beauty. My dad always wanted one of these, but he was never able to afford one." Darius was mesmerized by the motor home.

So, he proceeded to open the door and board it.

The motorhome had beautiful leather seats and a nice kitchen that had a fridge with many more kitchen objects. Darius walked towards the back room which had two beds and a TV in it. There was a stove in the kitchen with many seats for a family to sit down and enjoy a meal together.

"Yep, this thing is the dream to have, it's a true beauty!" Darius was satisfied with this discovery and walked out of the motorhome. Darius opened the trunk to the hummer and began to grab all the items he and Ahri had gathered.

He put the bag of guns over his shoulder.

Darius put his pistol back inside his side latch which held his weapon, it was extremely risky doing such a thing. He had no way of defending himself if an infected popped up. Fortunately, there were no infected to be found in the area but he was sure it wouldn't be like that forever.

After 5 minutes, he managed to load all of the items he and Ahri had gathered onto the motorhome.

"Phew, now it's time to get out of here. I better go get Ahri and Steve so we can leave. Oh, that rhymed, hehe!" Before that, Darius had to fill the tank up with gas, then he would go get them afterward.