Trapped And Plan For Escape!

Darius continued filling the gas up, he had to make sure he had a full tank since motor homes required a lot of gas. He let it fill itself up as he was drinking a bottle of water. Suddenly, a boom was heard that startled Darius; then it started raining heavily.

"Wow, of all times, it starts to rain now? Well, it could prove to be a good camouflage against those things." Darius knew that the thunder would suppress the infected senses to some degree, so he was very relieved after thinking about it.

Darius was in no rush and even relaxed in the rain.


Motorhome Store.

Inside the Motorhome and RV Building, both Steve and Ahri walked cautiously towards the banging sound.

"What do you think that banging sound could be, it's so annoying!" Steve whispered a silent yell. The sound was very consistent, it sounded like more than one person was causing the banging.

Ahri didn't reply, she just kept a sharp and cautious expression as she advanced, she honestly just wanted to follow Darius back to whatever he was going. They were, after all, companions at this point with both of them coming from the same world.

Steve frowned when Ahri didn't reply to him, but he kept walking without saying anything. They soon arrived at the end of the hall and looked around the corner. This building was by no means small inside and out. It had three floors that had many rooms and was very spacious all around. There was also a large basement that held repair equipment and many other essentials.

What they saw down the hall stunned them a bit, there were 3 infected down the hall. There were two infected ramming some door, they were both taking turns doing it. Going further down the hall was another infected, it was next to a flight of stairs shaking sideways with its head down. It paid no attention to the other infected constantly slamming into the door.

"Damnit! It turns out that it was a bunch of those maniacs hitting a door!" Steve whispered in annoyance. He would rather walk away from this situation and Ahri couldn't agree more about leaving. However, they soon heard some yelling behind the door which startled them for a second.

"It turns out that there are actually people in that room, should we rescue them?" Steve looked at Ahri for confirmation. He noticed that this chick never spoke, he had a feeling that she may not even know English, and he was dead on the mark with his assumption.

Ahri didn't say anything and instead nodded to his question. She had walky-talky strapped to her side, it was given to her by Darius just in case.

"L-let's savu!"

Hearing her strange English, Steve confirmed what he was thinking to be right, she was a foreigner who barely knew English!

"No gun, my bow!" Ahri said.

Steve knew why she was saying this, she obviously didn't want to attract more of these crazy things.

Ahri took aim, her target was the one next to the stairs with its head down swaying to the side ever so often. She focused for a bit and fired it off, the shot cut through the air and the sound of flesh being pierced could be heard.

The infected screeched in pain and fell to the ground dead!

The other infected felt the airflow change around them and even saw the arrow pass by them. They looked down the hall and saw Ahri grabbing another arrow from her quiver, their faces turned menacing seeing a living person they could infect.

At this point, Ahri had fired another arrow off before they could even charge, and killed another one with a headshot! The other rushed Ahri and Steve with insanity in his eyes, it didn't care about life or death, all it wanted was to infect these two before it, and the target it wanted first was Ahri!

The infected groaned in madness as its mouth was dripping saliva. Ahri wasted no time and moved her hands like she had Sleight of Hand Pro, the infected lunged towards Ahri, meaning to tackle her and rip into her neck.

Too bad though, the only thing it tackled was an arrow to the face, it pierced right between its eye! Ahri immediately moved out of the way as the infected slammed into the wall behind her with no life remaining.

"My god, your archery skills are amazing!" Steve couldn't help but praise her Archery skills, it was even more effective than the shotgun he was carrying. Ahri smiled and nodded to his compliment, seeing the dead infected that she had killed, she was satisfied but she was also scared in all honesty.

If she missed one arrow then she might have been caught and infected by one of these things. Steve, seeing that the coast was clear advanced while Ahri stayed back looking around cautiously, she didn't move from her spot but watched instead. Both her and Darius were quite cautious people since they come from a world where most people were paranoid anyway.

"Open up, we've killed those things, you're safe now!" Steve knocked on the door and said in a low voice.

