Free period

Once the chemistry lesson about hydrocarbons, and how they became outdated after the discovery of Zamerium, was finish, Amy stuck behind to talk with Dr Warble.

"Why did you tell me all that stuff about you being in contact with someone in 'The Void'?" she asked still sitting at the desk opposite Dr Warble's.

"Because I knew would listen and I needed to tell somebody. If I had kept to myself any longer I would have gone mad. But, with you knowing, I know I have someone who'll check up on me and kinda help carry the weight. You're just like your grandfather so I knew you'd try to help others." explained Dr Warble. The two of them said their goodbyes and Amy set off the the female dorm to relax for a bit.

Once she got outside the atmosphere was just about the same as it was in the corridors after lunch. Students were moping around and it seemed no one was talking to each other. Even groups of students sat together were only looking at their phones refreshing the news page for any more information; any more hope. One student was on the phone to their parents sorting out going home while another was just curled up crying. What made Amy feel worse was that she didn't understand their pain.

Without knowing what her ability was, she never got attached to using it. She never had a part of her life dedicated to using it or learning how to better herself with it. Many of the people here had known known their ability for years and had such a dependency on it that losing it was like losing a vital organ.

Once Amy reached her room she changed into some white trainers, some blue trousers, and a red shirt with black text on it and walked on the roof. Unlike the first time she had come up here, the breeze was warmer and more inviting for someone to sit down and enjoy the view. She did just that and sat down on one of the benches that looked out over the forest and the large crater in it's centre.

Suddenly, the access door opened and closed. Amy looked round to see a girl with light blonde hair, a blue flower tucked behind her left ear, and wearing a white dress and sandals. She raised her hand to her head a pulled the blue flower out. She turned to the small beside the door and held the stem of the flower over the dirt. Roots began to quickly grow from the stem and pull the flower into the dirt until it was firmly planted. She turned to Amy and walked over to the bench she was sat on.

"Is this seat taken?" she asked in a soft voice. Amy gestured for her too take a seat and she neatly placed herself beside Amy. "My name is Clarissa. Clarissa Bloomsworth." Clarissa held out her hand and Amy shook it.

"My name is Amy. Amy Dun." replied Amy.

The two of them sat in silence for a while before Clarissa began to speak again.

"It's such a shame nothing grows in that area of the forest. Rumour has it that James Kendrickson caused it with the flames of the devil. People believe he cursed the land like at that government building memorial site."

"Do you believe that?"

"I don't. I just think that the trees and the grass like it just the way it is. It isn't so crowded for some of them now. But the reason I here is to talk to you about something else."

"And what's that?"

"Some of my friends and I were planning to have a little get together. Not a celebration but to say one last goodbye to our abilities before they're taken away from us. We knew you'd only recently come to this institution so we thought you'd like to come and make some new friends."

Amy thought for a short while before deciding. Sure. What's the worst that could happen making new friends.

"I'd love to come. Where and when is it?" she asked.

"Well, it that crater actually. There's an underground lab in the centre of it that we recently found. It's right on the edge of school grounds and it's far enough away from the school so that we won't be breaking any rules by going there. Plus, even if we do get told off, we'll just say we were just doing it because we're losing our abilities. They'll let us off for sure." explained Clarissa. She looked at her watch and gasped a little. "My, would you look at the time. I've got to get to my club. I'll see you at the get together then!"

Clarissa got up of the seat and walked to the door. She turned and walked goodbye with a cute little smile. Although she wasn't gone long as she quickly put her head around the door and called to Amy:

"It's at seven thirty! Don't be late!"

Amy smiled and thanked her before turning back to her view of the forest. At that Clarissa had mentioned it, Amy could make out a tiny grey and white shape in the bottom of the crater which she assumed to be the lab Clarissa was talking. She then sunk back into the bench and let out a long sigh. Today had been a long and eventful day. But hopefully the following week would be a little calmer. After all, her first week had turned out to be her only week.

A man sitting on a wooden stool watched as dials slowly rose and a noise began to fill the room. It was a sound like quickly spinning around a ball on a string but very low pitch and increasing from a low frequency to a higher over time. This was the sound of his creation charging and getting ready to fire. Suddenly, a light flashed red and screeching metal could be heard as the breaks were applied. He need a more durable material to withstand the heat generated by the coils but Zamerium was expensive let alone hard to find in the first place. For now, it was back to the planning stages.