Eternity Frame

!! BAMM !!

Shao Yan was knocked over and fell down to the ground.

She felt her bottom was so painful after landed on the rough gravel. As she tried to get up, she hissed and winced as she realized that both of her palms were badly scraped.

People nearby all stopped and was looking at her.

Shao Yan saw someone walked to her, wanted to help her to get up. But suddenly, a pair of strong hands were already pulling her arm and helped her to stand up.

"Are you alright?" a very rich baritone voice rang in her ears.

Shao Yan dusted off her pants carefully, and blew slightly on her bloody palms. Then she lifted her face and looked at the person who just helped her.

Very young face. Very skinny and very tall. His hair was dyed in light brown color, and he had earrings on both side of his ears.

Shao Yan raised her eyebrows, his voice and his face did not match at all.

"I'm fine, thank you." Shao Yan gave a polite smile.

"Come with me. I will bring you to the medical team to clean your hands"

Shao Yan saw that this guy was actually part of the organizer here. He had a lanyard with "Committee" sign on it. She wanted to refuse, but she saw her palms started to bleed again. So she reluctantly agreed.

"Here, this way"

He helped to gather her stuff that had fallen off from her purse. As she began to pick up her stuff, Shao Yan saw that her camera was broken. She was holding it while taking pictures of the pavilion just now.

She looked down and felt so dispirited, thinking about how much she had to spend to fix it.

After the man took everything with him, he walked ahead of Shao Yan while showing the direction.


"Yu ge"

A couple of medical students under a tent, greeted the tall young man. He nodded at them, and moved to the side, and they could see a young woman walk behind him.

"Some kids knocked into her just now. She scraped her hands. Can you help to take a look?"

One of the medical students smiled at Shao Yan, and showed her to a stool on the side, "Please sit down here, let me take a look at your hand"

Shao Yan smiled back at her and sat down. She offered her palm to her, and the female student took it gently.

The female student started to clean and dress her wound. While the other medical student, a male, started chatting with the skinny tall guy.

"Senior, did you just come from the inspection area?" he offered him a cup of water.

The tall guy nodded. He was playing around with Shao Yan's camera, "Tell Big Dao that the south fence need more ropes. I saw some kids were playing with it just now. I'm afraid the fence would fall down soon" he told the student without lifting his head.

The male student also gave Shao Yan a cup of water, "Please drink. It's hot outside."

After the male student passed the water to Shao Yan, he took out his phone and dialed someone named Big Dao and relayed the message about the fence.


Shao Yan was looking at the skinny guy who was playing with her camera. She was worried that he would make the broken part to be worsen.

"Um.. Can you please not touch it carelessly. It's fragile, I will bring it for repair later. Don't worry about it" it was her first camera that she owned. She was particularly attached to this one as it had sentimental value.

The tall man looked up at her and paused for a while. He seemed to want to say something. He opened his mouth, but then he hesitated. He closed it again.

After a while he looked down again at the camera and said, "You won't be able to. 'Eternity Frame' closed this week. My dad is visiting relatives in Q city."

Shao Yan nodded, "Oh, I see." and then she thought for a while.




Shao Yan was confused. "How did you know about Eternity Frame?"

The tall guy put the camera on the table, and then walked to the sink to wash his hands. He walked to another side of the tent that were piled with bags, and opened one of it. He took out a bottle of liquid and a cloth. And then he started to clean her camera.

Shao Yan was looking at him, and started to pay more attention. His face looked familiar, but where did she see him before?

He knew Eternity Frame and Eternity Frame was a camera shop owned by Liwei's friend...



Zhong Yu??

Shao Yan big round eyes were looking at the tall guy now. She remembered him now.

Zhong Yu. Liwei's roommate.

She remembered Zhong Yu as Liwei's tall and nerdy friend who did not speak much whenever they met for meals. But he looked so different now. He didn't have any glasses anymore, and his hair was much shorter than before. And dyed light color! Wait.. and he had earrings too?


After a while, Zhong Yu finally spoke up, "I've cleaned the body, but there are some parts that you will need to replace."

The female medical student just finished dressing her hands, and stood up to keep the medications away.

Shao Yan looked at him, and he was typing on his phone, "Let me order those parts for you. If all goes well, they should arrive from Hong Kong next week."

And then he suddenly looked up and stared at her. "So.. Do you remember me now?"


Shao Yan paused for a while and then she shook her head. "I'm sorry, but I'm really bad with faces and names." she did not even want to pretend to ask if they had met before.

Zhong Yu was looking intently at her. He did not move his gaze away, seemingly thinking of something.

Shao Yan thought she saw a glimpse of disappointment from his eyes just now, before he looked down to her camera again.

He sighed softly and then stood up. He went around several tables and was searching for something. He opened all the drawers near him.

Shao Yan bit her lower lips, she felt awkward, she felt she might have offended him. But she had decided to cut all the past. There was no use to grief over it anymore.

Zhong Yu finally found a piece of paper, and started to write something.

When he finished, he put it on the table near her, "These are the parts that I just ordered for you. You can come to Eternity Frame next week to repair your camera."

He stood up and refill his water cup. Shao Yan took the paper that he left on the table and started reading.