Her home

Shao Yan stared at the piece of paper. After reading for a moment, she quickly tidied up her stuff, and stood up. She turned around and grabbed her purse that she had put behind her. She hastily shoved the paper inside one of the pocket, and swiftly picked it up.

She turned back to the female student, "Thank you again for your help today. I have to leave now." She nodded to the other male student, and then she turned to face Zhong Yu. She seemed wanting to say something, but then she changed her mind. Zhong Yu raised his brows, and was about to say something, before she just nodded and quickly left the medical tent.


After she exited the medical tent, Shao Yan was trying to figure out her way to the candle artist. Her mind kept thinking about the piece of paper, and she lost her way multiple times.

She sighed and exhaled loudly and then she looked down. Some students saw her squatting down and was worried. They quickly approached her.

"Miss, are you alright?" the three students looked at Shao Yan, their face were filled with worry. She looked up, and gave a small smile, "I'm fine. I'm just frustrated, I can't find the candle artist." she smiled apologetically.

"Oh!" one of the student exclaimed loudly, "I know the way. Let us walk with you there."

Shao Yan slowly stood up, and put her hands up, "No, No, it's okay, just tell me where to go, I can go there by myself." The student patiently explained the direction for her. After she confirmed the correct way, Shao Yan gave a little bow to say thank you, and then she left.

After walking around for a while, Shao Yan finally found the candle artist right away. She collected her candle, and then walked to the exit. There was a taxi that just stopped in front of the entrance, and Shao Yan got into it. She gave him the address that Li Xiqing had texted her, and they slowly drove away.

Gradually, her restless heart finally settled down.


After about twenty minutes ride, Shao Yan finally arrived in the new office of AG International.

It was a fairly new building compared to the building that housed Gold Crane publications. With a total of 30 floors, this building was the tallest building in South city area. Li Xiqing leased three floors from this building; floor 15 to 17.

Floor 15 was reception area, break room and meeting rooms. Floor 16 was for local personnel, and Floor 17 was the offices for executives from other branches to use when they visited the country.

Shao Yan got out of the taxi and looked up at the building. The sky was clear today and the sun was shining brightly. Shao Yan squinted her eyes, and smiled slightly. Li Xiqing worked really hard to this day. She was feeling an immense pride in her heart.

She happily walked inside the building and looked for the elevator lobby area.


Li Xiqing had told Shao Yan to go straight to floor 15 as he would be having a meeting with his employees there.

When Shao Yan arrived at floor 15, she saw the company sign right away.

Big, bold and so majestic. The signage was displayed with marvel of arrogance. She smiled in her heart, it really reflected Li Xiqing's attitude here. As she gave more thoughts into it, she could not help but released a little chuckle.

Shao Yan kept smiling. Somehow she felt like she's in a safe place. She felt like ... she's home.

That's right. She had Li Xiqing now. He was her happiness. He was her home.

She took a deep breathe and exhaled slowly. And then she entered the lobby.


A woman was sitting behind a clear desk in the reception area. She had put on a modest outfit of light grey jacket and white blouse. Paired with light grey dress pants, and black pump heels, she represented the image that AG International wanted to portray: Casual yet all about business.

She happened to look up from her computer when Shao Yan pressed the bell. She pushed the button that opened the door for Shao Yan, and gave a polite smile.

When Shao Yan stepped in, she gave a quick glance around the reception area.

It was a small room, mainly decorated in white. Few white plush sofas were placed in the middle of the room with white coffee table. The table was covered in thin glass, and on top of it, was a pot of pink Azalea plants. On the side of the wall stood a miniature of water fountain. An abstract painting with symphony of grey and white was hung on another side of the room with gold frame.

The white room, along with the soft pink flower and sound of ripples of water brought in a serene and peaceful feeling to whoever was sitting here.

The receptionist stood up when Shao Yan just walked in. Shao Yan didn't know what to say, so she said, "Uhm, I'm here to see Li.. Ah, I mean Daniel. I'm here to see Daniel Li."

The receptionist smiled politely at her, "My apology, Miss, may I know if you have any appointment with us? Mr. Li's schedule is actually full today, and he is not expecting anyone." The receptionist was typing on her computer, trying to find out the company events calendar.

Before Shao Yan replied her, the clear glass door that separated the lobby and the inner office area suddenly was opened from the inside. Li Xiqing strode out. He saw her right away.

He was about to check if Shao Yan had arrived, but he was surprised to see that she was already standing here in front of him.

"Why didn't you call me?" he quickly walked closer, and he spoke so gently at Shao Yan.

Receptionist lady was stunned, she had never heard her boss speaking so softly before. But she kept a polite smile plastered on her face.