The people behind the door were silent for a bit, then someone from the other side of the door knocked on it. Steve simply knocked again and stated that it was safe again, he had to be silent as possible.

Soon the door opened and 3 people walked out with chair legs in their hands for weapons.

"Hold it there buddy, calm yourself, we've killed the maniacs already." There were two men and one woman. One of the men was a short fat man who wore a suit, he had a saggy chin with many pimples on his face.

He was sweating profusely; the room must smell horrible!

The other man was of Latin descent, he had a full mustache, he was a middle-aged man who wore the typical janitor outfit. The woman was a short Caucasian woman with glasses. She also wore a suit that was for women. She had brown messy hair going to her shoulders.

"Ah, sorry, we were stuck in this room for some time now, hehe." The fat man lowered the wooden chair legs and relaxed a bit.

"My name is Edgar, this is Mendez, and this is Lara, we were employees here at some point, but that all went to shit," Edgar said with a fear-stricken expression.

"Yeah, it was starting to get really hot in there, thank you for saving us, and yes, my name is Mendez!" The janitor walked up and gave Steve a handshake which he gladly accepted.

"You said, "We've." Who are you talking about? Who are we?" Lara asked confusingly. Just as she asked, Ahri walked over with her bow in her hand. Everyone looked at her immediately and finally understood why the infected before them had an arrow in its head.

"Wow, you must be good at archery!" Lara paused and looked at the location Ahri came from, she saw another infected that had been pierced in the head by an arrow lying dead on the floor.

"Incredible, you're so amazing!" Lara grabbed Ahri's hands and praised her.

"Thank... you!" Ahri replied back and said.

"Okay, you guys killed the psychos, we should leave this place fast! There are probably more of these crazy guys in the building! More than likely, they're at the higher levels in this building!" The Fat man was losing his breath as he explained.

"Good idea, we have a car outside that we can leave in, we've been trying to take one of these motorhomes for better transportation," Steve smiled and said. Everyone was excited to hear such news and was ready to go.

At that moment, they heard multiple groans and footsteps coming from the place they had come from, the entrance area! There was another hallway down that way other than just the one they were currently in.

"Run! Those monsters are coming for us!" Mendez screamed in horror and turned to run, he didn't want to be trapped in that room again. The others reacted just like him and made a run for it. The fat man was the most terrified and also turned to run. As Lara was running she dropped her phone, she almost wanted to turn back and grab it but knew that she couldn't.

Suddenly, about 15 infected came running around the corner screeching. The howls were enough to make them all shiver, but they kept running. The Fatman was dead last, he was just too slow and believed that he was a goner if this kept up.

"Over there, that's the meeting room, it's big enough for us all!" Lara pointed toward a double-doored room and said urgently. Everyone did just that and ran into the room with the Fatman making it just in time. They locked it and grabbed several chairs to block the door.

"Fuck! Now we're trapped in another room, except this place is much bigger!" Mendez was angry, just when they thought they were out of the woods, they had to run deeper into them. The Fatman was panting like he was going to faint at any moment, if anyone was going to get caught, it would certainly be him.

"Calm down, there's gotta be another way out. Let's sit down and talk about it for a bit, we'll come up with a plan." Steve tried to look on the bright side and took a seat to catch his breath from running. Edgar immediately did the same thing, he was the most tired of them.

"I need some water, I'm so thirsty right now. There is no way I can run anymore without any water." Edgar was sweating profusely and panting like a beast. Ahri walked around the room and saw another small room, which had many vending machines in it.

"Water!" Ahri waved her hand and signaled everyone to come over. They were all currently relaxing near the table trying to catch their breaths. They could hear tons of banging at the main door, this was obviously the infected. Lara and Mendez walked over and jumped with joy when they saw so many vending machines.

"This is perfect! Hey Steve, come over here and help us break these machines so we can get some snacks from them." Mendez called out to Steve for help, the guy had two guns on him, which were his shotgun and the pistol on his side.

After about 5 minutes, everyone including Edgar had gotten some water from the Dasani water machine. There were also snack machines they could eat from as well.

