Alone In The Office With Wang

"I thought you were going out with the rest of the team, tonight?" Wang asked Lina.

Lina opened her eyes to see Wang standing directly over her. He was so close that she could smell the washing powder on his trousers.

Lina was speechless for a few seconds. Lina's mind was at work again. 'Wang must have realised that he was standing a bit too close and his belly was practically in my face, because as soon as I opened my eyes he took a step back,' Lina thought and blushed. "Y.. yes, Mr. Wang, I am going out, are you going to join us?" Lina stammered.

"Why are you alone in an empty office, then?" Wang questioned, almost immediately.

Lina thought for a few seconds and spoke out. "The office isn't empty though. is it? You're in here sneaking around in the dark."

"Did you know I was here?" Wang asked.

"No, clearly not. Or I wouldn't be slouching here with my feet up!" Lina pointed towards her feet, which were resting on the table.