It was 7:20 that night. Amy was putting on a nice blue skirt and her favourite dark purple, checkered shirt. She didn't bother with any fancy shoes as she'd be walking through the woods so instead she opted for her black and white trainers from PE and set off to the party.
Once the elevator reached the bottom floor, Cassie was waiting outside on the ground floor and just stood there looking Amy up and down.
"Where are you off to looking like that?" she asked as Amy stepped out of the elevator.
"I'm just off to a little gathering to make some new friends." explained Amy thinking there was nothing wrong with making more friends.
"Oh, well ... have fun I guess and see if you can find anymore people to join 'The Gladiators'." The two of them said goodnight to each other and Amy began her trek into the woods.
It wasn't too hard to find the crater as it seemed as some glowing plants had grown and were lighting the way to the party. Amy's first thought was that Clarissa must have grown them. From how she manipulated that flowers roots she must have an ability to do with plants. By the time she reached the crater it was 7:34 and Amy was only now realising she could have brought some nicer shoes with her and changed into them but it was too late now.
A nice slide down the walls of the crater brought her to a large corridor that was in the side of the crater. She walked down it and saw some steps on her left go all the way up to some doors which must have been the original entrance. Some faint chattering could be heard further down the corridor though she she continued to venture down. Although the lab seemed abandoned, the place was actually pretty clean. It was as if someone had been living here for a while but some details like a full cup of cold coffee suggested that person had left a long time ago.
Suddenly, the shadows in the corners of the corridor reached out at her and formed a sort of chair in which she was pushed into by shadow arms. The chair accelerated quickly down winding corridors and stairs before arriving at a small room with large cushioned chairs, beanbags, fairy lights, vending machines, and snacks. Sitting on the chairs and beanbags were five students. One of which Amy instantly recognised as Cassidy. The shadow's dispersed and Amy landed standing up.
"Welcome Amy! I see you found your way alright." said Cassidy.
"Yeah! But it was mostly thanks to your glowing plants." replied Amy. She looked at the other students.
"Well, let me introduce you. Going from closest to you to furthest, We have Harvey, Natalia, Oskar, and Bruno." introduced Cassidy. Amy greeted them all with a smile and a small wave before moving to sit down next to Cassidy on a beanbag.
The party began like any other with small talk about their day before moving on to abilities.
"So, Amy, what is your ability?" asked Oskar.
"I don't know. I haven't been able to discover what it is yet." replied Amy.
"Well, Oskar here has the ability of momentum, Harvey has shadowkinesis, Natalia has metamorphosis, I have florakinesis, and Bruno has invisibility. Quite the diverse group I believe." said Cassidy. Bruno was a small boy with bowl-cut brown hair and was wearing a white t-shirt and some light brown shorts.
"I'm sure you'll find it out sooner or later. But for now don't worry too much. Our abilities will be pointless by the end of the week." said Oskar in the low voice. They and had some of their drinks and Harvey used his shadowkinesis to get a snack from inside the vending machine.
The night went on. Every now and then, Amy would look at the clock in the room and check the time. 7:48, 7: 59, 8:37, 9:45, 11:30. Every time she checked the time it seemed to be going faster. BY now everyone was pretty drunk and a bad decision was immanent.
"Hey, do any of you know who's been attacking Cassie? She won't tell me anything and you all seem to know a lot about what goes on inside the school." slurred Amy in her drunken state. The group of students began to laugh hysterically.
"Oh yeah! We know who's been doing that!" exclaimed Oskar. He was sitting on the floor resting against Cassidy's legs and his shirt was long gone to be used as a blanket for Bruno.
"Who is then?" asked Amy.
"We are! We're the ones who've been attacking her. She deserves it the little rat." said Harvey. Amy turned from drunk pleasure to drunk anger.
She rose up and stumbled over to Harvey with a clenched fist. He looked up at her from the chair and met her eyes. Amy stumbled over and fell onto the chair which set everyone off in laughter including Amy who forgot why she was so angry.
Meanwhile, Cassie was laying on the roof of the female dormitory in her little tent. This wasn't the open space roof but instead the true roof over her own room which she had turned into her own little hideout. She had been up here watching Amy walk through the forest following the glowing plants and was now here reading a book under the stars as she normally did on a night like this one.
The doors to the open space roof opened and two girls walked out laughing. Amy couldn't help but close her book and listen in for a bit.
"Did you hear about the new girl?" asked one girl.
"Oh yeah. I heard that she was going to the weekly meet up of 'The Crusaders' tonight. Is she joining their group?" asked the other girl.
"Probably. Who'd want to be part of Cassie's group?" the two girls laughed together and hushed each other to not wake up the other students.
"Remember when Cassie tried to be part of 'The Crusaders'? Oh, now that was funny. She got kicked out so quickly she probably got whiplash."
"Yeah. It was right in the middle of the lunch hall as well! I heard a rumour she got so annoyed she punched Oskar's tooth right out!" once again the two girls laughed. This time Madame Terble opened the door.
"Get inside and go to sleep! And detention for the both of you! It's 11:42!" said Madame Terble is an angry whisper.
Once the two girls had gone back inside, Amy curled up in a ball and began to cry. She normally did on a night like this one. The only difference was that she looked up at the edge of the roof. After it was a sheer drop down three stories. Normally someone could survive it but land on your head and it's a different story.