Mother hen boyfriend

Ms. Receptionist inner self had her jaw dropped when she was looking at how Mr. Li treated this lady.

Mr. Li was so handsome, so charming and so smart. But 'gentle' was not what everyone would have described him as.

Ever since Mr. Li interviewed her for the job, until today, he was only stern and strict to his employees. He was famous for being a no nonsense leader. All the employees had also met Martin and Karl, who were the other owner of AG International. But Mr. Li was the only one that the employees were most revered of.

Mr. Li was not a cold leader. He would engage in conversations with other employees. He would also go out to lunch with them. But as everyone had testified, all of the conversations with him would be strictly about work and business; and he would not answer to any personal questions - no matter how generic they were.

He did not rule by fear. The employees were not scared of him, but instead, they felt a deep sense of respect towards him.


Ms. Receptionist looked at Shao Yan carefully, scrutinizing her from head to toe. She somewhat could guess what their relationship is.

This lady was looking at Mr. Li who was walking closer to her. His eyes were looking at the lady with such a gentle look. This lady gave him a small smile and blushed slightly, and answered him in soft voice, "I also just arrived and was about to call you. I'm afraid that you are busy, so I changed my mind."

Mr. Li was standing in front of the lady. He put his hand gently on her head and rubbed her hair. He looked down at her eyes and then he smiled, "You should have called me".

He motioned her to start walking. He put his hand on the small of her back and then they walked together to enter the inner office area, "I will still pick it up no matter how busy I am. Remember that, alright?"

The lady looked up at him, she gave a little nod and smiled back. And then they disappeared behind the glass door.

Ms. Receptionist now understood that this was their future lady boss. Or maybe she was already her lady boss?!

Not to be trifled with ah~ !!

She quickly returned to her desk and logged into the office chat group, and spread the news to everyone.


Li Xiqing brought her to his office on floor 17. It was a spacious room with mainly white and silver color scheme. Very clean and simple.

When Shao Yan entered the room, she saw a huge contemporary glass desk and a comfortable white chair greeted her view.

The table had a wooden base, with clear thick glass on top. Behind it, was a huge floor to ceiling windows; spread throughout the wall from one end to another end.

To her left, was a seating area. Three chairs from white velvet cloth and another three chairs from grey velvet cloth were arranged in circle and faced another wall with windows that were spreading tall from the floor to ceiling. Everyone could have a good view of City S South side.

To her right was a simple bar area. Arrays of rare whiskey, wine and Japanese sake bottles filled her view immediately.

Li Xiqing walked over to the bar area and opened the fridge. He took out a mineral water bottle. He also grabbed two white mugs from the bar counter and then poured the water into the mug. He handed the mug to her, and Shao Yan reached out to take it. But before her hand touched the mug, he had put down the mugs. His hand had reached out and held her wrist. He frowned, "What happened? You're hurt?"

Li Xiqing pulled her to the sitting area to sit down. He sat next to her and held both of her palms. He was looking carefully at the bandages and then he looked up, "What happened?" he frowned slightly.

Shao Yan saw his worry state, she felt guilty inside, "I went back to the festival. I told you I had to pick up something?" He did not respond to her question, and kept his stern gaze on her.

She bit her lower lip, and slowly continued, "I was walking by the lake to take picture of the area, and then suddenly I was knocked over by bunch of kids." Shao Yan saw Li Xiqing's face darkened in a second, his eyebrow was scrunched so tight, he looked so scary.

"But!!" She quickly said, "But the medical team there helped me to clean my hands right away and they also put medication on it." she flipped her hands to show him "Here. Look. They're fine."

She put her hands down and covered his hands instead. She patted his hand, "I'm fine now." and then she added, "It doesn't hurt anymore. Really." she waved her hands around in front of him, and smiled.

Li Xiqing took her hands again, and looked all over them again. He was making sure everything was really fine. He felt heartache that he was not there for her. After he was convinced that her hands had been treated properly, he stood up, and walked over to the bar to bring the mugs back to the table.

Shao Yan looked at his back view, and pursed her lips. Her mother hen boyfriend was really cute!

Even now, while he walking, his back still looked so grumpy!



Li Xiqing put the mug gently in her hands, and watched her finish her drink.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. A head suddenly peeked from behind it. Karl had a big smile on his face, but he had both of his hands covered his eyes, "Am I disturbing anything? Any PG15 scene?"

Shao Yan burst in laugh and looked at Li Xiqing. He helplessly shook his head, "Just come in already."

Karl lowered his hands and grinned back, and then he opened the door wider before stepping inside. "Oh hey! Shao Yan!" Karl walked over with a big smile, and gave Shao Yan a brief hug.

Shao Yan secretly felt relief that Karl was here, so Li Xiqing would not nag her anymore. At least for now.

Karl sat down in front of the couple, and casually chatted with them about how his day had been. Not long after, Martin also entered the room.

Li Xiqing had his hand on her thigh all this while. He turned to Shao Yan and squeezed the skin underneath his palm a little, "Go sit at my desk for a while. We are going to have a short discussion here. You can go have fun by yourself for a while, alright?"

Shao Yan nodded, and patted the back of his hand, "En.. Don't mind me, you guys continue." she stood up and smiled at Karl and Martin.

She took her purse and then walked over to the huge clear desk, and sat behind it.