The night before the D-Day

Aunt Ning's mansion..

Ning sat in the lobby of her mansion, as the thoughts of what had happened last week filled her mind. Tomorrow was the day, when the girl she had chosen, and trained so efficiently, would start the job of being 'Wang's personal assistant'. The anxiety and the cold weather was making her shiver.

Uncle Jack noticed Ning shivering and brought a woolen shawl for her, from the store's almirah.

"Here you go!" smiled Jack as he gently wrapped Ning's shoulders and her neck with the woolen shawl.

"Jack, the girl is starting her job from tomorrow morning. She seems to be ready. I hope everything goes according to the plan," prayed Ning.

"Hmm.." Jack did not say anything.

"Come on! Say something positive to reduce my anxiety," requested Ning. "It took me so many hours to convince you for this plan's implementation," pondered Ning.

"I'm still not fully convinced," sighed uncle Jack as he sat on the sofa besides Ning. "I am not able to digest all this. This girl.. Lina! She's from a poor family. She has never worked in the corporate sector. I doubt, if she could even walk with sophistication in front of so many professionals. I think.. everything about her, everything that she does, is quite.. unpolished," doubted Jack.

"I think she would do fine. Yes, it is true that even after all this intense training, she is still quite unpolished.. but isn't that how love is? Raw and unpolished," smiled Ning.

"Ning! Sometimes you scare me a lot.. especially, during the moments.. when you talk like a philosopher," remarked Jack. "I'm sure, if you would have tried, you could have been a very good professional psychologist," praised Jack.

"Haha! 30 years of marriage has made me like that. If I can handle a person like you for so long, I can handle any situation," winked Ning.

"Huh! I just hope that.. this plan.. does not worsen the situation any further," sighed Jack.

"Everything is going to be fine. This plan is definitely going to work," reassured Ning in a confident tone. "We are going to benefit a lot, from this.. We'll be able to shut Chunhua's mouth forever.. Wang will get married to Lina.. and this will please his grandfather a lot," Ning giggled in excitement.

"Haha! And the mansion will be ours.. forever!" giggled Jack as he gave a high-five to Ning.

It was already too late, and the couple decided to call it the day, as both of them walked towards their bedroom.


At Lina's house..

Lina's anxiety was getting unbearable. Grandmother sat with her in the lobby, trying to calm her down. "Starting any job is scary, especially when there is a big change involved, so remember all the employees you're surrounded by have been through the exact process. Believe in yourself, accept that you may make mistakes, learn from them, and work as hard as you can. I promise it will get better with every shift you work!" Grandmother shared her words of wisdom.

"Hmm," Lina did not say anything to her grandmother.

Hundreds of thoughts went through her brain, simultaneously. 'I doubt if the other employees have been through the exact process. Only if, Grandmother knew the reality!' thought Lina.

"Grandma, I need to make some final preparations for tomorrow. Can you give me some privacy?" requested Lina.

"As you say, sweetie! Don't forget to set the alarm. You are going to do very well tomorrow," reassured Grandma as she kissed Lina on the forehead and went to her bedroom.

Lina could not let her emotions take control on her. She stood up from the sofa and walked to her bedroom, as she constantly told herself that she CAN do this!

Lina opened her almirah and took out the bag that had all the makeup stuff in it. She arranged them on a table in her bedroom. 'I need to set everything, that I need, in order. I cannot afford to get late tomorrow' she thought. After, setting her makeup stuff in order, she went through all the new clothes that Ning had purchased for her.

'First impression is the last impression', she thought, and took out the best one-piece dress from the collection. 'This is what I'm going to wear tomorrow,' decided Lina.

Lina looked at the printout that had Wang's meal-plan printed on it. 'Although, I've memorized the meal plan perfectly, I need to have this with me, always,' Lina thought as she took out her mobile and clicked the photo of the meal-plan. 'This is going to be in my mobile's gallery now!' she thought and smiled at her intelligence.

The bag of pomegranates had one last fruit left inside it. She decided to practice it for the last time before the D-day, as she took out the fruit and went to the kitchen to de-seed it. She was able to extract all the pomegranate seeds in record time. This boosted her confidence a lot.

A little practice and some arrangements that Lina made, just a few hours before the D-day, calmed down her nerves. 'I need to take sufficient sleep now. I don't want any dark circles around my eyes,' she thought as she headed towards her bed.

"God! Be with me always!" Lina prayed and went to sleep.