Getting Ready For Payday Party!

After having a talk with Chunhua, Wang shifted his attention towards Lina. "Chunhua said that you tried to poison her with your lemon cakes! Haha! She's such a drama queen!," Wang laughed.

Lina heaved a sigh of relief. Wang did not take any of this seriously.

Smith walked over to Wang's desk and Lina sneaked a peek at what he picked up. Smith picked up some some tiffin. Lina heaved a sigh of relief again. 

Smith was in much jolly mood. "So, trying to poison Chunhua early in the morning eh? You have some guts, Lina," Smith giggled.

Wang decided to defend his personal assistant. "Nah! That's certainly not the case. Chunhua is such a drama queen! And, Lina.. The tiffin is great, top job!'

"Yes, Wang is right! Lina, you've got some skills. I would love to marry a girl like you, and eat these delicious sweets for the rest of my life," Smith winked.