
Bk 2 chapter 14

      I was shocked would be an understatement. I looked pale the moment I saw his face. 

His arm still snaked around me, I struggled to get out of his arm but he smirked at me and pulled me harder to him. 

He is alive!. 

I couldn't believe it?. 


"Are you okay?" he smiled while his eyes twinkled with mischief.

I scrambled away from him and went to the gents while my heart was beating erratically.

I rushed to the basin, I splashed water on my face. And I cleaned the bead of sweat on my face while looking at the mirror. I saw a shadow flashed at the mirror, I turned back quickly but found nothing. 

Maybe I am hallucinating!. 

I splashed some water again on my face, as I was raising my head, I saw another image flashed again. I gripped the basin tightly with my trembling hands.

Am I going crazy?!. 

I needed to tell Abdulrahman to let us go home, I couldn't stay here again or else I would be crazy.

As I turned to go, I saw him holding out my handkerchief while I released a gasp.

"Shocked to see me, love?" He said slyly. I took a step back while he took one forward. He was stalking me.

I ran to the door, I held the doorknob trying to open it but found it was locked.

He has locked me in!. 

He trapped me!. 

He chuckled loudly while walking towards me. "Why are you running from my love?" I raised my hands to push him away but he used his hand to caged my hands to the wall.

He trapped me!. 

"Don't you miss me?" He held my chin up while looking at me. "I've missed you," he said softly while putting his head between the croak of my neck and he groaned.

"I've been watching you" he kissed me on my cheek trailing it down to my neck," searching for an opportunity to meet you but don't know how" he licked the tears that were escaping from my eyes," but look at fate, he let us meet coincidentally " he laughed. He frowned when he noticed the tears on my face, he released my hands and stepped back. "Are you not happy to see me back?" He asked softly while he tried to touch my cheek but I flinched away.

I've left everything behind, why does he choose now to come back!. 

"I'm sorry Sophy, I don't mean to make you cry" he raised his hands.

"Why," I asked and crouched on the ground. "Why did you come back? Why did you come back? are you back to make my life hell?" I screamed in anguish.

"I'm back to claim what is mine!" He shouted," I'm back for my love, I'm back for the purpose of my life" he turned his back to me.

"I was never yours, I'm not yours and I'll never be yours!" I whispered lightly but he heard. 

As I said that he looked tense before he clenched his fist," you are mine since the beginning and you will always be mine" he gritted. "Only death can separate us" he growled lowly.

"Go now Sophy" he spat angrily," but remember " he took a step, "no matter where you can be" he dragged the words, "no matter where you are " he smirked while looking at my shaking form, "you are always Mine " he pushed me to him and kissed my forehead. 

He unlocked the door and went out not before asking me if I liked all his gifts and messages.

I ran out of the gents, looking at my back maybe he could be behind. Abdulrahman stood up when he saw my disoriented figure.

"What happened?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm okay" my hands were trembling when I held his suit, I was crumbling it.

"Please let's go home" I pleaded with tears glistened in my eyes. I needed to wash his touch away from me. 

I felt dirty. 

"Why? don't you like their food?Was it...? He rambled.

"No" I shouted at him, "I said I want to go home " I yelled. "Please just take me home" I sobbed uncontrollably.

"Okay," he said sadly while he tried to touch my back but I swatted his hand away. "Don't touch me because I'm not clean?" I said.

The car ride was filled with uncomfortable silence. Abdulrahman tried to make conversation with me but I didn't reply.

I got down from the car, he opened his own door too and came out.

"Let me walk you to the door?" He asked unsurely.

"No, thanks for today" I sniffed, "but can you please tell Maryam to come tonight? " I asked.

"Okay, bye," he said and went away.

I entered the house and on the light, I walked inside lightly. I was afraid of meeting him inside.

When I found nothing, I was just paranoid for nothing. I went to the kitchen to take water. When I was done, I took a glass of water with me to the sitting room but upon getting there I saw an envelope that wasn't there before and I gasped while the glass of water fell and shattered on the ground.

I walked trembling on the shattered glass on the floor but felt nothing, I took the envelope and opened it with shaky hands. Different pictures of me scattered on the floor with a letter; the picture of me bathing, the picture of me creaming my body, the picture of me smiling. I opened the letter and it said,

"Remember Sophy, you are mine"

At that moment the front door opened revealing Maryam. I ran to her and hugged her while crying.

"He's back Maryam, he's back to take him" I hiccupped.

Maryam patted my back and took me to the couch to sit. I sat down and narrated everything to her unknowing of the other presence in the room. Maryam shooed me and soothed me, as I raised my head up, I saw the shaking volcano- Abdulrahman seething and clenching his fist.

"Who is he?" His voice boomed out.

"I said who is he, Sofiyyah Alli," he gritted my full name.

"ermmm... It's...". 

(I think of stopping here but I don't want to. Maybe I should stop here *grinning*)

"It's Khaleed, my stepsister- Zainab's husband. The man my father sold me to" I yelled at them and ran upstairs.
