PA's farewell party

As per his routine, Wang headed to the gym early in the morning, as his driver, Robin, waited outside the house, for the personal assistant's arrival.

Stacy, Wang's personal assistant, had received a better offer in another company (thanks to Aunt Ning), and today was her last day as the employee of Wang Fashion House. She reached Wang's house on time, took the house keys from Robin and entered the kitchen to get the breakfast ready, according to the CEO's meal plan - first a pomegranate, then the breakfast along with a coffee.

From years, Stacy had been following this routine. She would prepare the breakfast and then, would wait for Mr. Wang to return from his gym, to freshen up. After he got ready for his office, Mr. Wang would have his breakfast and head towards his company head quarters, along with his personal assistant.

But today was a different day. She left immediately after having prepared Wang's breakfast, without even waiting for his arrival. It was her last day at the company, and a farewell party had been planned for her. Mr. Wang had been informed about this beforehand.


At Wang Fashion House...

Wang entered the office building and headed towards the shooting section. The shooting studio was headed by John, one of the most popular photographers in the modelling world. Arranging for the finest of models and getting their photo shoots done successfully were two of his many studio related job duties.

Wang stood at a corner of the studio, as he observed John, taking photographs of a gorgeous model, who was flaunting the clothing range that had been designed just a few days back.

Click! Click!

"That's good! Superb," praised John as he clicked some photographs of the model. "The hair! Straighten it a little," John asked the makeup man.

The makeup man proceeded to set the model's hair according to the John's instructions.. and the photography started again.

Click! Click!

"You're amazing! This clothing range suits on you .. so much. Turn your back towards me.. That's right," instructed John.

Click! Click!

"You are beautiful. Just.. look into the camera.. ," said John.

The shooting session was interrupted by Wang. "Ahmm! John, can I talk to you for a minute?" signaled Wang, as he walked outside the studio.

"Sure!" John smiled at Wang, and then turned his attention towards the model again. "Sweetie! I'll be back soon. You can have a little rest till then," winked John and walked towards the studio's exit door to talk to Wang.

"John! Who is this girl?" inquired Wang.

"You don't know her? She's Aliza, the most demanded model in the fashion industry. I had to offer her a lot of money along with some gifts," shared John.

"I don't think she's fit for the shoot. Our clothing range doesn't suit her," said Wang.

"Come on! You can't be serious. I had to manage so much to convince her to come for the shoot. You can't say like this. She's such a beautiful girl. Just look at her again!" requested John as he gave a look at the model. "I got your approval before signing her for the shoot. What is wrong now?" asked John.

"I saw her photographs, and after seeing her in real.. I can say for sure that the photographs were photoshopped. Secondly, she's so much.. without expression. There is a look of pride and stubbornness on her face. One can easily make out that she's forcing her to do this. She's got no heart in this shoot. I need someone.. real! No fake personalities!" instructed Wang.

"Hmmm," John had no answer.

Wang continued. "And you might have already noticed, that she's trying very hard to make you like her. She's forcing herself to do this. Again, I need someone natural.. and real. Real women don't get chosen.. they choose. Find me another model for this shoot," ordered Wang.

"Okay! I'll find some more models. And then, we can choose the best from them," sighed John as he rolled up his eyes in irritation and scratched his head in frustration.

Their interaction was soon interrupted by loud noises from the party hall, near the shooting studio. The hall had been devoted towards company's informal gatherings and farewell parties.

John walked back towards the shooting studio. Wang moved towards the party hall, and was joined by Smith on the way.


It was Stacy's farewell party.

There was a clear HR policy regarding office farewell parties with an impressive budget earmarked for different categories of employees who left or retired from the company.

Stacy's farewell party was organized by office staff members. A few volunteers within the office were entrusted with different responsibilities. Usually, the companies tend to keep the things simple at the office parties, making sure that the group games and entertainment programs conformed to the ethics and principles followed by the company. Wang Fashion House was an exception. The parties at this company were full of loud music and outlandish games. And, Mr. Smith was responsible for this.

Wang and Smith stood at a side, with drinks in their hands, as they watched the company's employees enjoying Stacy's farewell party. While Smith smiled as he clicked some photographs of the party, Wang stood in a serious mood, lost in his own thoughts.

Stacy cut the cake and began her farewell speech. "Though it's been years since I joined the company as Mr. Wang's personal assistant, but it seems my joining was a yesterday affair. And today I am standing in front of you all to deliver my farewell speech. Needless to say, I am bidding goodbye to this company after having gained a wealth of knowledge, which I will treasure forever," smiled Stacy. "The offer of this second job came all of a sudden. I loved my job, but can't miss on the new opportunity. Special thanks to Mr. Wang and Mr. Smith who agreed to my leaving the job at such a short notice." Stacy ended her farewell speech and began to hug her colleagues.

Wang, who stood at a side, rolled up his eyes in irritation. "When did I approve of this?" he mumbled.

"I did!" winked Smith. "The girl got a great offer. What else would I have said?" explained Smith.

"The new catalog's shoot is near. And now, the HR department will get a fool to be my assistant," doubted Wang.

"Don't worry! I'm sure there are going to be many beautiful candidates for this job," winked Smith. "I have already talked to the HR guys. They have shortlisted a few gorgeous girls," smiled Smith.

"Beauty has got nothing to do with intelligence. I wonder when will you understand this!" remarked Wang.

"I am sure they'll find someone.. who's a beauty with the brain," laughed Smith.

They were soon joined by Chunhua. Smith could not be happier.

Three of them had their drinks and walked back to their respective offices.