"Phew, now we need to figure out how to get out of here or we're doomed," Edgar said after drinking the whole bottle of water. They stuffed a bag full of water and snacks for later, it was no telling when they would be able to eat again.

"This is going to be hard, there are so many of them out there so it won't be easy to escape from them. From what I know, these things are attracted to sound, so the smallest sound would attract them with ease." Steve began to relay the information he learned about these things, and felt like it could be useful in some way.

Everyone was in deep thought hearing that then suddenly Edgar looked at Ahri. "Hey, you killed those psychos last time, I didn't catch your name, what was it?" Edgar looked over Ahri and asked. Ahri looked at the Fatman and pointed to herself and told him her name.

"Hmm, why does she talk like that? Is she a foreigner or a tourist?" The Fatman asked

"Ah, yes, she doesn't talk much, her partner is outside waiting for us as we speak. He usually does all the talking, she really can't speak English or understand it so well." Steve enlightened everyone on Ahri's situation.

Hearing that she was a foreigner, Edgar smiled to himself and suddenly his eyes glinted with an unknown light, it was no telling what he was thinking.

Suddenly, Lara had an idea. "Do any of you have a phone on you? I have an idea that could help us escape if you do." Lara stood up and said suddenly.

"Uh, I have one but what can you do with it?" Steve took out his cell phone and showed it to Lara.

"Nice, if you can call my phone I dropped in the hall, then wouldn't those things be attracted to it?" Lara suggested.

"Great idea! Once they run towards the phone, we can use that opportunity to escape towards the exit!" Steve and Mendez completely agreed with this idea but they hated running the most. Too bad, this was going to be a common occurrence in this world.

The door had many objects blocking it, but none of that was required since the door had a lock on it. The double doors had little windows on them that were blocked by curtains, so anyone on this side could peek through it if they wanted.

"Before that, Steve, can you give me your pistol just in case? I want to use it to protect myself if I get into any dangerous situations." Edgar grinned and asked Steve. He was the slowest so he might get left behind, and he would need something to protect himself if that happened.

"Hmm, I guess that should be okay, it would also help us in our chance of survival." Steve had no objection towards this and handed him the pistol. Edgar was delighted and took the pistol into his hands with joy.

"Okay, let's move this stuff away from the door and peek through the curtain to see if they run towards the sound once Lara makes the call." Everyone began to move everything away from the door, they could still hear groans and infected ramming against the door ever so often.

"Lara, call it now." Steve peeked out of the curtains, he could see many infected standing near the door beating on it without a care for their bodies. Lara made the call and her phone was loud; the infected noticed the sound and turned around.

It was just as they expected, the infected were attracted to the sound and ran off towards it together!

"Now!" Steve yelled and opened the door to make a run for it. Everyone else followed suit and began to run out as fast as they could. Soon, the infected ran to the phone, they sat next to it for a bit, but once they heard the sound of people scurrying about, they turned and ran back.

"Go, go, go!" Everyone continued to run, they were going to leave the building, and soon the infected came crashing around the corner madly. Like always, Edgar was in last and began to worry about his safety.

"Fuck!" Seeing the infected tailing him and drawing closer to him, he was thinking all sorts of things. Looking at the foreigner who could barely speak English, his eyes turned cold. Without thinking, he flexed his pistol and shot one-off, the target was Ahri!

"Ah~!" The bullet penetrated Ahri's legs and she came crashing down as her head hit the ground. She was in a daze when she noticed that she had been shot in the leg. Ahri had hit her head on the ground, so a knot had appeared on her head; she was also bleeding from her nose.

Everyone heard the gunshot but kept running believing that Edgar had shot an infected person. They heard a yell but they were too scared to turn back and see what it was, so they just kept running.

Edgar passed Ahri with a sinister grin on his face, he thought to himself. 'Don't blame me, this is the law of the jungle, I will always remember your sacrifice. You're just a foreigner anyway who can't speak a bit of English, good luck! Haha!'

Ahri eyes bulge after figuring out what happened. She started to feel fear and grief after coming to the realization of what happened, she felt betrayed!