
Chapter 11

"One thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemy".


  I have been feeling amazing since I woke up. I couldn't stop the radiant smile on my face as I entered the bathroom for my daily routine. I performed wudu*(ablution) and face the qiblah*(where Muslims face when praying), pray two rakatain*(standing) Fajr*(dawn) and Subh* (morning prayer). After praying my obligatory prayers, I sat on the musolah* (praying mat) and ask forgiveness. May He, the one who forgives, forgives, pardons all my mistakes that I did intentionally or not.

My beautiful smile never left my face till I entered the kitchen and started to cook my husband's favorite food. When I was through with cooking and arranging the dishes on the table, I went to his room to call him only to meet him halfway, looking unorganized.

"Your food is ready," I smiled shyly, fiddling with my fingers. I still got flustered around him almost every time. He hummed in response, checking his golden wristwa before he sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"Oh wifey" he smiled lightly almost discomforted, "I won't be able to eat my breakfast today" he shot me an apologetic smile before doing his cufflinks, "I've an important client to meet today and he's waiting for me at office" he said, walking passed me to the door while I trailed after him pouting and disheartening. My radiant smile has vanished.

I stopped him before he could go out, holding the bread that I took from the table, "But wait, at least take a slice of..." I hurried after him to give it to him but he interrupted me.

"No Sofia" he groaned, "I promise to be home earlier than before" He said hurriedly while I flinched  a little with rejection. My heart constricted with pain and rejection but I swallowed it.

His phone started ringing,

"Hello?... Okay... On my way.... Bye," He left me standing at the door not even looking back to say goodbye or kissed me.

"What's wrong with him today?" I thought as I sat on the couch contemplating. "First, not eating his food. And he never even leaves for office at this time. Secondly, he called me Sofia. He never called me by my given names, only pet names. I didn't even know my name was Sophia if I was around him because I was used to him calling me wifey. Thirdly, he never leaves without kissing my forehead or teasing me. If he forgot all these, this means the client must be a very important person." I concluded, sighing tiredly but the rejection still burned deep in my  heart.

Almost five hours had gone when I stood up from the couch, as I was passing through the table, I saw his medicine. "Look at him-rushing out of the house without even taking his medicine. Tsk, tsk, he behaves like a baby sometimes." I shook my head, smiling softly and picked the medicine.

A thought popped up and I stood up, went to the kitchen and packed some sandwiches in a lunchbox. Maybe I can visit him. I smiled impishly walking to my room to change my dress.

After getting dressed in my blue floral gown which stopped at my feet and my white cape, I went out of the house but not after locking all the doors, windows and saying my adzkar*(prayer).

I called out my assigned driver to take me to his company. I'd never been to his office ; it was my first time giving him a visit. I felt giddy and nervous of visiting him as many thoughts were running on my head.

Will he be happy?.

Will he be ashamed of me?

Will he get mad or send me away?.

All my thoughts went to the dustbin when we arrived at his place, "Wow" , his company was gigantic, I'd never seen a company as big as this except maybe in the movies. May Allah continue to shower his blessings on him.

The driver opened the car for me and I stepped out of the car like a kid going to the aquarium for the first time. I walked straight to the  receptionist who was calling and chatting on the phone.

"Excuse me, please. I'm here for Yusuf Umar," I smiled sweetly at her. She checked me out from head to toe and shook her head before returning back to her phone call.

When she noticed my stare on her, she gave me a nasty look and sighed, "Who are you? Do you have an appointment with him or... are you one of those unwanted house flies who don't have any job, more than running after a rich man?" she barked.

I sighed and rubbed my temple worriedly. "Well, no. I'm Mrs. Sofia Yusuf Umar- his rightful and lawful wife" I responded, upon hearing my response, the receptionist straightened up, looking scared frantically, "I'm sorry, ma'am, for my rude behaviour. Go straight down there, you will see the elevator".

Stepping out of the elevator, I went to the lady behind the desk. "Excuse me, I'm here for Yusuf," I said, smiling at the lady.

"He is very busy right now, ma'am. He doesn't want to be disturbed. He is in the middle of a meeting with an important client," she responded, continuing typing furiously.

This important client again!

"He's my husband. I need to see him now-right now!" I said angrily and walked away without waiting for her reply. I heard her calling me but didn't answer.

I was furious I didn't have time. Important client. Hmph! I was even curious about this client, who the heck he is?.

I reached the door-should I knock or not? Well as his wife, I chose the latter.

When I opened the door, the door was not even locked and the secretary said he was in a meeting. Tsk, tsk.

Opening the door, I peeked inside. But what I saw made my world come crashing down.

I ran out of the company like a manic with tears falling down my face as the secretary and receptionist called after but I couldn't stay a minute there.

It hurt!.

The rain was all it might when I got outside, I cried harder in the pouring rain. Crying out all the pains I had buried in.

I knew, I can never be enough!.

I'm nothing!.

I didn't even call my driver; I needed to get away from there. I left with tears brimming out of my eyes ducts while walking to the direction of the house , not home.

I'd never felt betrayed before in my life-this was my first.

And I cried like never before.