Breakfast for him

After they finished all the food, Li Xiqing went up to pay, while Shao Yan stepped out of the tent for a fresh air.

She saw the crowds were still busy around her even though it was already late at night.

When Li Xiqing stepped out, he saw she was standing quietly on the side, just watching the people walking passed her.

He was watching her, while she was watching others. Her eyes would sometimes curved, showing her light mood. Her lips would pucker at the sights of mischievous kids. Everything looked tranquil. But something about her solemn expression made him feel uneasy. He hastily strolled over.

"What are you doing?" He rubbed her hair. She looked up at him, and grabbed his hand, "Nothing. I'm just feeling very happy. Very content." She gave him a soft smile.

Li Xiqing linked their fingers together, he leaned closer and kissed the top of her head, "As long as you're happy, that is enough." He looked down into her eyes, and returned her smile.

Shao Yan took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

And then suddenly she was pumped up, "Xiqing, let's walk another round, to that side. Let's explore that area." She poked his tummy, "You have eaten a lot, Mister."

He caught her fingers, brought them up and kissed them, "And whose fault do you think that is?"

She grinned at him cheekily.

But before she answered, he continued, "So.. How do you think you should pay me back?" His lips were still kissing her fingertips, while his eyes stared deeply into hers.

She called his name multiple times when she came. Now, everytime she called him, his inner beast somehow would... wake up.

Shao Yan could feel his scorching touch going all over her skin even though he was only staring at her. A blush crept up to her cheek and she was getting restless, "D.. Don't joke around. Let's go!"


Shao Yan woke up early the next day. She wanted to make a simple breakfast for Li Xiqing. Although she couldn't cook anything fancy, at least she knew how to prepare toast and fried egg for him.

Shao Yan hustled about in the kitchen for a while. When she was done, Li Xiqing just came out of the bedroom, all dressed up and was ready to go to the office.

He was surprised when he saw the dining table was set up with breakfast.

He walked over to her, his eyebrows were raised, and he looked at her, "For me?"

He was pleasantly surprised. Shao Yan woke up early to prepare breakfast for him. Li Xiqing was speechless for a while, he crossed the distance between them in a quick steps and wrapped her in his arms, he hugged her tightly.

"Thank you, wifey" he planted a soft kiss on her cheek.

Shao Yan's cheek turned so red, she slapped his chest, "Who's your wife!!"

She wriggled out but Li Xiqing locked her tight and still grinning.

She was exhausted, she relented "Alright, I know" she sighed, "Let's eat now, you'll be late.", this man was so strong! She couldn't even move a single of his muscles.

Li Xiqing kissed her cheek again, and finally let her go. He held her hand and he sat down, and then he pulled Shao Yan to sit on his lap.

"Don't fool around, come on let me go", Shao Yan got up and tried to leave, but he pulled her back, hugged her waist and locked her on his lap.

"I've missed you so much lately. Let me do this once, alright?" And then he started eating while holding her with one arm.

Shao Yan really felt helpless. Li Xiqing was really clingy lately. And shameless!


When she walked with him to the foyer, he suddenly stopped and turned around, "What is your plan for today?"

Shao Yan was holding his mug, "I need to go back to the festival from yesterday. I bought something, and it will be ready later in the afternoon." she was standing on the side while he was putting on his shoes.

"Alright, after that, do you want to come to the office?" and then he quickly clarified, "I mean AG International". He took his mug from her hands and sipped from it.

Shao Yan contemplated for a while, and then she nodded, "Alright, text me the address, I will drive there after I'm done".

Li Xiqing shook his head, "Just take the taxi, we will go home together anyway". Shao Yan took the mug back from his hand and she nodded.

And then he pulled her hand, and kissed her lips, "Remember to miss me a lot today" and then he kissed her deeply, while pulling her waist onto his body. His broad palm was pressing her head close, keeping her still.

Two tongues danced intimately for a long while, before she could feel his erection started to poke on her tummy, only then he slowly let her go.

"I'm going now?" he was looking at her while he ran his hands over her hair. She was looking down at his bulge, her cheek was hot, and she just nodded. Unable to say anything else.

Li Xiqing caressed her cheek softly, and then he stepped outside the door.


Shao Yan left the apartment slightly before lunch time and went straight to the festival to collect her candle.

She remembered there was a lake nearby the festival that she forgot to take pictures from. So she brought her camera along with her again today.

It was almost noon when she reached the lake side. Shao Yan was walking to the pavilion area in front of it for a better view, when suddenly a lot of kids ran towards her direction.

!! BAMM !!