
Chapter 12

Sophia POV 

I was drenched from head to toe when I entered his house that I called my home. I didn't know how I got my way home or how I entered the bathroom, removed my soaked dress and changed. 

I was heartbroken, I was hurt. My heart was bleeding with betrayal and my soul was crumbled with lies. All his promises of love and caring was just a game to him. 

I knew I was nothing compared to his handsomeness, wealth but why did he marry me?. 

It hurt. 

After I was through with my two nafila*(two volunteer prayers), I took the Quran and read it because I know that He who heals the heart would heal mine. The recitation soothing my soul and heart, luring me to a peaceful slumber. 

I woke up around 7:00 pm when I heard the horn of Yusuf's car. I got up from the praying mat, making my way to the living room. 

I entered the kitchen and microwaved his breakfast that he declined to eat. I couldn't waste the food. I set it on the table quickly to avoid confronting him only to be stopped by his voice. 

"Assalamualaikum, wifey. I'm back," he smiled brightly as if he didn't do anything to hurt me. He entered, removing his shoes. 

I couldn't look at him in the eyes. if I did, I would tear up again. 

It hurt. 

I swear, even though I said I didn't like him but it hurt. 

"Waalaikumsalam, welcome. Your food is on the table," I rushed out to escape him. 

"Goodnight, I'm tired. I want to go to sleep, assalamualaikum." I didn't even wait for him to reply or asked anything before I dashed to my room. I was emotionally and physically drained. I couldn't stay in the same room with him without crying. 

I detest lying. 


I woke up the following morning, feeling headache brewing. I groaned tiredly. I did all my morning routine quickly to escape him. 

"Good morning, sweetheart," he greeted, smiling while descending down.

"Morning" I replied curtly.

"Your breakfast is on the table if you wish to eat or reject it to meet your important client again" the jealousy and anger laced my words. "I'm going to my room. Don't forget to lock the doors while going to your office" I said walking back to my room.

Yusuf POV 

What was wrong with Sofia? She never behaved like this.

No smiling, no looking at him. No waiting for him to finish his food, no seeing him off. Something was really wrong.

Reaching the company, he greeted his secretary -Lubaba shortly, before retracting to his office gloomy. Not in the mood to talk, smile or laugh because his angel was not happy with him. He was really in a sour mood.

"Sir" his secretary called slowly, testing whether he would explode or not. 

"What!" he barked, rubbing his forehead, he couldn't concentrate. His mind was on his gloomy wife. 

"A woman came yesterday and claimed she is your wife" she paused while he raised his brow, "but upon opening your door" she gulped, fiddling her fingers, "she ran out of the office with tears," she said. 

She saw him yesterday!.

Damnation!. Yusuf thought, standing up from his seat, taking his keys and phone going back home. 

He drove his car to the nearest shop and brought some bars of chocolate with candies. When he arrived home, his heart was beating dub-lub at a high rate, his fingers were sweaty as he turned the doorknob. 

"Assalamualaikum, I'm back " he cheerfully greeted, wiping all the traces of nervousness. If she was angry or upset with him, he knew what would make her smile- chocolate. She was very obsessed with them. Her eyes would light up like a child that was given present on his birthday. 

"Ayomi*, I brought you chocolates," he smiled widely waiting for his hug but found nothing; he only received silence. (my joy). 


He sat on the couch and placed her on his thigh while holding her leg which made her rest her head on his broad chest.

"Sofia" when he called her by her name, he noticed that she flinched away. 

"Olami*What have I done wrong? Please, forgive me". He pleaded. (my wealth). 

He wasn't himself today at all. He was just snapping at everyone today and had fired almost a quarter of his employees. When his wife was sad he too was sad, when she was sick he too was sick.

"Whatever it is that makes you upset, please know that it is not intentional. Please, don't shut me out. I'm nothing without you. You are like the oxygen I breathe in"He begged softly, caressing her back slowly. 

" I couldn't smile or even function at all when I know my heart is not happy with me. Please, my love, forgive me," his voice broke, a lone tear escaped his eyes.

"Okay, I've heard enough but I want the truth. Please, answer me honestly," her voice shook with suppressed tears.

"Whatever made my girl cry would face my wrath" he vowed to himself. (Little did he know that he was the cause of her tears.)

She cleaned the traces of tears on her face and faced him with determination. "Who were you talking to yesterday at your office?" She asked tipped lips. 

" Client. I told you yesterday, I had an important meeting," he responded calmly because he really went to meet the client before she came to visit him. 

She stood up aggressively and poked his chest. He'd never see her behave like that but wow she was hot.

Her nose flared up, "You, liar!" she screamed, hitting his chest. 

"What do you mean?" He was surprised by her attitude. Him, liar? What has he done wrong? He looked at her gently with affection and adoration.

"Don't look at me like that! You are a cheater, deceiver. I came to your office yesterday to give you your medicine that you forgot at home but upon reaching your office. I opened the door and I saw you and your important client hugging each other intimately. No, I didn't want to believe it but you came home yesterday with a print of lips on your shirt," she screamed out while crying, shaking furiously.

"You lied then you came home. You never rejected my food; you never call me by my name; you never go to the office without kissing my forehead. But because of that important client-she is better than me?!" she shouted at him while gesturing to her forehead.

He was shocked with her revelations, he studied her. She knew he never used her food to play.  Woah, she was jealous and that made him happy but he had to make her calm before getting too happy with her jealousy. 

She was crying too much and it was hurting him. He didn't know what to do- he hugged her tightly and let her thrashed and sobbed on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry love, that wasn't what happened. After the client left, she came and started crying telling me about her father's death. I was just trying to comfort her, that was all" he replied.

" Please, forgive me" he hated to know he was the one hurting her when he vowed not to.

She was still hiccupping before she asked. "Then who was she?" she asked, looking at me in the eyes with a red puffy face which sickened him to the core.

"My ex," he replied.